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[–]MarineLayer[S] -3ポイント-2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Lol, Jada was not showing submissiveness in calling Will her king, she was responding to him talking about "never divorcing his queen." They have an equalitarian relationship, not a misogynistic red pill ome. Hardly any women show submissiveness to their husband anymore, it's unnatural and only insecure men expect it from their wives.

PM from a Blue Piller after making this thread lmao.

My reply..

''Unnatural'' lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

The egg is passive, the sperm is active. 9th grade biology you f*cktard. When a male to female transgender is given estrogen pills and testosterone blockers, he loses his muscle/has his voice box drop/becomes less aggressive/gains bodyfat/becomes more emotional.

Vice versa with when a female is given testosterone inections/estrogen blockers. She becomes stronger, gains more muscle mass, gains hair, her voice box becomes deeper, she becomes more aggressive, more risk taking/dominant. Lay off the fucking political science classes idiot, look at observable nature.

A penis goes INTO the vagina, women are the fuckee's, not the fuckers. You're on your back getting fucked, you're in a submissive position.