全 24 件のコメント

[–]TrainingTheBrainMarried- MRP APPROVED 6ポイント7ポイント  (2子コメント)

I wrote a post here that should help with mixing shit up and instead of reacting to your wife you have her fall into your frame.

I also wrote a post here that touches on how woman say shit and do the opposite. If your wife says she doesnt like this or that what she really is saying is that you're not the type of Man who can get her to enjoy those things.

Lastly I reference this post that basically reminds you that You're a fucking Man, stop acting like you need permission or approval from Mommy (your wife)

Look into BPP 12 levels of Dread and apply it

Acta, Non Verba: you want sex to improve? Make it happen.

[–]slopejeff[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Thanks for the advice. It is a slow process but thing have changed for the better overall. I need to spice it up and find something that works.

[–]TrainingTheBrainMarried- MRP APPROVED 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It is a slow process but thing have changed for the better overall.

Slow is smooth & smooth is fast.

It's better to go slow and do it right than it is to go fast, crash and burn then have to do it all over again.

[–]exbpMarried 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

If you're worrying about her orgasm, stop, she's loving the pounding. But it sounds like you just want to spice it up and push her boundaries. So get her into it with a couple of minutes of pounding and then go down. Don't ask, just pin her knees back. If she complains tell her you're teasing her and you'll let her cum when you're good and ready. Mine is much more compliant once she's cum once or is about to.

[–]jerry_riggerMarried 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

asking, asking, ASKING, ASKING


Seriously, you're drying up the oasis.

You've got to get to the point where your frame is strong enough that she wants to listen when you tell her to do something.

[–]slopejeff[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I do not ask her for sex. I tell her i want sex and if she doesn't no biggie. I do ask for lingerie and little things like that. I have to stop asking and just do.

I used to and still sometimes grab her to take her to have sex and she gets very annoyed by this. It makes her feel like i am pulling her into the bedroom or what not.

Any suggestions on what i can do. Thanks

[–]don_pelUnplugging 2ポイント3ポイント  (7子コメント)

Remember you cannot negotiate desire. STFU, read the sidebar, improve yourself.

[–]TrainingTheBrainMarried- MRP APPROVED 4ポイント5ポイント  (5子コメント)

you cannot negotiate desire. STFU, read the sidebar, improve yourself.

OP will read this and think of it as just some comment from somebody who doesn't give a shit.

Little does he know how much fucking life improvement one can experience if they fully put this advice into play.

Removing the excess verbiage will lead to him developing a sense of 'mystery' as well as no longer coming across as a needy child.

The sidebar will enlighten OP as to the how/why his wife's brain works the way it does. Armed with this knowledge he can manipulate the hamster to do his bidding.

Self improvement leads to dread, dread leads to better sex.

Desire is attained, not negotiated.

Perfect advice.

[–]slopejeff[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (4子コメント)

I get this and sort of don't at the same time. I have been improving myself. I dress better. I am not fat, im in good shape yet still improved my diet and lost 11 lbs. Im 6ft3 and now weigh 183.

Excess verbiage is what im trying to figure out. If you can explain it better. How does it come off as a needy child? Thanks

[–]TrainingTheBrainMarried- MRP APPROVED 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

She tells me if i ask her for it constantly it sounds like i am nagging.

I will send her texts sometimes like hey when i get home put on some sexy heels. She told me that is really a turn off

She asked me maybe if i can stop asking her

These come across as you requesting permission to do something or pleading for her to do something.

I think you need to have her miss you more. It seems like she knows you'll be there no matter.

Life is short brother, your wife needs to recognize that there may not be a tomorrow so someday letting things happen is unacceptable.

Don't request anything, tell her you love her in heels and that tonight (whenever) is going to be sexy heels night and you can't wait.

Take charge, be motivated, and work on your text game.

[–]slopejeff[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

She did say something the other day which i should have picked up on. The problem is if i ask her to put on lingerie i think in my mind she should just do it. But she very rarely does it .

She told me the next time you really want lingerie pick it out and i will wear it. I need to take more charge in certain areas

[–]SepeanMRP-APPROVED 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yes take charge. And follow through. Don't just accept that she doesn't wear lingerie when you tell her to. Don't have sex then. Withdraw affection.

[–]esired [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Your in good shape. Thats fine but you should be aiming for your best shape. This is something I am working on as well. Good/ok isn't good enough If you want her to be a top class freak in the bed room you have to be a top class dude outside of it. Also It isn"t just physical. You can be a 10/10 but if you are constantly supplicating to your wife and failing shit test she won't be aroused by you.

[–]slopejeff[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I have been..she notices, other people have. I dress better, take care of myself , lost some weight to get leaner.

[–]stonepimpletilistsMRP-APPROVED 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

She then asks me if sex is hot. I take second to answer. I tell her it is great everytime we have sex , it is, she is really into it. I tell her at times it can be hot and give her examples of when it was hot.

Is this the truth, or were you saying this becaucse you're worried she'll shut off the tap?

To me? It sounds like the kind of lawyer speak you tell your daughter when you tell her the dog went to the farm upstate

[–]slopejeff[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

No sex is great..im into it..she is into it. Im not worried if she doesn't want sex. I will jerk off or if i have to find it elsewhere.

Is it hot to me..no..is it great yea. I have had hot sex with her. I would prefer some 69 thrown in there. I have played with her ass at times. I guess her definition and mine of hot sex differs

[–]stonepimpletilistsMRP-APPROVED 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

So then... not great, but good.

I do find that the best time to bring up extra that I want is right in the middle of sex. My spouse finds it hard to say no when she's in the middle of a good session, and goes along with just about anything, so long as it is hot.

Not asking mind you, but a headsup on what is coming.

[–]soskrood 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Read SGM. I think something that would really help is the immersion aspect. Start talking during sex. While pounding her good start using 'ownership' language. Things like 'this x is mine', followed up with the question 'who ownes x?' The idea being to pull her into the head space where her body is yours to do with as you please. Make her say it.

Once she is in that space, she won't be able to object to (or want to object to) a particular sex act. You want a taco? You already own it. Her O's are yours to take as you please. Yours is a gift to give when you are ready.

[–]Rasalom72Married 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yup.. this.. you really have to get her in the game. I had to make my wife ask me to do oral. And not just that.. she had to be specific and ask me to "Lick her pussy".

Make her ask for it, and then give it to her, because you are giving her a gift out of your generosity, not because she deserves it.

[–]ArchwingerMarried- MRP MODERATOR 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Sex isn't something you talk about and plan. Sex is something that happens, which you lead. If she doesn't follow your leadership, that's your problem, not the sex. Fix your leadership problem out of the bedroom and she'll follow you in it.

[–]Redneck001MRP-APPROVED 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

she said

Go back through your post and count how many times you included "she said." Who cares what she says.

And stop asking for sex. If you want sex, just go for it.

In this situation, she asked. Tell her what your needs are. My wife asked me once what I wanted. I told her some light biting. Now my chest looks like it was attacked by a pack of wild dogs.

[–]slopejeff[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

I did tell her what i wanted from sex when we had the exchange. One thing we spoke about was why i asked for sex all the time. She wasn't annoyed by it but said after a few times if she said no that she felt like we should have sex. I basically said i want sex cuz im horny, you are hot..which she is. I said if i don't get it from you i will do what i have to do. I will go jerkoff . I said once i jerkoff thats it. Im not having sex with you later. She basically said she understood.

[–]Redneck001MRP-APPROVED [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

One thing we spoke about was why i asked for sex all the time.

Like other folks have said, don't ask. Do.

Have you read any of the seduction materials? Game your woman.

i will do what i have to do. I will go jerkoff

How about "will do what i have to do," smirk, wink, slap her on the ass and STFU and walk away. Put the hamster to work.

Edit: Just reread your original post. I suspect your wife sees a covert contract with you going down on her. She likely thinks she's expected to reciprocate, so she shuts you down.

[–]esired [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I posted a similar question recently. I got some great responses and hopefully what I learned can help you as well.

I was ready to walk away from sex but chose to have sex.

If your not enjoying yourself why are you continuing? This is something I have slacked on since my wife has been pregnant, which was a mistake by the way. But when were dating we were fooling around and I really wanted a bj. S I moved into position and she started complaining and rationalising why she wouldn't do it. So I just pulled up my pants and told her, "thats fine lets just do this another time." at first she was mad, but I didn't fall into an argument. I know I was treating her well and wanting a bj wasn't a crazy request so I went to sleep. My time is valuable and I'm not going to waste it with sub par sex. I set my boundary that night and woke up to a fantastic bj in the morning.

Am i reading her wrong or going about it wrong. I will send her texts sometimes like hey when i get home put on some sexy heels. She told me that is really a turn off . Im a little confused about this.

There is nothing to be confused about. She is not attracted enough to you to take this request seriously. just last night as I was going to shower I told my wife, "I'm going to shower and brush my teeth. You have 15 minutes. I want you dressed in your sexiest clothes. " I went into my bedroom and she is dressed up exactly how I like it. Hell my wife is pregnant as well so if I can do it...

my biggest take away from your post is you seem super needy. If an anonymous person can feel it from a text post online you can bet your wife can sense it too. I'm speculating here but I feel like when you asking her to do these things your aren't doing it from a position of confidence. Where you feel sure that she will comply to your request and even if she doesn't your not going to be phased by it. I know it is repeated often, but that is because it works. Go lift and work on fixing your confidence issues.