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[–]kalidescopetitties[S] -22ポイント-21ポイント  (12子コメント)

It's not white entitlement, if it was the other way around people would be protesting against the game. The double standard is disgusting.

[–]PENIS__FINGERS 31ポイント32ポイント  (11子コメント)

Dude, are you joking? I've played so many video games with absolutely no regard for black characters at all. I'm 100% white and i'm acknowledging this. Video games have always been and continue to be marketed for and by white people. There is rarely customization options in video games for black features, and there is NEVER a game where the main characters are black/ partake in african-american culture.

If you can't have ONE game feature a black supporting cast without crying 'racist,' then so be it. Even in a game that is directed by one of the most influential black directors of the past 30 years, you guys are crying racist because you cannot have white parents. Even in a league where 80% of the population is black. Please. But don't deny the fact that it's white entitlement. You feel you should be entitled to play a game with a white supporting cast because you're white. Why does it matter?