
I want there to be so many fucking spaces that are female exclusive. I want female only gyms, restaurants, bars, parks, work places, fucking CITIES. I want to be able to go places where there is a 0% chance of being harassed, where the air is clear of male entitlement and aggression. I’m so sick of having to be on guard at every damn place I go.

Ugh, just imagine how amazing a female-only city would be. You could walk down any street at any hour of the day or night and know you were safe. You could send your 8-year-old daughter down to the grocery store by herself if she wanted to get herself something.

You could leave a baby with strangers in a public place and know that when you came back from the bathroom/car/etc, your baby would still be there. You could go to the mechanic and you wouldn’t get ripped off and ogled simultaneously. You could kiss your lesbian lover publically without fear of being killed. You could talk about the disgusting oppression women suffer and never have to hear a man butt in with how much your conversation hurts his fragile feelings, or how he has it soooo much worse because he wants to wear dresses and be pretty and jerk off to his own “girly” image.

You could leave your purse unattended at the table while you order your coffee at the counter and it would still be there when you got back. You could go an entire day/week/month/year without hearing rape jokes or slurs against women. You could get drunk or high as fuck and walk around naked and no one would try to rape or kill you.

I need women-only spaces.

(via penisfreezone)

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    sexualadventuresofsh you cannot be serious, you gotta be trolling because NO ONE can be that stupid
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    Fun fact random fact: in Denmark it is not unusual to leave your baby and baby carriage outside when you’re dining at a...
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