全 35 件のコメント

[–]Endorsed Contributordr_warlock 31ポイント32ポイント  (11子コメント)

"Hey I brought my pussy. teehee. My part is done. Now where's my respect? Where's my special treatment? Where's my meal ticket? You owe me for the ghost of patriarchy past. Respect me! (pitted patters feet with a frown) Gimme Gimme Gimme!!!" - her on the outside, her on the inside.

Fucking children. Parasites.

[–]2 Endorsed ContributorCisWhiteMaelstrom[S] 27ポイント28ポイント  (6子コメント)

You owe me for the ghost of patriarchy past.

This line is especially pathetic. In cases like black slaves wanting compensation for past work, whether you agree with them or not you can at least agree that slaves were seriously wronged. But when men ruled the world, they toiled in coal mines for 12+ hour shifts so that they could spare their wives the hardships. Women may not have voted but men were seriously trying to please them and make them happy.

With women in charge, we don't see that. We see lazy workers in easy fields. We see them sucking dick all throughout their 20s so that their husband, supposedly their soul mate and the alleged father of their child, can get as little of their youthful beauty as possible. We see men being denied fair trials and we just see women asking for MORE and MORE and MORE! They have no shame.

[–]Endorsed Contributordr_warlock 13ポイント14ポイント  (2子コメント)

They blame and shame the patriarchy they claim to have oppressed and raped women only to call upon the very same patriarchy when they want a new legal policy instituted to force their way into school, work, and male spaces, save them from the supposed systemic rape culture and abuse, and demand men's money (taxes) to help aid in their poor reproductive and marital choices all while telling the world they're completely indypyndyt wimmins who who dont need no man, and are worthy of respect. They require so many safety nets just function in normal day to day activities.

Any woman that feels the need to be married, any woman who displays her diamond ring on her left hand is admitting to the world and herself that she's inferior, that she can't physically and emotionally function without knowing the government (men with guns and gavels) ensure the legal siphoning of a man's money, shelter, and protection. And that's peeeerfectly fine. That's feminine. But dont go squaking to world about your hardships while you're at it. Dont cry about your oppression you pampered sweetheart.

Women aren't expected to be financially independent, they're not expected to defend themselves, they're not expected to accomplish anything, they're not expected to be emotionally strong and stable, they're not expected to be confident, they're not even expected to take basic common sense approaches to avoid dangerous situations. They in fact have other men ensure they slide through life unencumbered and sheilded from the harsh realities of life. We ask them to do three things: look presentable, be feminine, and dont be a dumb bitch in situations implying that you open your legs. They can't even fathom that basic agency, and are horrified that you would hold such expectations you misogynist shitlord. Shame on you for body shaming the hatred of women. Surely, suuurely this is a demographic worthy of our respect and hold as our equals.

Women will never understand why men need to make the decisions, just like children don't understand why they need a parent.

[–]2 Endorsed ContributorCisWhiteMaelstrom[S] 8ポイント9ポイント  (1子コメント)

Feminism is a male supremacy movement. Red pill men see what women are and we love them for it. We recognize that they aren't our rock, our provider, or our guide, but we love them for what they are. They have a feminine energy and it's worth a lot to us. MRAs don't fully see the issue in that they care primarily about the quantifiable harms and struggles that men face in society but red pill takes a different look. What bothers us is that we're robbed of the women in our lives and the females aren't that womanly anymore. It's the love of women and femininity that motivates us, even if it's not the reliance on it.

Feminists don't see that though. They think maleness is the only way to be worth anything or lovable at all. That's why they spend so much time shaming women for being feminine, why they think it's misogynistic not to expect a woman to work, and why they think that all throughout history, women have been fucking up. You don't draw those conclusions in any rational way; you draw them out of hatred. They hate the feminism, cannot see any value in it, and they think the only way they possibly could have fucked up badly enough to have been something as awful as feminine is if someone else forced them to do it.

[–]Endorsed Contributordr_warlock 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

They confuse respect for love. Love goes down. It means the object of your love is inferior either in status, physique, and or average emotional state. I dont 'love' men because they possess the mental faculties and physical attributes that allow them the capacity to be autonomous. I dont (or shouldn't) have to worry about their safety or emotional well being. Love is care and nurture, something you don't offer an equal. If women want to be loved, they need to be feminine, lesser. They need to be a person that needs love.

[–]afropuffs 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Women may not have voted but men were seriously trying to please them and make them happy.

They were able to vote far more often than we're commonly told; go to 1:38 in this video to get to voting specifically.

They also never tell us that single women were indeed business owners. Sure they did sacrifice a lot to raise families once they did get married, and that's the reason why they were compensated well in the case of divorce, but this narrative that women (especially in US history) couldn't vote or earn their own money is nonsense.

[–]restatic 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm white and went to primary school in Jamaica. I was personally blamed for slavery.

[–]stonepimpletilists 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

they never did get their mule and 40 acres.

[–]AberdeenRSK 10ポイント11ポイント  (1子コメント)

Women are sociopathic children, maybe worse.

[–]TheMGhandi 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Women are like the last kid chosen for a sport (eg. Basketball): someone nobody really wants, but they just have to be dealt with. Even though Billy is the worst player, only the captain is good enough to give him orders. This causes a tectonic shift in the power balance because now it's captain> Billy> other 3.

Fuck Billy.

[–]1jb_trp 10ポイント11ポイント  (3子コメント)

I laugh my ass off whenever people argue that TRP is full of misogynists. Why? Because we have an understanding of women that is different from the cultural narrative that women are these wonderful creatures, all of them innocent and special snowflakes, they never do anything shitty, they are the "superior" gender, etc.?

The truth is that most women don't do anything. Conversely, the vast majority of geniuses, scientists, artists, composers, and other people who have achieved greatness in life have been men. It's not sexist, it's a fact. Fake holidays like International Women's Day are laughable, because they subtly only point out the lack of accomplishments by women. In fact, the theme for the 2015 IWD was "Empowering Women, Empowering Humanity: Picture it!" It ignores the fact that no matter how "empowered" women become they will never achieve at the same level of men because they have no incentive to do so (plus, they don't have the IQs on the high end to achieve at the same levels).

[–]Endorsed Contributordr_warlock 5ポイント6ポイント  (1子コメント)

There's a reason when people such as Michelle Obama say things like "women are smarter than men", or imply women are more respectable and the man needs to seek their guidance, that no one bats an eye or thinks it's funny, because deep down they know it's bullshit and women are just being childish. Imagine Barack Obama saying "men are smarter than women". Yeah, never. The masses are sheep to the female imperative and indoctrination.

The only reason he keeps her around with all that female equality nonsense is because she helps his political career. There's no way he's not getting side action from hot young pussy. Lol, instant alpha widow status upon entry.

[–]stonepimpletilists 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yes honey, that is a wonderful finger painting, thats why I put it up on the fridge!

Is there any doubt that the finger painting is horrible?

[–]PemBayliss 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

Good post.

The respect women demand is not simply for doing good work, or for contributing to society. Women want "respect" because they want to be drawn into the world of attractive, powerful men, so they can meet and have sex with, and ultimately obtain commitment from, an attractive, powerful man.

Running a close second to this, if a woman can't get commitment from an attractive powerful man, she'll settle for sex from a series of attractive, powerful men.

I think that that truly is what this is about, and why women want to be seen as respectable, competent, and proficient. Being good at their jobs means not only economic freedom, so she won't have to suffer financial dependence on a beta. It also means access to attractive powerful men, so she can attempt commitment from one of them; and failing that, so she can have sex with a parade of attractive powerful men. Those men's "respectability" will rub off on her, transferring some of it to her in the process.

At least it's better than life with a declining beta.

[–]The_BeardedGentleman 5ポイント6ポイント  (2子コメント)

Women can be respectable. They just seem all too often to choose not to be.

[–]2 Endorsed ContributorCisWhiteMaelstrom[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Very good point. There's a sense in which red pill has an egalitarian flavor to it and that equality would be equality of accountability. It's not that women are inherently worse, it's that they don't make good choices. When you look passed the uterus and the "but patriarchy" then you are some ugliness.

[–]The_BeardedGentleman 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm not sure about the past, but in the present day, they have every incentive not to be. I know if I was a woman, living in the blue pill world, I'd be doing every dispicable thing I could think of. If more had exposure to what actually happens in the real world post 30, a smige of red pill thought, they might act a little differently when they're younger. They're always shielded from the end results though because they get labeled as some "sexist" or "misogynist" thing that happened, rather than "life caught up to this dumb broad".

[–]Throwaway9665 12ポイント13ポイント  (2子コメント)

I've met women who have accomplished professionally, and I do respect them. Notably, I've never met one in a bar or a club.

[–]2 Endorsed ContributorCisWhiteMaelstrom[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I meant more about the idea of respecting women in general, the widespread command given towards men, and its effects. You can find a Judit Polgar every now and then but they tend not to be empowered 21st century womyn.

[–]1jb_trp 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

As with all generalities, there are exceptions. I only get into LTRs with smart, successful women who are accomplished professionally (PAs, lawyers, girls with advanced degrees, etc). Eventually they all go AWALT... There is a reason I stay single.

[–]VelhoDoRestelo 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

"In many modern novels there is portrayed a type of cold, selfish, sexless woman who plumes herself on being “respectable,” but who is really a rather less desirable member of society than a prostitute. Unfortunately the portrayal is true to life. The woman who shrinks from motherhood is as low a creature as a man of the professional pacifist, or poltroon, type, who shirks his duty as a soldier."

— Theodore Roosevelt

[–]McLarenX 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

They get away with this because white knights jump to defend them at the most insignificant slight. This whole system exists because of fucked laws made by white knights. I wish I could time travel to college campuses in the 60s and 70s and simply spread redpill books to the populous.

[–]trpfieldreport 5ポイント6ポイント  (1子コメント)

All women are children.

You wouldn't qualify yourself to a child. You wouldn't seek validation from a child. You wouldn't be intimidated by a child. You wouldn't be submissive to a child. It wouldn't even enter your mind that there is a power struggle.

So it is with women. There is no power struggle between you and a woman. Every attempt she makes at inducing a power struggle (shit test) you just laugh at and make a joke of. It's adorable that they even try to be dominant over you.

[–]Pkbeefatude 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Ever since I had this realization (a couple years ago). I was amazed at how quickly I was getting pussy.

I went from banging 1 chick a year to 1 month just from changing my attitude.

[–]TRP VanguardCyralea 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

This is the pivotal reason why nothing a woman says is worth paying attention to, not until she's well past the Wall. A woman's experience in her 20's is so alien to the male experience that it's maddening that people try to equate the two. Average women have value intrinsically as soon as they sprout tits. And that value only increases into their late teens and early 20's. Men conversely have zero value initially outside of the few born with exceptional genetics, and even then, those lacking in game and status are still comparable to average women.

Can you imagine how little incentive you'd have to properly understand the world if everything just worked for you by doing nothing? How well would you perform at your job if you regularly got bonuses and raises independent of your performance?

A woman's ideas are never challenged against reality for their veracity, so anything she believes is more likely to be bullshit than truth. This only has the potential to change once her source of value vanishes and she actually has to work on creating it. By then it's mostly too late.

Good post OP. The Reichstag approves.

[–]1sardinemanR 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Women and old people all think that in order to have a high paying job a person has to just show up. Because for them, that's all they really had to do. It's solipsism combined with utter privilege.

You'll always hear advice like "just apply" or "work hard." Dumb stuff like "wear a suit" "take a shower." This is stuff everyone does, but for women and old people they had to actually be such fuckups that they didn't, and even then it usually still didn't matter.

The world changed, and most people actually are okay with it anyway.

Also a point on women not voting, it's not like men voted either. The vote was handed to all women shortly after it was extended to men in the first place. Prior to that, only the top 20% of men were allowed to vote. These are the same men that also never had to work in coal mines or factories, they owned everything.

Feminism is essentially white women demanding that all white women should be above the remaining 80% of men. They can't out and just say that, so they made it about all women with that top 20% of men and just pretend the other men don't exist (and also just pretend non-white women don't exist when it's time to pay out these high level positions and benefits).

I think minority women and the bottom 80% of men are all morons for supporting feminism. So I do cast a lot of blame on men in general too.

If you are here, you're angling for the top 20%, so ultimately it doesn't even really matter anymore either. It's stupid but it's the way it is.

White knights/beta males are like horses you can lead to water but who refuse to drink and would rather die of dehydration. What can you do really? Just find a new horse and leave them be.

[–]stonepimpletilists 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

You have to take the advice of your elders with a grain of salt. The average shmoe didn't know shit, but needs to believe he did. Thats why he lost his job at the mill, and never got past foreman.

Everyone believes they are a great noble man, only those who didn't make it need to tell you how to get there. The real ones wait for you to ask

[–]beachbloke 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I work with a lot of executive level clients and there are a good number of women well past their prime who are smart and work their asses off. I think this is because older women have it similar to men and work hard because they don't have the option entitle themselves to more than they earn. I have met a few fertile and attractive women who work more than the bare minimum, but it takes a unique personality to decide living off men is the worst of two options. Thinking about it, the young women I've met who worked their asses off were mostly narcissistic and set on world domination... Miss New Jersey who became a CEO... Actress who became a CEO... high level athletes... that kind of thing.

[–]savedarticles 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

Fantastic post. Should be stickied. The accomplishments of women can never compare to that of a man even in the same position. Pussy pass and no real consequences make for entirely different realities.

[–]2 Endorsed ContributorCisWhiteMaelstrom[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Glad you enjoyed it.

Value of a human being tends to be everything they've got going for them + reproductive value. For women, reproductive value is high and for men it's near zero. Egalitarians and their equality of outcome want to standardize the everything they've got going for them and leave women to float up through their reproductive value. Equality is gynocracy.

[–]scarletspider3 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

This is so fucking true. I'm in grad school and I see it everyday. All the females have it so much easier because they don't have none of the pressure that men have to provide while they're doing it. They also don't have to spend money to have a good time cause they get to spend the men's money.

[–]stonepimpletilists -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

I've said similar myself, in fewer words.

All a mans problems when it comes to women are opt-in problems.

Thats a pretty damned succinct reason as to why