For those unfamiliar with the concept of mansplaining, allow me to womansplain: Mansplaining happens when a man, who is sometimes well-intentioned, explains things to a woman that she a) already knows, or b) didn't ask about. A prime example of this all-too-common phenomenon is when Matt Damon interrupted a successful black female filmmaker to explain to her what he meant by diversity.
Damon has since apologized, but mansplaining remains rampant. Luckily, one woman is taking a stand against mansplainers everywhere. Elle Armageddon used her Twitter account to publish a handy flow chart that should help men decide whether it's a good idea to explain something to a woman or not. The chart, entitled, "Should You Explain the Thing to the Lady?" covers just about all situations in which the urge to mansplain would arise.
According to the Huffington Post, Armageddon said that, "she was inspired to create the image after a man felt the need to explain the difference between ascending and descending street numbers to her." Ironically, not long after she'd published the chart, men began to explain it to her.
Armageddon responded by offering up yet another tip:
Perhaps she should pen an entire manual.