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Please post news items only, with the exception of meta posts about /r/news itself. Self-posts aggregating news data and "independent reporting" each count as news, but are not an excuse to editorialize.
Your post will likely be removed if it:
- is not news (or a meta post).
- is an opinion/analysis or advocacy piece.
- primarily concerns politics.
- has a title not taken from the article.
- has a pay wall or steals content.
- covers an already-submitted story.
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Your comment will likely be removed if it:
- is racist, sexist, vitriolic, or overly crude.
- is unnecessarily rude or provocative.
- is a cheap and distracting joke or meme.
- is responding to spam.
- violates reddit's site-wide rules.
Extreme or repeat offenders will be banned.
>>>Expanded Rules<<<
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/r/self - any self-post
/r/misc, /r/redditdotcom - anything
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/r/UpliftingNews - uplifting
/r/mediaquotes - the things they say
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/r/FoodForThought - discussion-worthy long form articles about interesting subjects
/r/politics - for shouting about politics
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/r/europe - news from Europe
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