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Quote# 112811

No kind of representative government e.g. "democracy" or "republic" can work without ethnic, cultural, and religious unity.

The US has been fucked ever since giving blacks the vote, actually even before that, by allowing large numbers of Jews in to corrupt a society which was initially built by WASPs and based on English Law. Moving to a "secular" state concept, which was never envisioned by the Founders, ruined all hope. All the societies of Europe which have followed suit are fucked as well.

(one can also make an argument that even with homogeneity, the idea of universal suffrage is flawed and at the very least there should be a literacy test and a means test to avoid conflicts of interest - I think the history of the US shows clearly that letting women vote was a mistake)

tiptiptopkek, r/DarkEnlightenment 16 Comments [9/15/2015 2:42:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
WTF?! || meh


@1. Switzerland kindly disagrees.
@2. And this manifests how?
@3. No taxation without representation, dimwit.

9/15/2015 3:21:49 AM

rubber chicken

Fair enough, we'll do away with universal suffrage.

Everyone who isn't you can vote.

Tough shit.

9/15/2015 3:27:37 AM


Ah... fractal wrongness. If you're going to misunderstand society's problems, do it spectacularly.

9/15/2015 3:30:57 AM

Mister Spak

"one can also make an argument that even with homogeneity, the idea of universal suffrage is flawed"

Letting you vote was a mistake.

9/15/2015 3:52:24 AM

Oxymoron's Razor

<Moving to a "secular" state concept, which was never envisioned by the Founders>

Try reading your own damn Constitution. If they didn't want a secular state, why is there that whole 'seperation of church and state' thing?

9/15/2015 4:29:24 AM


There's a racist in my fundie butter.

9/15/2015 4:55:08 AM


No, the mistake as I start to see it was to allow the disgusting basement dwellers to fester in the confines of their mom`s nest with no incentive to work and live as adults. We should`ve noticed something was wrong when a big precentage of the population, sadly mostly male(though by all means not exclusive to them)began to hate everything their ancestors fought to give them. Now, I wouldn`t advocate brutal measures but surely we could implement some laws which could take out the option of remaining the little basement rat till well past 40, say by forcing some sort of societal responsibility upon them whether they see themselves fit or want it or not. Also could resolve the problem of the 1%s spoiled little entitled spawn, hell maybe we could make santa barbara a normal neighbourhood again?

9/15/2015 5:15:41 AM

What if YOU are disenfranchised from your right to vote?, think about it.

9/15/2015 5:23:00 AM

If the founders never envisioned a secular state, what the hell is the first ammendment then?

9/15/2015 5:24:20 AM

Churchy LaFemme

Based on your understanding of the Constitution, history and international politics, you would fail that literacy test, denying you the right to vote.

9/15/2015 5:32:33 AM


The ones who advocate removing the vote from people would be furious if their say wasn't heard.

9/15/2015 6:11:43 AM

Doubting Thomas

Yes, the country would be so much better if we went back to allowing only white, Christian, male landowners to vote. That's real democracy right there.

Why do I get the feeling this idiot supports Trump? Maybe it's because this is the exact kind of idiot Trump is pandering to.

9/15/2015 6:14:24 AM


Tiptop is afraid of not being in the majority any more. Boo hoo.

Think a minute, bonehead. (Yes, I know it hurts!) if you wish your views to prevail in a society that isn't composed entirely of WASP males, that means you have to get along with some other group to win a majority. I see you are not equal to that challenge.

9/15/2015 7:31:48 AM


A racist, sexist fundie. This one's a keeper!

9/15/2015 9:32:38 AM

Yossarian Lives

If blacks and women had their rights removed we'd still get incompetent politicians elected into office, people would still whine about cultural decline, albeit for different reasons, and you'd still be full of excuses and scapegoats. White men still make collectively poorly judged decisions. After all, the current selection of Republican nominees for 2016 have strong support from white, male nitwits.

9/15/2015 10:23:27 AM

Demon Duck of Doom

"Ethnic [...] unity?" Why is it so difficult for people to comprehend that ethnicity is a worthless social construct?

@Skidie: Hm. Interesting proposition. I'm unsure how such a law would be enforced, though.

9/15/2015 10:51:23 AM