
Syrian refugees in Europe, regime change in Damascus, and the mass migrations still to come

Syrian refugees in Europe, regime change in Damascus, and the mass migrations still to come
"An iron curtain has descended across the continent..." So said Winston Churchill during his speech at Harry Truman's Missouri hometown in 1945, more or less officially declaring the Cold War to 'contain' Soviet Russia and establish the West's de facto control of the planet. That 'iron curtain' was mostly metaphorical, but the steel wire chain-link fences that are being erected today along Hungary's border with Serbia are very real. As...

Gaddafi prophesied Europe's refugee crisis: 'The Mediterranean will become a sea of chaos'

Gaddafi prophesied Europe's refugee crisis: 'The Mediterranean will become a sea of chaos'
Millions of refugees storming European borders have definitely come as a surprise to Western politicians. They would not have, if the West only listened to what Libya's leader Muammar Gaddafi said months before he was brutally executed. In fact, some of these people would not be seeking shelter in Europe if their homes were not destroyed as a result of short-sighted aggressive Western policies. In March 2011, Gaddafi warned that without...
Bad Guys

STRATFOR Chief outlines psychopathic Zio-Anglo-American plans for world domination in speech to Chicago Council on Global Affairs

STRATFOR Chief outlines psychopathic Zio-Anglo-American plans for world domination in speech to Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Global geopolitical chessboard: Psychopathic players and cynical moves guarantee a future of perpetual war"From the Black Sea to the Baltic" Explosive presentation hosted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs reveals what no government official, no political representative, no NGO executive and no think tank director has ever said before in public STRATFOR Founder George Friedman expresses the profound flaws and extreme hubris of American...
Gold Seal

Pwned: Russia deftly trolls Cameron's Twitter account after British govt sez Corbyn is 'threat to National Security'

Pwned: Russia deftly trolls Cameron's Twitter account after British govt sez Corbyn is 'threat to National Security'
David Cameron must be used to being mercilessly trolled on line by now - but it's not every day he gets sent snarky messages on behalf of Vladimir Putin. Among the countless Tweets mocking Cameron's over-the-top warning about Labour being a 'security threat' was one from the Russian Embassy. They said: "Just imagine UK media headlines if Russian President called a leading opposition party threat to national security?" Just imagine UK media...

World News