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[–]Morganhale 9ポイント10ポイント  (4子コメント)

The ring isn't about you at all. I'm astounded that you think it is.

[–]throwawayquestion975[S] -12ポイント-11ポイント  (3子コメント)

Right. The ring that represents our relationship isn't about me at all.

If I was buying her some random jewelry for an anniversary or a birthday, I'd agree with you. Then it'd be all about her.

But this is about our engagement. About 50% of us is her and the other 50% is me. Are you saying that you're astounded that I think I'm an equal part of my relationship?

[–]Morganhale 11ポイント12ポイント  (2子コメント)

Are you serious? The ring that she will wear on her hand everyday for the rest of her life is not about you. It's for her. I honestly hope you're a troll, I can't believe someone can't understand something so obvious.