Idle Thoughts
Toxic Activism
Discuss anything related to gender justice.
Discussions of the rules or their enforcement belong in /r/FeMRAMeta
The spirit of the sub is to constructively discuss issues surrounding gender justice in a safer space.
You need to be an approved commenter/poster to participate here. For more information on how to become one, please consult our wiki on the topic.
Identifiable groups based on gender, sexuality, gender-politics or race cannot be the target of insulting comments, nor can insulting generalizations be extended to members of those groups. Arguments which specifically and adequately acknowledge diversity within those groups, but still advance a universal principle may be allowed, and will incur no penalty if not. This means that you can say "Women oppress men" and "Men oppress women" without earning an infraction.
No slurs, personal attacks, ad hominem, insults against another user, their argument, or their ideology. This does not include criticisms of other subreddits. This includes insults to this subreddit. This includes referring to people as feminazis, misters, eagle librarians, or telling users they mansplaining, femsplaining, JAQing off or any variants thereof.
Mods reserve the right to post a screenshot of extreme messages sent in modmail/pms to the mods, which will result in an infraction.
There are some other powers of intervention the mods have in exceptional circumstances.
Everyone, including non-users, is protected by the rules. However, insults against non-users will be modded more leniently.
Comments that do not clearly violate the above rules, but are deemed to be unreasonably antagonistic or borderline may be sandboxed at the mods' discretion. This is not an official infraction and does not affect your standing in the tier system. If the user thinks that worthwhile content was lost by the sandboxing, they may repost the content in a more acceptable manner in the form of a new comment.
- Make titles clear and descriptive.
- After making a post, assign it flair.
- Links to threads, comments, or searches in other subs should be "np" links.
- Be nice. Try to communicate constructively and intelligently. Try to help others do the same.
- Report comments that are -ist (racist/sexist/etc), rather than commenting that they are -ist. Don't insult people who "deserve" to be insulted. Don't allow yourself to be baited into breaking the rules by someone who is breaking the rules.
- If you use a term that is in the Glossary of Default Definitions, and you use it with a different definition, you should specify that definition the first time you use the word.
Guidelines are not enforced, but please try to follow them.
Banning Tiers
Full Explanation
- First offenders will be warned.
- Second offenders will be banned for 24h.
- Third time offenders will be banned for 7 days.
- Fourth time offenders will be banned almost permanently.
The creation of alt accounts to sidestep the banning system will result in an immediate ban of any and all known alt accounts in the present and future.
If you are on the third or fourth tier, you can message the mods if it's been three months or longer since your last infraction and you will be bumped down a tier.
The above rules do not apply to comments in the Deleted Comments thread.
Theme Days
These are suggestions, not limitations. Do not report off-topic posts for these days.
- Men's Mondays (discuss men's issues)
- LGBTuesdays (discuss LGBT issues)
- Women's Wednesdays (discuss women's issues)
- Ethnicity Thursdays (discussions on race)
- Fucking Fridays (discussions on sex and gender, TGIFF!)
- Silly Saturdays (post comics, imgur links, etc)
- Serene Sundays (don't criticize feminism/feminists or the MRM/MRAs)
FeMRADebates' list of banned users.
tbri's deleted comments thread
karmaze's deleted comments thread
kareem_jordan's deleted comments thread
残りのコメントをみる →
[–]CisWhiteMaelstromThe Red Pill [スコア非表示] (4子コメント)
[–]suicidedreamer [スコア非表示] (2子コメント)
[–]CisWhiteMaelstromThe Red Pill [スコア非表示] (1子コメント)
[–]suicidedreamer [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]coherentsheafPretending at wisdom [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)