Modern “feminism” is little more than systematic lookism.

A lot of guys think modern feminism is about hating men. While there are crazies out there who DO hate men, it’s not what the ulterior motive behind so-called “feminism” actually is. Originally, feminism was about human rights, but it has morphed into a systematic, institutionalized form of lookist bigotry. It has become a war on the beta male whose only “crime” is not being good looking.

Much of modern “feminism” is fueled the fact that, despite having already acheived human rights, women remain heavily pressured by society and circumstances to effectively prostitute themselves to a man they have little sexual attraction to – IF they want commitment, children, or a man who will stick around. What went on OVERTLY in times past, is still happening COVERTLY today.

Emotionally, many of them feel like any sex that is not desired is “rape”, even if they do it willingly – like sex with a beta provider male! This is why they continue to broaden the definition of “rape”. Their sex crime hysteria is a smokescreen that furthers their hidden lookist agenda, which is TO ROB AVERAGE LOOKING MEN OF THEIR RESOURCES WHILE ONLY FUCKING CHADS. The very ROOT of gender conflict is about sexual attraction, and the fact that most men simply don’t turn women on in a sexual way.

Why do you think they get their panties in such a twist on sexual issues? Rape, sexual harassement, “sexual” this, “sexual” that? The gender war is about sex. I’ll repeat it again: THE GENDER WAR IS ABOUT SEX! Remember that shit! Everything else is politically correct fluff talk to evade coming clean about their ulterior motives.

Those who benefit from the status quo are VERY afraid of the men’s movement. The majority of women only want to fuck good looking guys, and they RESENT having to whore themselves out to a beta if they want children of their own, marriage, etc. The gold diggers and settlers want to protect their shady business practices. The men’s movement, IF IT BECAME LOOKS AWARE, could mean having to provide more sexual services for less compensation.

I wish the MGTOW croud would WAKE THE FUCK UP about the looks issue and stop LIVING IN DENIAL!! They have the numbers to actually accomplish some REAL changes in society, but the Big Lie about looks blinds them – no thanks in part to the fucking “Pickup Artists” pushing “looks don’t matter” bullshit. If the general manosphere realized the lookist game that is being played on them, it would awaken the sleeping giant!

Women WANT Chads, but end up USING average looking men for their resources and ability to provide (because Chad won’t commit). Then, they LIE about it, claiming to be “less visual than men” or “more mature than that”. When we collectively call women “shallow bitches” for being honest about what they want, WE AID AND ABET THE DISPICABLE BEHAVOR OF THE SETTLERS AND OPPORTUNISTS!

What a woman is sexually attracted to has no bearing whatsoever on her level of maturity or character as a person. “Shallow” women are HONEST women. The LIARS who claim otherwise have ulterior motives, and ARE NOT GOOD LONG-TERM PARTNERS. Remember that shit!

2 thoughts on “Modern “feminism” is little more than systematic lookism.

  1. P Ray

    OmegaKV said it best:
    women would rather be alone than marry a substandard beta

    A childless woman is the female equivalent of an incel. When women hit their 30s and Chad loses interest in them, women DO marry betas. Monogamy is all about getting Chad to be off limits to women early on, so that incels can have women when they are young.

    You mean normal men incels usually can’t even get average 5/10s to marry of have them for ltr.That it was like 90 years ago guys would pair off with females from ages 17-21.In this 5 year window most girls found their life partner.But since the average women aka 5/10 can get sex with a guy who is a 7/10 sometimes higher she would rather that deal.Fuck guys out of her league in short -term flings in the teens and 20s then when she is in her early 30s and the top 20 percent ignore her she has her looks match to fall back on.But what is happening is the average guys are not marrying or having children with these women.Since a women’s value is her looks,youth and fertility most women lose about 60 percent of there looks by the time they hit age 30 its hard to sell yourself for ltr even to a average man.

    Then these women are forced to marry or long-term men they think are below them she was 6/10 when she was young now she is 30 and is a 5/10 and the 5/10 guys her age don’t want her besides for sex.She now marries a 4/10 man and is angry at him withholds sex after the children are born,complains is always angry.But in reality she is angry with herself but takes it out on the husband to feel better even saying its hes fault.The husbands then try to be nice and caring but that makes the women even more angry because now she can’t be a bitch to him without coming off as the one in the wrong.Divorce happens and to add insult to injury now she wants alimony and hes pension etc she thinks she deserves these things because she had to settle with a loser in her eyes and lost good years of her life.

    My comment? Dopey women should be well aware of their fertility window.
    Any man marrying a woman out of her teens, is also – very likely marrying a cocksheath and future alzheimer sufferer (COMMON STDs increase the probability of developing that condition) … where HE is paying for her previous fun.


  2. P Ray

    Modern feminism has also become a
    “terrorist movement”
    many men are absolutely afraid that their employment will come to an end if they are exposed as speaking out against (unjustified) injustice men face at the hands of feminists.

    rantsofanincel recently became password-protected, probably because he feared the wrath of the pink mafia (they’re scary if you need a job to survive)


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