
I hate when my father or grandfather refer to the bees in our hives as “guys”,”boys”,”buddies”, and the like. I am tired of bees in media being portrayed as male. Bees are considered the symbol of work and industry but few people actually understand what bees’ lives are like. Few people acknowledge that these inspirational insects are matriarchal.

My father and grandfather are both very educated men who raise bees, they know all bees, with the exception of drones, are female, yet they insist on using male language for them, especially when praising them. All the working bees in the hive are female, drones are the only males and their only purpose is to mate with the queen. The females do all the work, the females build all the comb, the females collect all the pollen, the females make all the honey, and that isn’t even half of everything that bees do. Honey bees are amazing creatures and they are female.

I’m sorry that these amazing inspirational creatures don’t fit into your disgusting patriarchal system where males are the only sex that can do things of consequence.

Female work is devalued by men even in the insect world. How fragile can masculinity be?

(via realmofvikings)

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