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[–]her_nibs 96ポイント97ポイント  (24子コメント)

Your tl;dr sums it up. Simply do not have a diamond on your own ring that you will be wearing. Problem solved!

[–]throwawayquestion975[S] -38ポイント-37ポイント  (23子コメント)

I guess I'm feeling conflicted because I believe in spending money on the marriage, not the ring/wedding. I want to take her on a trip to her favorite places on earth for our honeymoon.

I don't value the ring, I value what it represents, and moreso I value the time we share together. If I spend all of my savings on a diamond ring (which very easily could happen based on my preliminary searches of diamond engagement rings) I won't be able to take her on that trip which will create memories for both of us.

I don't know if I expressed that in the OP but there's more to it than just "I don't want my future wife to wear a diamond because I don't like diamonds".

[–]justwhoringaround 85ポイント86ポイント  (21子コメント)

All I'm hearing is "I want this, I value this, I don't value this" aka "I, I, I" This is a ring you are buying for her, this is a commitment you are making to her, this is something to make her feel treasured and loved by you when she wears it. Nowhere do I see a compromise at all - not even asking to keep the larger stones Moissanite but the smaller ones real diamonds. You've made your point as to why you prefer it and completely dismissed her point. She's dreamed of this her whole life - apparently that reason is so insignificant to you you can't even attempt to understand it. At this point even if you win, everytime she looks at the ring she'll be reminded that you care about yourself and your opinions more than hers and couldn't even start keeping a vow of "doing whatever you can to keep her happy". Is this really how you want her to feel about this wedding and engagement ring? Is this seriously the hill you want to die on? I can't imagine how that can be worth it if you really loved her - she's not even asking for anything remotely unreasonable and has explained her reasons - you've just chosen not to hear it and dismiss what you have heard. Good luck to her on her upcoming marriage.