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Hey assholes who complain that “kids these days” are always on their phones, always on the internet. Do you think you were half as informed about the world as they are when you were their age? While you play your shitty Farmville the “kids these days” are making friends halfway across the world, reading about politics, social justice and activism. While you watch your Fox news, they are following live tweets on Twitter of police brutality and racism. While you bitch about the “pc police” they are respecting pronouns and learning about cultural appropriation. So yeah, “kids these days” sure are different than you, they’re a helluva lot more informed, respectful and compassionate and I’ll bet that if you took your head out of your ass for longer than an episode of Shark Tank, you might actually learn something from them.

37 notes
tagged as: rant. social justice. pls. hey assholes.

posted on August 27, 2015

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    More respectful? Yeah, okay.
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