World News
Puppet Masters
- Conflict of interests? Sir Malcolm Rifkind helped hire head of UK parliamentary watchdog that cleared him over 'cash-for-access' allegations
- Like rats fleeing a sinking ship, corporate giants bail out on Clinton Foundation
- One year on, still YES: Tens of thousands rally for Scottish independence from London
- Israeli Air Force strikes Gaza after two rocket attacks
- Russian 'weaponized default' could be the ultimate answer to Western aggression
- Best of the Web: Gaddafi prophesied Europe's refugee crisis: 'The Mediterranean will become a sea of chaos'
- South Front Foreign Policy Diary: Deconstructing the 'Migration War' (plus Crisis News)
- South Front Military Report: Poroshenko told UAF infiltrated by Russian agents
- Summary execution from 'on high': California Cops Assassinate Fleeing Suspect From Helicopter after causing him to crash into second vehicle injuring three
- Peace in Syria? It's Putin's fault
More Recent News
Society's Child
- We are double-plus unfree
- Police shoot and kill man in front of his mother and daughter during welfare check
- Flashback: I am so sick of lies! Are you?
- Still trust your bank? Financial institutions required to file suspicious activities reports without your knowledge
- Applemania: Chinese sperm banks seduce donors with promise of new iPhone 6s
- Germans worried refugee crisis will ruin Oktoberfest
- Justifying police brutality: U.S. officials lament an 'undeclared war' against law enforcement
- Video showing cops caught breaking into family's backyard, killing dog in front of 2-year-old girl
- Veterans run ad in Air Force Times urging drone pilots to 'follow your conscience' and disobey orders
- Meet an American who joined the Novorussian army to fight fascism in Ukraine
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Secret History
- 'Young' 126,000-year-old steppe mammoth skeleton found in Siberia
- 5,000-year-old throne found in Turkey
- Ancient rock art sensation discovered at Norwegian site for Arctic oil terminal
- 16 Pyramids discovered in ancient Sudan cemetery
- Herero and Namaqua Genocide: The little-known first genocide of the Second Reich
- Records show that Nazis took Meth prior to their Blitzkriegs
- Archaeologists stunned when medieval skeleton found in roots of 215 year old tree
- Feeding the drug business: How the CIA commandeered the Drug Enforcement Agency
- The other 9/11: The US-sponsored Chilean coup
- The Black Death: The Plague that sowed terror and death in Medieval Europe
More Recent News
Science & Technology
- Planetary detectives may have spotted massive cloud of comets orbiting distant star
- Australian student develops new ion space drive: Beats NASA's fuel efficiency record
- Snowden talks alien encryption with Neil deGrasse Tyson
- UK scientists apply for license to modify human embryos
- UC Berkeley close to making invisibility cloak a reality
- 'New Horizon' sends back stunning images of Pluto's atmosphere, giant ice mountains
- Earth's pull is 'massaging' our moon
- FBI investigating the cutting of fiber optic cables in California, AT&T offers reward
- 'Living fossil' fish uses gills to breath but retains vestigial lung
- Solar system replica built by space enthusiasts in Nevada Desert - 11km (7 mi) wide
More Recent News
Earth Changes
- 5 children drown and 1 missing in flash floods in northern Vietnam
- Flash floods kill 11 in Iran
- Wolves kill large guard dogs in Butternut, Wisconsin
- Storm brings record rainfall to Southern California
- Winter begins in western US as snow falls in California, Idaho, Utah and Colorado
- Flash-flooding in Utah worst natural disaster in state's history
- Tornado rips through Kansas, hits houses, trees & powerlines
- Volcano alert level for Mauna Loa elevated to Advisory status
- Thailand declares Pattaya a disaster zone following flash floods
- Apocalyptic images show impact of Chile's 8.3 magnitude earthquake
More Recent News
Fire in the Sky
- Fireball brighter than crescent moon flies over Alabama
- Meteor lights up Quezon City skies
- Mysterious 'boom' stuns residents of a town in Gloucester, UK
- Meteor seen entering Oman atmosphere; explosions heard
- Meteor filmed by Washington Monument camera
- Photographer captures fireball against the Northern Lights in Finland
- Massive meteor fireball witnessed in Thailand, explosions heard
- Over fifty reports of fireball visible over English Channel
- Sott Exclusive: Meteor fireball explodes over eastern Turkey, sending shower of meteorites to the ground
- 2 large fireballs impact in Qazvin Province, Iran
More Recent News
Health & Wellness
- Detoxing with lemon and ginger tea
- Paradigm change: People increasingly avoiding carbohydrates in favor of fat and protein
- Parkinson's may be cased by stomach pathogen entering the brain via the vagus nerve
- Chlorpyrifos on your food: Why is the EPA stalling?
- Is dairy sabotaging your gluten free healing?
- Is another human living inside you?
- Study suggests preventing changes in gut microbiota with antibiotics may prolong life, prevent disease
- Certified organic grain found to be contaminated with glyphosate
- New Gallup poll: Big Pharma and Feds among the most hated Institutions in America
- Bacon lovers: Don't be afraid of Nitrites
More Recent News
Science of the Spirit
- Beliefs that can help to transform negative emotions
- Irrational decisions might be the result of quantum theory, mathematicians say
- Feeling intense emotions doesn't mean you're crazy, it means you're human
- Researchers show that dwelling on the past negatively impacts self control in the present
- Empathy: Being comfortable sitting with another persons pain
- Evangelical Christianity - creating and manipulating low self-esteem
- New study suggests that psychopaths don't "catch" yawns
- The US military and the myth that humanity is predisposed to violence
- Compassion and generosity are powerful habits
- How to get things done? Tap into the energy of a working group
More Recent News
High Strangeness
- Owner scraps van after being 'plagued by Poltergeists for 12 months'
- Mystery creature routinely wrecking cars in Vinita, Oklahoma parking lot
- Woman captures film of 'UFO plasma' melting in the sky over Hope Valley, Rhode Island
- Do you dare enter a Fairy Ring? Mythical mushroom portals of the supernatural
- Bizarre shape-changing UFO filmed over New York
- UFO enthusiasts say NASA's Mars Curiosity Rover photo shows object that looks like a crashed Star Wars destroyer
- UFOs videoed by multiple witnesses over Los Angeles
- The strange and unexplained phenomenon of raining objects
- Unidentified buried object found in new NASA Mars photo
- Russia the scapegoat: Baltic Sea UFO blamed on Russia
More Recent News
Don't Panic! Lighten Up!
- New deal? Welsh magician creates Jeremy Corbyn card trick
- The power of love, Tillie to the rescue
- Kazakh Muslim leader proposes sex tax
- Seal goes surfing on a whale
- Hillary Clinton's conditioning training to replicate emotions - campaign staff reports progress
- Cassetteboy v Cameron: Mashup artists mock Tory Toff-in-Chief's revolting ad attacking Corbyn
- Queen Hillary
- How to unwind from the Dark Side: Stormtroopers photographed doing their shopping and relaxing
- Swinging in the rain: Bulldog turns hammock into see-saw
- United Church of Bacon membership trebles after offering free weddings, baptisms and funerals