Starting Info: - Microsoft logo is s5ean the moderator of r/microsoftsoftwareswap. - I have removed names on skype - Removed and non essential messages The Start. r/microsoftsoftwareswap selling msdn/bizspark keys, not retail keys?! Huh?! And to think a seller has this in their post
Guilty? That's guiltygearz the guy who you's got removed from selling their, remember? ->
Another seller talking to guiltygearz. I guess he got back in? We shall see.
And yes it's what you all expected, here is the moderator of r/microsoftsoftwareswap talking to guiltygearz, whose name on skype is John.
Some picture just showing that Windows guy is s5ean.
Removing a seller due to a drop in sales?
Oh I'm sure it wasn't!
Bizspark is where you get the accounts and keys
Powerhead steps in again.
And yeah, this again. If you are interested I can make a new album tomorrow showing what r/microsoftsoftwareswap really is. ;)