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[–]zanda250 6ポイント7ポイント  (45子コメント)

Female marines received different training from their male infantry counterparts, and so there was a gap in their preparedness, according to the Marine Corps Times report.

It is not a real test in preparedness and suitability if you intentionally set them up to fail by not training them.

[–]ArkadyBogdanov 31ポイント32ポイント  (38子コメント)

They can't meet the same physical standards so their training is tweaked so they can do it.

[–]mgzukowski 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Thus the work up time period. When I deployed we had Marines detach from the platoon and join another with much different MOS.

A work up usually has you retrain in the MK19, 240, 249, M2. Shoot atleast the table 3 range with your primary weapon, shoot the unknown distance range, conduct MOUNT training, patrol and combat training. This is all on top of your job training (MOS), strenuous Physical Training, and other things. As you can see the majority of that is infantry skills.

The work up is a training and certification exercise. Not to mention this shit happens all the time, I remember when a platoon of the Marine Corp band was sent to Iraq as an provisional rifle platoon after their work up.

[–]TroggyDoggy 2ポイント3ポイント  (2子コメント)

They can't train with us, or at our level. Hell, many able bodied men can't hack it. You bring me the WM that can do 20 dead hang pull-ups, run 3 miles in 18 minutes, do 200 sit-ups in 2 minutes, hump (calm down children) for miles with a pack 40-70% their own body weight, carry a 200lb fellow Marine out of a kill zone...oh, and fight off a fucking trained male combatant, hand to hand...and I say put her on the front lines. To date, no such WM exists.

You are not a Marine, this is not your area of expertise. I forgive you for that, but honestly, you simply don't know what the fuck your are talking about.

[–]zanda250 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Ranger school grads. Women of nearly every sport. 120+ women who graduated Marine infantry school. All women who show that your statements are retarded bullshit by doing physical feats just as difficult or more so then what you described.

You are not a Marine, this is not your area of expertise.

You claim to be an expert then? Your standards for what women need for combat is retarded. You want them to do 200 Sit-ups in 2 min? So you want them to do 100 situps every 60 seconds. According to your bullshit the only women who get to go into combat literally have to do world record speed situps in 2 minutes. Here is the part that makes you really look dumb, MARINES DO CRUNCHES! The number of crunches to MAX the test is 100 for both men and women. So you want women to do double the MAX for men, and more then 4 times the minimum that men have to do as a minimum?!? Seriously? Not to mention having to do 7 times as many pullups as the men and run way faster.

Thing is, I have personally seen women do all of those things except the situps (because it's impossible) and the dragging out of a kill zone (because they don't let women enter those unless it's an ambush, and I haven't been ambushed near marines before). I have seen them carry 200+ pound people around to simulate it, so yea, they can do that too. So get out of here with your ignorant bullshit requiring women to meet way higher standards then men just to try doing what they have already proven they can do.

So go back to claiming to know what you are talking about, while setting physically impossible standards that most male marines can't meet, and ignoring the women who routinely do the realistic standards you describe.

[–]noex1337 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

You claim to be an expert then? Your standards for what women need for combat is retarded. You want them to do 200 Sit-ups in 2 min? So you want them to do 100 situps every 60 seconds. According to your bullshit the only women who get to go into combat literally have to do world record speed situps in 2 minutes.

Clearly Women Marines need to be capable of time distortion before they apply.

EDIT: and if I'm not wrong, the world record for situps in 2 minutes is 115, so lol.

[–]frewfrew 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

they sure don't see it that way. at least, not the ones suing because they weren't let in.

[–]zanda250 -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well they are suing because a rigged chance is still better then no chance at all.