Here for females
Female. Virginia. 20. Radfem. Anti-porn/kink/BDSM. Trans/gender critical.  Your Daddy kink disgusts me. 

imagine the world without men. imagine every little girl forced into sex slavery finally being freed, forever. imagine dancing with your friends under the streetlights without fear. imagine little girls exploring the world and being unafraid to be big and strong and brilliant. imagine getting our forests and oceans back, letting the world heal. imagine the beauty of this world without the plague of men. 

  1. caro-kosciuszko reblogged this from lalalalafayette and added:
    Women can do no wrong. Even women like Rosemary West and Karla Homolka. There is no war in Ba Sing Se.
  2. theatregivesmewings reblogged this from badsjw
  3. rose-of-wonderland reblogged this from unluckysummer
  4. crazypootis reblogged this from badsjw and added:
    hey…. victoriassecretpolice … you wouldnt exist without a man…… oh wait…… is that tOO comPLICATed for you to...
  5. littlelinguaphile reblogged this from badsjw
  6. ohitsapumbloom reblogged this from icyarguments
  7. kingofcatan reblogged this from badsjw
  8. yourfaceislame reblogged this from icyarguments
  9. withlovebringtruth reblogged this from badsjw and added:
    Honestly, I feel women are so much worse than men are. (I’m a woman btw)
  10. goldenloli reblogged this from eeveelutionsforequality
  11. akumanorobin reblogged this from icyarguments and added:
    this is why im never going to call myself a feminist.
  12. pro-hatred-warlock reblogged this from eeveelutionsforequality
  13. orthodox-exposure-3 reblogged this from krispycollectiveenthusiast
  14. omgpalaiologos reblogged this from happyhome-designer
  15. small-holland reblogged this from lalalalafayette and added:
    oh look badsjw’s here
  16. arrogant-mcelfpants reblogged this from thespectacularspider-girl and added:
    Is it just me, or is there just one, teensy little flaw with OP’s dream? It’s fucking impossible. Just like how we can’t...
  17. happyhome-designer reblogged this from badsjw
  18. jubilationelee reblogged this from badsjw and added:
    imagine only lasting until this generation dies and then humanity ceasing to exist. sounds cool, don’t need men at all...
  19. pastel-impulses reblogged this from thivus
  20. lovinolovehetalian reblogged this from icyarguments
  21. cartoonwarstudios reblogged this from donkeykongsixtyfour
  22. zergrush9789 reblogged this from badsjw
  23. 2xedo reblogged this from icyarguments and added:
    women don’t deserve rights, particularly victoriassecretpolice
  24. doctorspiper reblogged this from flapper-queen
  25. hi-its-meee reblogged this from xaveysaur and added:
    “Majority of child abuse perpetrators are female”“That’s just because most single parents are female!” *sips tea*
  26. sp00kytrashblog reblogged this from badsjw
  27. why-we-cant-have-nice-thing reblogged this from badsjw
  28. selfdepreciationmonth reblogged this from badsjw
  29. a-dozen-reasons reblogged this from victoriassecretpolice and added:
    “dancing with your friends under the streetlights without fear” hAVE FUN GETTING HIT BY A CAR YOU MISANDRIST