全 53 件のコメント

[–]DukeOfBoomLazy Marxist 30ポイント31ポイント  (1子コメント)

State = parents.

[–]CorteousGent 24ポイント25ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's funny how they compare us to children being disobedient, but by extension think of themselves as obedient children as well

[–]CzechsMixAnCap 25ポイント26ポイント  (7子コメント)

The 'right' to healthcare The 'right' to a job The 'right' to education The 'right' to basic income The 'right' to feel safe from guns

Who the hell is OP talking about again?

[–]Blackjack148[S] 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

The comic and its title, if you're referring to me as OP.

[–]ajtexasranger 4ポイント5ポイント  (5子コメント)

Maybe the right to free speech?

Some want to ban certain words and libertarians know that is wrong.

[–]CzechsMixAnCap 8ポイント9ポイント  (1子コメント)

That's a negative right.

Most statists don't recognize the difference between positive and negative rights.

[–]PromptCritical725 9ポイント10ポイント  (0子コメント)

Most statists don't recognize the difference between positive and negative rights.

This. Also the confusion between allowing something and initiating something. I'm sure there's a terms for it that escapes me.
To illustrate: A right to life exists. If a person (we'll call him Bob) is threatened with death, by say a disease, and another person (Joe) has the means to prevent that death, withholding that remedy for any reason constitutes killing Bob. This is seen as no different than Joe pulling out a gun and shooting Bob. Ironically, they see no problem with threatening death upon Joe for not helping Bob. Speaking of guns, there's also the confusion of individual rights and society. They say their right to life is threatened by society allowing ownership of guns, even if 99.99% of gun owners will not harm them or anyone else.

[–]Clowdy1Ron Paul = Jesus -1ポイント0ポイント  (2子コメント)

Just because I oddly feel the need to clarify even though it wont do any good, not wanting to take the garbage out is supposed to be not wanting to pay your taxes.

[–]iamacontrarianstill waiting for my paycheck from the kochs 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

A lot of C&H is a political metaphor, but how do you get taxes out of this one?

[–]the9trancesMinarchist: Month 5 of 6 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah, that's super obvious that the linked thread is attempting that, but it rests on a banal idea of "if you don't let other people take money from you, based on false promises, you are avoiding your duty."

Which, fine, I get it: to have an authoritarian, centralized, Big Brother-type government, anyone who isn't paying their taxes isn't actively building towards this monolith is viewed as "not doing their part." Either the government provides it with the money it takes, or it can't possibly be done. Poor little government. They've always been so downtrodden. It's that wicked greedy profit motive that stands in their way!

[–]basedjamalSomalian Road Chieftain 10ポイント11ポイント  (1子コメント)

A right is something that is morally justified to do and immoral to deny. Refraining from doing something (e.g. disposing garbage, pay for welfare lel) is a right, as it is morally justified to do nothing and it is immoral to deny someone from inaction as slavery is immoral.

If that comic strip is suggesting that libertarians who refuse to accept literal slavery are somehow arguing that they have the justification to do "anything" (which includes immoral aggression against others), then they've made nothing more than a categorically false analogy - which is what the OP did and those simpletons upvoting him agree with. This is the fallacious drivel that gets 100+ upvotes on ELS? LMFAO, what pitifully obvious imbeciles they are.

They hide behind sophistry in the face of intellectual honesty and logical consistency to feign a pretense for their desperate appeals to emotion and depraved, self-serving, and truly selfish sense of entitlement, when in actuality there is no morally consistent justification for their aggression. Without fabricated falsehoods to slander and misrepresent the opposition to their immorality and delude themselves about their own righteousness, they could do nothing but honestly admit they are thieves/aggressors who steal and aggress against others because that is what they feel is in their best interest and most self-beneficial irrespective of what is morally consistent (i.e. they are selectively ignorant and immoral) as opposed to this facade they cling to that they are magically otherwise in order to mislead the logically careless and lazy (including themselves if they truly believe their beliefs are morally consistent with an opposition to slavery, theft, rape, murder etc - i.e. acts of aggression).

[–]virgule 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

It all reeks of narcissistic supply to me. Im just saying...

[–]basedjamalSomalian Road Chieftain 9ポイント10ポイント  (37子コメント)

Take a look at what this retarded authoritarian /u/Clowdy1 who posted that fallacious thread wrote in response to it being linked here:

I Love this comment on that post


The lack of self awareness never ceases to amaze me. He completely owns up to the fact that he is just like Calvin in this strip and then claims that he has the right to do nothing (i.e. not pay taxes) and claims that being forced to take out the garbage is LITERAL SLAVERY.

Reading AnCap comments never gets old.

LMFAO He makes this completely delusional equivocation of "lack of self-awareness" with actual self-awareness in admitting that being forced to do something by another person (e.g. take out garbage) is indeed literal slavery and he contends a pathetically unfounded and backpedeling strawman of "he is just like Calvin" for only admitting this, when in fact the comic strip mentioned that Calvin believes he has the right to do anything he wants, a belief not shared/espoused by me/libertarians here or elsewhere and I've refuted in my previous post as well, and /u/Clowdy1 submitted nothing more than a desperate false analogy to feign a pitiful attempt at mockery. Also notice how he so conveniently has failed to refute anything I've said and has ignored them to spew more fallacious mistruths.

I'll repost what I wrote in precisely that previous logically consistent comment of mine this imbecile ironically had the delusionally foolish and unwarranted courage to slander as it explains precisely the subterfuge he's attempted in this comment as well or really what all leftists do when they argue with us:

They hide behind sophistry in the face of intellectual honesty and logical consistency to feign a pretense for their desperate appeals to emotion and depraved, self-serving, and truly selfish sense of entitlement, when in actuality there is no morally consistent justification for their aggression. Without fabricated falsehoods to slander and misrepresent the opposition to their immorality and delude themselves about their own righteousness, they could do nothing but honestly admit they are thieves/aggressors who steal and aggress against others because that is what they feel is in their best interest and most self-beneficial irrespective of what is morally consistent (i.e. they are selectively ignorant and immoral) as opposed to this facade they cling to that they are magically otherwise in order to mislead the logically careless and lazy (including themselves if they truly believe their beliefs are morally consistent with an opposition to slavery, theft, rape, murder etc - i.e. acts of aggression).