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I am definitely not racist towards white people (although racism towards whites doesnt really exist anyways)

Lemme fix that.

I don’t hate white people. I have white friends, most of my professors are white, I sit next to white people on the bus, my co-workers are white, my classmates are white, my managers are white and oh yeah I’m dating a white guy :)

Just because I am surrounded by white people will never ever mean I will prioritise white feelings over my anger towards the injustices that black people and other POC face.

If you are upset that me, black people and other POC call you mayo, mayonnaise, thin lipped, etc. We’re doing it because your ancestors did it to us and some of you still do it today. Such as black face, appropriating black culture, making your eyes slanted with tape or your fingers to look “Asian”, making fun of poc accents, calling people who are muslim terroist, wearing the bindi and hennas, wearing a native headdress and the list goes on of what you white people do.

So don’t take it to heart when we POC call you out on your shit or in the midst of our frustration with white people call you honkys, crackers, thin lipped ghosts, white devils, mayonnaise, etc. Because we are getting our frustrations out.

Racism is still alive and real today and we as POC have the right to rant and rave about yaw. We dont care about your white feelings, our people are dying, being raped, having our land taken away, being appropriated and having our cultures and race be made a joke.

If you cant understand that then dont follow me. I wont be angry and I honestly wont miss you.

This blog does not pander to white feelings.

August 30, 2015 - 10:51am [2 weeks ago]

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    I don’t remember Martin Luther King Jr or Nelson Mandela saying this. I also wonder if you have heard of Affirmative...
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