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[–]Flytape 33ポイント34ポイント  (7子コメント)

Hi people,

Obviously I'm flytape as mentioned in the OP.

The deal is that I was being subjected to a cyclical witch hunt by users who all appeared to hail from AE911, I don't know or care if they really are from AE911 or if they are just trolls pretending to be that. The only thing I care about is that as the mod team repeatedly dealt with these users we were repeatedly blocked by a specific mod (all mods in conspiracy have a vote) and thus the problems were unnecessarily dragged out time and time again.

This is why I initially started investigating AE911. In my investigation I found testimony from AE911 insiders who witnessed a soft takeover from a group of people who appeared to own 911blogger.com that's when I began to look into 911blogger and discovered that 911blogger was also taken over under similar circumstances and that the mod in question is a co-owner of 911blogger LLC.

the other half of that co-ownership is financially connected to AE911 and even has some other ventures that actually get grants issued to them from AE911.

I see this as a simple conflict of interest, one that I'm not okay with.

That all being said there is no reason to burn down France over the weekend when the mod team had already agreed to wait until today (Monday) to make a choice together about what to do.

Unfortunately AssuredlyAMagicUnicorn decided to burn down France and has got himself into a sticky situation.

To be clear, the mod in question was a co-owner of 911blogger before they were elected by the community to be a mod. So this isn't a case of 911blogger or AE911 paying off a mod. This is a case of a mod getting elected who had preexisting associations with an organization and can't seem to overcome that bias when dealing with people that appear to hail from that organization.

There was also an issue of a link being posted to AE911s store page that looks like guerilla marketing and a link to a donation drive for a different org that also seemed inappropriate.

At the end of the day /conspiracy doesn't officially endorse any one particular 911 conspiracy theory and it really shouldn't.

I certainly am not okay with /conspiracy being turned into an advertising platform for AE911 in the same manner that 911blogger was... and potentially by the same people.

[–]axolotl_peyotl 14ポイント15ポイント  (4子コメント)

The deal is that I was being subjected to a cyclical witch hunt by users who all appeared to hail from AE911

While you certainly were targeted, they definitely were witch hunting the entire /r/conspiracy mod team.

I got the sense (a la Goldberg) that they were being provocateurs attempting to sow discord and besmirch AE911truth (and therefore all skeptical investigations into 911).

I'm inclined to believe this is the same group that faked the Richard Gage AMA last year.



[–]DukeOfGeek 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

You actually went and looked up tax records? Respect.

[–]AssuredlyAThrowAwayworldnews&conspiracy emeritus[S] -1ポイント0ポイント  (1子コメント)

I'm inclined to believe this is the same group that faked the Richard Gage AMA last year.


If the flordia situation makes anything clear, O's "outrage" over that fake ama is a hint that he and friends were behind it.

Dude, this smells like DoD.

I'm out.

[–]jmerc83 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

I will take up your torch and continue to fight the DoD.

[–]controlled-demo-wtc 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

this is the same group that faked the Richard Gage AMA last year.

YOU faked the richard gage ama. Not coincidentally, you keep blaming others for your set up of Richard Gage.

I've been up your mod asses for at least a month trying to ensure a successful 9.11.01 anniversary.

Not surprisingly, it is once again the mods of /r/conspiracy who fuck up the anniversary again (Hitler sidebar and fake Richard Gage ama last year).

I fight for the victims who cannot speak.

The /r/conspiracy mod team is once again attempting to distract.

You guys are too obvious with your witch hunts. WE GET IT, several mods want to ruin the 911 truth movement on reddit.com.

It's also funny that you blame those who pointed out that you didn't verify fake richard gage as the perps of the richard gage fake ama.

You're manipulation of current events is more proof that you are guilty of setting up the fake richard gage ama.

[–]ParanoidFactoid 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

To be clear, the mod in question was a co-owner of 911blogger before they were elected by the community to be a mod. So this isn't a case of 911blogger or AE911 paying off a mod. This is a case of a mod getting elected who had preexisting associations with an organization and can't seem to overcome that bias when dealing with people that appear to hail from that organization.

Question: Did this mod disclose his affiliation prior to joining the mod team? If not, why not? Especially considering you believe his later decisions to be biased WRT the organization he holds a prior affiliation with.