全 96 件のコメント

[–]ponyproblematic 45ポイント46ポイント  (4子コメント)

You might just live in a region with a shitty fall, it sounds like.

I'm a huge fall person- where I am, summer is miserably hot and humid, and as a person who likes to wear all black and many sweaters, I start whining around June. While fall is rainy here, I've found a good umbrella to help deal with that. Plus the awesome halloween stuff comes out and I can drink hot coffee beverages again. The seasonal releases for fall and winter tend to work a bit better with my colouring and style.

And really, I see nearly as much hype about other seasons changing- I remember around March when MUA was full of "happy colours for spring!" and we were still covered in slush. People talk about the weather.

[–]Sop1234 15ポイント16ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm the exact same, I tolerate the rest of the year for when shops start stocking Halloween decorations and the leaves are crunchy and the grass gets that frost that feels all nice and crispy to walk on and all the clothes are maroon and black so I can stock up for the year. I was in a class the other day and I noticed out of the window there was a tree that was half green and half red and gold and it looked like it could be a painting, it was beautiful.

[–]Moonstone-star 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

Where I live it's already in the 80s come march. My birthday is also the first day of spring so I'm glad for it to come haha

[–]ponyproblematic 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeesh, it doesn't get that warm here until June. Remind me not to go live with you.

[–]Overthehills-faraway 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

I live in an area with pretty much no fall (phoenix), and I try so hard to make it fall. Scarves, boots, warm drinks...when it's 100 degrees out. I wish we had real fall like you!

[–]sea-weedฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ 12ポイント13ポイント  (2子コメント)

What are you not liking about the CSS? I'm personally fond of the simple clean look of it but to each their own.

Autumn's my favourite season for the following reasons, among many others:

  • My birthday is in October.

  • Lifelong fan of Halloween.

  • It's my main shopping season since the majority of my wardrobe is made of black and grey with a few things in dark colours and fall is when this kind of stuff is in stores.

  • I enjoy layering. Cardigans, scarves and boots are my jam.

  • My favourite makeup shades are seasonally appropriate during this part of the year. I can and do wear them anytime I feel like it but it's nice to see other people doing it too.

  • I can wear the dark spicy perfumes that are too heavy for warmer weather.

  • It's butternut squash and pumpkin season. I'm vegetarian and love eating these bad boys.

  • Edited to add APPLE CIDER because it is important.

[–]captstella 12ポイント13ポイント  (0子コメント)

So filter it. Different people get excited about different things. Like, I don't really care about Disney anything, which has blown up on MUA lately, but I think it's neat that it makes other people so happy. I love Fall because it means I can drink hot tea without people judging me for it still being 80 degrees outside. I love boot weather, scarves, and wearing leggings constantly. I admit I love pumpkin everything. Halloween is my favorite holiday. The leaves change, the weather becomes bearable again, and it's my favorite kind of fashion. So yeah, I'm gonna be excited about Fall.

[–]c0mbeferre 26ポイント27ポイント  (39子コメント)

Because fall is awesome!

It's good for beauty subs especially because you can demonstrate style pretty easily (layering is possible but you won't be covering stuff with heavy coats or winter boots), you don't have to worry about sweating makeup off or flaking it all off, it's associated with currently-trendy colors like deep plums and reds and golds, it's generally not super humid so your hair does what you want it to do, you can accessorize without wanting to suffocate but you can wear silk without freezing to death, etc

Also the aesthetic: red-gold leaves, not-quite barren trees, rich warm colors, hot drinks when you've just come inside from a brisk walk and you're chilly but not freezing to death etc.

Also in the Northeast US it's one of the few times in the year where it's not unbearable to be outside for extended periods of time.

[–]tuxedofancy 9ポイント10ポイント  (2子コメント)

Makeup wise? Probably because the weather gets cooler so wearing darker or more dramatic looks is a bit easier as you don't have to worry about sweating it off.

When people say they are obsessed with fall I assume them mean Halloween/Thanksgiving and pumpkin spiced (insert item of your choosing). Halloween is pretty cool because there is opportunity to wear a costume and do something different. We don't do Thanksgiving in Scotland but I like mashed potatos and gravy and pumpkin pie so I see the appeal.

As with all internet spaces it seems hyperbole abounds "OMG I love this pumpkin spiced liquid matte lipstick. I literally can't. I just can't", "Best. Season. Ever." Ad nauseum...

[–]abbeyrogue 9ポイント10ポイント  (0子コメント)

I love fall because it means my kids and I can do all the fun stuff. Pumpkin picking, harvest festival, Halloween! Every year we have a remembrance day event - fall for us is family gatherings, so I love fall. I live n the mountains and so I get the great colour change (I'm from Canada so I always get to see my whole province change.

Big coats are back in but I don't have to zip it up just yet, boots are in but not flat bottom anti slip boots, you can still look and feel fabulous in fall without spring allergies, summer acne and winter freezing.

Also the smell of fall.

And the fact that yes I can wear whatever makeup I want (and do so already) I don't get second glances for wearing 'fall' colours. I don't have to hear "that's rather dark for summer". Although instead it's "that's rather neon for fall" w/e.

[–]Moonstone-star 8ポイント9ポイント  (11子コメント)

I like the weather really. Halloween is also my fave holiday so I get excited for it. I like the rich, Jewel tones that you don't really see in the spring and summer (mainly in clothing) and I like that you can generally get away with heavier or darker looks :)

It's a time of year that feels really cozy to me, I get to bring out my Chai lattes again, and I love dressing for cold weather!

And pumpkin. Mmm I love pumpkin and always stock up on candles and shower gels in really yummy fall flavors.

[–]zeugma_kerfuffle 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well first of all, my birthday is in the fall [November 4!] so that's always exciting.

I run hot, so getting a break from the summer heat is extremely welcome, and being able to wear jackets is so nice. And not being constantly sweaty - that's a big plus, too.

Right now I live in a place where fall = changing leaves, more wind, a little rain, but mostly crisp, clear days that are nice and cool but mostly sunny.

It's easier to drink hot tea/cider/coffee/chocolate/whatever without wanting to die, and holding the hot mug is comforting.

I can use blankets again without drowning in my own sweat while I sleep.

I don't have to shave my legs as often.

Dark colors are just so fun. And yeah, I know you can wear colors all year round, but dark colors are just more suited to fall. Like pastels are suited to spring and brights are suited to summer. I don't question the fashion world on this.

Fall has been my favorite season for a long time, but before I wore makeup it was mostly because fall = not wanting to die of heat stroke all the time [I lived in the desert; getting a break from the summer temps was a blessing]

[–]scooby_noob 7ポイント8ポイント  (8子コメント)

I wonder if this has always been the case? I don't know whether I would've noticed it when I was younger. In some ways, though, I think it's because fall and summer are the two seasons with the most well defined aesthetics, and it happens that fall is more in keeping with the bookish, comfortably bundled up, coffee-toting cool-girl ethos of this decade. Maybe if the bare skin, baywatch, carefree summer girl ethos eclipses the bookish girl, summer will get more hype than fall? I think that's how it used to be anyway, before nerdy and bundled up had the clout it has now.

And winter and spring, I think, are more neglected, because they aren't bookended by the excitement of "school's out" and "back-to-school," and because what you envision wearing in winter and spring -- some degree of insulated outerwear, jeans, layers -- isn't polar opposite; the seasons aesthetics seem to bleed into each other, while summer and fall theoretically entail totally different wardrobe staples.

[–]Lisvaughn 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

Certain colors associated with certain seasons, and the shift in style in both clothing and makeup is pretty drastic from summer to fall. In summer people don't typically wear many dark colors like plum and burgundy, while in fall they're very celebrated. From your comments it seems like you just don't understand why certain things are seasonal and have a hard time accepting that people can enjoy things that you personally don't..

[–]way-harsh-tai 3ポイント4ポイント  (2子コメント)

Summer is fucking awful, in my opinion. It is WAY too hot and humid here. I can wear all of my winter clothes with the weather change, which I really think are more stylish/comfortable. Smokier eye-looks and bolder lipsticks are lovely all the time, but I tend to wear them more this time of year so they don't melt off during the day.

Fall also puts me into this groove of sports season (which has nothing to do with makeup/beauty, I KNOW); football and hockey starts, which means more game-days. YASSSS to drinking pumpkin flavored beer.

Also, I live in DC. This time of year means less tourists, which is always great.

[–]kat4888 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

I live in DC too and the tourist thing is spot on. Also, that it's now not 90 degrees with 80% humidity everyday is great

[–]way-harsh-tai 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

YESSSS! Cheers, to no more tourist crowds blocking train platforms!

[–]Tuipie 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I will say it gets a touch annoying for all of us in the Southern Hemisphere going into spring! But the spring/autumn divide ("fall" is such an American term) is way better than the summer/winter one. We're used to it though, and we'll go have chats about spring makeup on the Aussie/NZ subreddit (join us if you're Southern Hemisphere!)

[–]all_that_glitters_ 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

I think we just have short attention spans. Pretty sure the spring looks will start appearing in, like, February.

[–]Lisvaughn 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

February is mid to late winter, so I don't see how that's surprising.

[–]all_that_glitters_ 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's not, but Feb is still dreary and slushy, much like how people were excited for fall when it was in the 80s.