000000 No.42309[Last 50 Posts]
> As I am myself a woman in the games industry - one that has worked on a number of major blockbuster titles - I have been approached a number of times from news outlets such as the BBC and several US news stations requesting an interview, and each and every time this has happened I have been asked various questions about my experiences in the industry and "what I think about how Anita has been treated", and each and every time when I have made my opinions clear, the desire to interview me moves swiftly from wanting to nail down a specific day and time to conduct it to "thanks for your time, we'll be in touch", which is seemingly journalist lingo for "you don't have the right opinions we want to share, bye".
> This experience, coupled with the extremely one sided coverage of the Gamergate debate for the past year from literally all gaming news outlets makes me genuinely sad to be a part of the games industry. As a developer - and I speak for most of us in saying this - we love gamers. They are the reason we do what we do, both because having millions of people want to buy something you made is intensely satisfying and because, on a much more frank and literal front, without them we would all be without jobs.
> Full disclosure:
> I have worked in the gaming industry since 1998, and my name appears in the credits of 16 major release titles as of this week. Up until recently I worked at a major first party studio.
> I will be writing more articles over the coming weeks that will cover various topics in greater detail from a perspective that is generally not represented in the gaming media.
4bf739 No.42314
>I will be writing more articles over the coming weeks that will cover various topics in greater detail from a perspective that is generally not represented in the gaming media.
Looking forward to this. Too many women devs are silently watching this clusterfuck and letting SJWs damage the industry and ultimately jeopardize their livelihood.
362db0 No.42317
>Chihiro Onitsuka
I googled the name, but I'm not turning up anything for a game developer.
11f2e6 No.42319
This has always been the case. The story is written, they're just calling you to get direct quotes like they were taught in j-school.
You are the paint in the journalists narrative. 'You' are never the story.
4e9e5f No.42321
6a1c92 No.42327
Ah, so I did find her. For some reason I was thinking she was a developer.
6a1c92 No.42332
Wait, she does say she's a developer
>This experience, coupled with the extremely one sided coverage of the Gamergate debate for the past year from literally all gaming news outlets makes me genuinely sad to be a part of the games industry. As a developer- and I speak for most of us in saying this - we love gamers. They are the reason we do what we do, both because having millions of people want to buy something you made is intensely satisfying and because, on a much more frank and literal front, without them we would all be without jobs.
I'm thinking the singer is a different person.
6a1c92 No.42505
@ChihiroDev https://twitter.com/ChihiroDev?s=09
This might be her here. The twitter is saying she's going to drop some bombshells or something. Haven't read through it all yet.
000000 No.42512
Probably not for us. At one point it is about men talking about if they would bang a chick… Oh the grave injustice. Yeah I know the next tweet is about them being hypocrites. But expect a large swath of the left population of GamerGate going to cry sexual harassment.
8bbe72 No.42526
d84c0d No.42532
That's kind of a dirtball thing to do right in front of her, though. You save that talk for when others can't hear you.
d84c0d No.42534
>trying to get KuckoldryInAction's attention
Oh boy, can't wait for them to tell her that her article and leaks are unethical
8bbe72 No.42629
8bbe72 No.42642
996c81 No.42658
Jesus, they're burning it to the ground.
This one person has done more damage in a few days than the circle jerk has in months.
8bbe72 No.42660
6a1c92 No.42731
Bumping because potentially important stuff or elaborate ruse
8d23b7 No.42734
6a1c92 No.42749
Twitter is active again. She just tweeted to @Nero
5299cc No.42755
File: 1441853475887.jpg (508.13 KB, 1600x2192, 100:137, tmp__20150910_104934558409….JPG)
whoever they are, they're dropping truth-bombs on twitter dot com
8bbe72 No.42756
kinda verified >>42629
but no smoking gun.
8bbe72 No.42803
someone is verifying her.
this could be gud
8bbe72 No.42806
archive of /pol/ thread https://archive.is/Ale5Y
0390e1 No.42824
Definitely one to investigate deeper.
Actually understands the issues at play rather than most of the kids posting to the #gamergate tag.
Could be a gold mine.
f71412 No.42845
c1c512 No.42857
No proof of what? You want everything all at once? Wait and see what happens.
79f8b5 No.42897
she still has not verified. So, all we can do is sit by and hope this isn't a ruse.
cb6b89 No.43059
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.![](http://megalodon.jp/get_contents/237522941)
I'm in love
verified on KiA
CameraLady has stuck her neck on the line so much this entire exchange so I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt - chihiro is real, and has worked on games that we've all played
Micah from *TechRaptor* wrote about whether these allegations are true or false here http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sne0ii
also vid related - ex *Destructoid* writer and his time in gamergate
31ad76 No.43061
what the fuck? why does he have pigtails?
79f8b5 No.43062
So you have something to grab when you're behind him.
cb6b89 No.43063
he calls himself Radio Voice Guy on twitter
that doesn't excuse it I know - nothing does
6a1c92 No.43065
>I'm in love
She seems unstable honestly. She's ready to burn all these bridges she built over however many years? I wonder who pissed in her cheerios.
6a1c92 No.43090
Bumping because I think this has the potential to be huge. A triple A dev speaking out against the industry and is proGG.
Or just an elaborate ruse.
Either way, it's gonna be gud
3e64f0 No.43108
>passion is instability
>taking something you love seriously is not an admirable trait
>"lol I wonder who pissed you off"
1d9e1a No.43113
I'm using this from now on
44fb22 No.43114
Jesus could camera lady ease up on being a creep.
1d9e1a No.43115
>She seems unstable honestly. She's ready to burn all these bridges she built over however many years?
Yeah, conviction and determination are signs of instability. How can you be trustworthy if you don't hesitate and take half-measures?
>I wonder who pissed in her cheerios.
Says the guy posting on /ggrevolt/.
6a1c92 No.43182
6a1c92 No.43183
Oh, and try not to brigade this with our 1200 alt accounts this time.
3e64f0 No.43187
I'm sure when her opinions get downboated into oblivion, we will rightfully take the blame as the obvious saboteurs of gamergate.
I'm actually glad it's happening on KiA. It'll be fun to watch all the little ledditor SJW-lites try and consolidate a strong independent female dev with clearly conservative ideas about artistic freedom tell them that they need to boycott developers and should have been doing so all along.
It'll smell like sizzling bacon, I'm sure.
a8a1bc No.43190
>boycott developers
more like boycott publishers like EA and Ubisoft.
38800c No.43203
Don't even try faggot. Devs can be royal assholes like anyone else. They're not invariably some special hard working, well meaning human specimen. Industry propaganda my friend. And you've absorbed it like a good little goyim.
cb6b89 No.43341
Chihiro deleted her twitter account after this KiA comment https://archive.is/nUdph
Long live chihiro.
8ca046 No.43343
fuck her for being a coward.
000000 No.43349
> We verified it
Yeah right. So it wasn't a distraction to the PEDOBUTTS situation.
6a1c92 No.43366
31ad76 No.43369
yep, and it isn't even a girl.
just another reason e-celebs are bad.
000000 No.43370
Trust, but verify is a bit of a problem if those leftoid idiots are too stupid to verify shit.
e3516b No.43373
Make of this what you will
7dcd1f No.43374
This was the dude's twitter. His name is Dan, he's from the UK, and he used to run a video gaming news blog.
31ad76 No.43375
eh, who she associates with doesn't mean much.
7dcd1f No.43377
That's what I'm currently digging for.
Someone made the connection between that guy and @ChihiroDev, and he deleted his twitter along with @ChihiroDev.
7dcd1f No.43378
only archive I can find of @lvlzerodotcom
31ad76 No.43384
well, good luck then. supposedly the picture he said was him was actually a waitress.
7dcd1f No.43389
cb6b89 No.43419
so was glitch.tokyo also a ruse?
7dcd1f No.43421
7dcd1f No.43422
5667bd No.43427
d65119 No.43501
It's like every time someone speaks out for us they turn out to be a liar, a cuck,or a faggot.
I've gotten to the point where I assume anyone with a name besides Milo is automatically cancer. I can't even tell them apart anymore.
85af3d No.43507
Ahahaha, that fucking pleb should have realised being a creep and the 'girl' responding was a red fucking flag, that's IF they weren't in on it together.
5667bd No.43535
fwiw I don't think cameralady was in on it, just gullible. She was very receptive when I sent her the facebook links and helped me confirm my suspicions. Without her help he might have kept on being "verified" for a little longer.
I can't be fucked to compile everything but the list of contradictions in ChihiroDev's reddit comments just keeps growing. I'm just wondering if his wife's really in on it or if he's got some 'splaining to do.
7dcd1f No.43540
the dude really seems nutso. Two long ass articles, maintaining a twitter that was constantly tweeting for days.
All to accomplish nothing.
6ca423 No.43675
Yep, that's me, fuckin' sick of being dragged in to this bullshit drama, I did some shitty amature game sites in my spare time several years back until I got bored of it then decided fuck it and just concentrated on work. (Not developing or to do directly with games).
I don't even know what to think readin through all this shit don't even see a point denying the accusations because it won't make fuck all difference anyway
And yeah the collar looks super gay, I thought it looked cool at the time but if was like 2001 or some shit when it was taken.
Frankly I don't give a fuck, imma just kick back and play some mgsv.
I do have some legit questions if anyone's bored enough to answer them tho
e3516b No.43683
Verify! Piece of paper with date, time, and your face in a picture
e3516b No.43685
6ca423 No.43688
The fucks there to verify? And I ain't got that collar no more, was fuckin 12+ years ago.
e3516b No.43690
Verify that that's you. I could claim to be Joe Biden, but how do you know that I am or am not?
6ca423 No.43695
Fine, reactivated my arkindustries twitter, can't be arsed verifying some other way, only ever made like 6 comments on GG, rest of the time I spent just talking to mates.
And this fucking *huge amazing link!* people keep going on about is a fuckin' retweet.
e3516b No.43696
Ok. Then link to it.
e3516b No.43697
6ca423 No.43701
L not cap I
about the only thing I give a shit about is retro. Japan is fuckin ace for retro
b69342 No.43705
copy pasted from here.
b69342 No.43707
ok, now it shows up.
so why the @ChihiroDev hoax?
b69342 No.43709
and what question do you have?
6ca423 No.43710
Dude I don't even want to get into that
Let's just say women love drama and leave it at that, had my fuckin fill of it this weekend
6ca423 No.43712
My questions totally unrelated to the topic entirely, I've been dickin' around with one of my sites, not even sure what the goal is at this point other than something roughly to do with retro.
So question is Japanese obscure retro games, what could possibly be worth the time spent on them for a site? Review? Analysis, let's play?
All I know is I have access to a fucktonne of Japanese retro games for ridiculously cheap prices, we talking sub $1 each for 90% of the nes/snes/MD/gb/ps1 library
Feel like I should do something with it just don't know what
e3516b No.43713
What questions did you have?
e3516b No.43714
I've seen online retro arcades that let you play through the browser. Maybe something like that?
6ca423 No.43715
Yeah but then you end up in the legal muddy waters of storing a shittonne of roms on the server
6ca423 No.43717
Was actually thinking of designing a cart reader unit for PC, but it's need emulators to add support for reading the cartridge data over USB and most older console emulators have been abandoned or haven't been updated in donkeys years
e3516b No.43720
There's got to be working emulators still?
e3516b No.43722
Oh, and can you reactivate the @ChihiroDev twitter?
6ca423 No.43724
Yeah they work but most of them just want to open a file.
About the only way around it without modifying the code in emulators to add support for loading from USB would be to have the reader mount the cartridge binary as a file that shows up as USB storage, so you just point the emulator to the mounted file on ext USB.
Actually thinking on that's a pretty clean workaround
6ca423 No.43726
I don't have the password for it so I guess they can call me a shitposter.
6ca423 No.43728
I can post on the lvlzerodotcom account thou, since that's mine, that good enough?
e3516b No.43731
I guess so.
So what's the story to the ChihiroDev hoax? At least give us the short version.
6ca423 No.43733
Wife caused drama ages ago, I saw my arse with it, wife caused more drama, seen my arse with it again, that's about it really.
e3516b No.43734
That doesn't really explain the two articles or the @ChihiroDev twitter
6ca423 No.43735
She likes games, she has devved for some games but its the sorta shit where you're sat watching the credits hoping for an extra bit of content at the end and you see shit like "thanks to" and it lists a bunch of people and external companies their farmed work out to.
She knows industry shit because she comes with me to e3/TGS/trade shows and got to hear me bitching about shit a lot.
A lot of the shit she tweeted she got from me but I'd never bother posting it because it's the kinda shit you either hear through the grapevine or hear yourself but have no way to prove it short of catching it on camera, and when you don't, there's no way to prove it and when there's no way to prove it there ain't no point mentioning it
31ad76 No.43737
well, it looks like the KiA thread isn't getting out of new.
they isolate anything with our board's name on it.
6ca423 No.43739
I don't have a fuckin clue what that means
e3516b No.43740
What about tokyo.glitch? What's the story behind that?
6ca423 No.43741
That's what pissed me off most about that first bout of drama. I got that domain intending to make a site for posting interesting game glitches, like finding shit hidden beyond the boundaries of normal play area, but since I wasn't using it I let her use it for her "projects", shit hit the fan and now that whole ideas pointless.
e3516b No.43742
It means that the subreddit /r/KotakuInAction on reddit has certain users that guard the /new/ queue and anything mentioning /ggrevolt/ gets downvoted so that it will never appear on the front page of that subreddit.
e3516b No.43744
She's Japanese? How does she know such good English?
6ca423 No.43745
I can actually prove this too, I have a PSD of a site design concept I had mocked up for this somewhere
6ca423 No.43746
I'd imagine it's because both her parents speak it too.
e3516b No.43747
If all that internet drama is her, why she so cray cray?
6ca423 No.43750
Had some shitty stuff happen that pit her in depression, don't really want to give details but it was pretty fucking shitty for the both of us
e3516b No.43751
How on Earth did she get that website to post her articles? I'd never heard of that site, but now it's lost all credibility.
6ca423 No.43753
To be fair the articles weren't too bad, the tweets on the other hand…
47204f No.43757
Can someone link me to any kind of verification of that guy? Are you all just taking his word for it?
31ad76 No.43761
e3516b No.43762
Check the twitter @lvlzerodotcom. That's the same twitter attached to the tokyo.glitch hoax. He just commented on it.
And I'm not saying that I'm buying his story. Can't really prove that it was all his wife's doing and not him.
6ca423 No.43764
But as I've said. At this point what does it even matter, hell if it makes people feel better I'll just say it was me and have done with it.
47204f No.43765
Are you kidding me? This is the verification? An egg account with a single tweet? Can you link me to where this twitter acc is attached to tokyo.glitch ?
6ca423 No.43768
Don't be a fucking numptie all your life, I changed the username to arkindustries, the tweets went with it, then regged the old account name again to stop someone else taking it.
Follow along will you.
e3516b No.43769
He nuked the @lvlzerodotcom account. Check higher up in the thread, there's an archive from back in April of the account when it was active.
e3516b No.43771
Also, they got his info by doing a WHOIS on the tokyo.glitch website. Many traces of this are gone from being deleted and plebbitors not archiving stuff.
6ca423 No.43772
I'm a lazy fuck who won't pay extra for domain privacy, guilty as charged.
c4bf6e No.43773
So what's your question?
6ca423 No.43775
Asked it ages ago. Kinda moot now
For the record those 10 common ouccrances she tweeted are legit, reviewers used to frequent a.b.g.x360 irc dumping 360 disks for rls on newsgroups and ddc.
You'd need to find someone who has irc logs from thier Chan from like 2009 and trawl through a billion join part messages to find something juicy being said tho
e3516b No.43776
Scroll up. He was asking about retro indie games.
Pro-Tip: copy his ID, ctrl-f, and find all his posts ITT
6ca423 No.43777
Hmm, close. I was actually asking about Japanese obscure retro games since I have easy cheap access to them
256f53 No.43778
Trips checked.
The thread on KIA linking to this thread is getting brigade-downvoted to hell. What's your thoughts on that? Who's doing it?
e3516b No.43779
I'm the one who posted on KiA. My thoughts are that KiA users don't want to admit that they almost got duped. I mean, if anything, it shows that people involved with GamerGate don't just listen and believe anything. I don't know why they're trying so hard to keep that thread from getting out of /new/
6ca423 No.43780
Eh fuck knows, Reddit ain't my thing
47204f No.43781
People say that everything ggr related is going brigade downvoted on KiA, no matter the content. I used to defend KiA, but after all the recent drama I'm very suspicious of them now.
6ca423 No.43782
Anyway, its half 3 in the morning so fuck it I'm going bed.
Just assume ChihiroDev was a craycray poster recycling words from the grapevine , whether you believe it was my wife or me that actually posted if, because at the end of the day it doesn't really change fuck all, its still just word with nowt to back it up.
256f53 No.43783
That's a fact. Every ggr related thread was kept below zero except for the one where votes didn't matter.
What was the point of the troll?
6ca423 No.43784
If I knew I'd tell you, so I'll just guess for the luls or something.
31ad76 No.43786
thanks for coming here to talk to us
31bfa0 No.43788
My guess.
>Look at how easy GG is to fool
>How can you take anything seriously when they believed this egg account without first seeking verification
256f53 No.43789
e3516b No.43790
My KiA on this, never making it above zero. They're actually going through my post history and downboating everything!!!
all hope is lost, KiA.
000000 No.43791
thx for coming here
e3516b No.43792
Which egg account? None of the twitter accounts were eggs until after @ChihiroDev deleted "her" account.
Thanks for stopping by, and try to stop by again. No more trolling or hoaxes though.
256f53 No.43794
KIA's days are numbered when (if?) plebbitors realize how much info they're not allowed to see.
6ca423 No.43795
All I gives a shit about is retro as 99% of my twitter feed shows
I'll stick around I guess, not got work till after TGS anyway.
Weirdly I come in here and saw my dox up, and now I'm leaving thinking "actually they're pretty based" who would have imagined?
Ah well see you guys round
256f53 No.43799
>actually they're pretty based
Thanks for nothing, faggot. Now they'll really accuse us of trolling. LEL
6ca423 No.43800
I'll give you 'faggot' on account of that collar, just this once.
256f53 No.43802
e3516b No.43803
You haven't seen the KiA thread?
>Oh, go figure he would come from ggrevolt
They're already blaming this board.
My last words to KiA on that thread
>Edit: Wow! The butthurt from you faggots. Going through my post history and downboating everything. You want to know how I know? I posted a thread last night that was removed for being a duplicate, I didn't see that it had already been posted. It won't show up in on KiA, but it will show up in my post history. Faggots are downvoting that as well.
>That's some SRD and SRS shit right there. I'm proud of you, KiA users, you've really turned yourselves around and seen the light of social justice.
We don't really consider it dox unless there's a phone number and home address. Can't really call the police on your twitter account.
faggot is just chan speak. Everyone is a faggot or a nigger. Don't think too much on it.
6ca423 No.43805
>Oh, go figure he would come from ggrevolt
Fucking wooowww that's some next level jump to conclusions there, did they even read my fuckin' posts?
e3516b No.43807
That's not exactly what they said. Let me find it.
>On Revolt
>Shock and surprise!
And they probably did read it, but not that many other people will see the thread because it's at 0 points.
256f53 No.43809
Of course not. The whole point is to get the info buried and give the rest of KIA mushroom treatment.
31ad76 No.43810
>but not that many other people will see the thread because it's at 0 points.
we should use our 1200 Reddit accounts to upvote it like last time:^)
6ca423 No.43811
The funny part in all this is, I've touched on gamergate related stuff like 3 times ever, when shit hit the fan this weekend and I started reading up on what was going on, all I see is a bunch of infighting, pedophiles getting friends to post cp on 8ch to vindicate themselves being pedos, and drama out the arse.
Reminds me of why I avoided it in the past, will stick around here though.
Since everyone already knows my name and how I looked in 2001 I guess assuming admin didntheir job and submitted the group application for TGS, in a couple days I'll post som shit from TGS.
Where's best to put it? Not even sure if ggr has a general thread for that kinda shit or not?
e3516b No.43813
If you don't want to make a new thread, there's an off-topic thread, but really nothing is off-topic here.
Here's the thread >>40686
256f53 No.43814
Just post a new thread. We don't censor.
6ca423 No.43815
Alright thanks will do.
Defo going now though, was going to earlier but only had 20 min left on R&D expansion 4/4 bring built, fucking mgsv man.
d6d90d No.43843
How many pounds have you put on since the collar pic? Because you looked way chubbier in Yukino's photos.
d6d90d No.43844
And it's funny how "chihiro's" next big thing, posting photos from TGS, is now exactly what you plan to do. Even though you're totally not into gamergate.
d6d90d No.43846
And here's you tweeting the exact same "vacation gap" bs that "your wife" wrote about days later. How dumb do you think we are? https://twitter.com/ARKlndustries/status/629538203062566912
The real question is, did you give vgchartz the same "verification," or are they in on the hoax? And how does your wife really feel about you using her photos to pretend to be a girl on the internet?
e3516b No.43847
That's good detective work, anon. I didn't really dig that deeply into it, so I didn't have any questions like yours to ask.
0c216a No.43848
I've been following this guy since before @GlitchTokyo became @RotProtocol. I can't describe how satisfying it was to see him try again and fuck up so badly.
a34842 No.43852
that could've been the wife
d6d90d No.43855
His wife doesn't work in video games. If she did, she could have verified it. Erik Kain offered to do so for @RotProtocol.
And if the story is that she's in fear for her career, what's her husband doing soaking up the attention here?
5667bd No.43857
And besides, that "ark industries" account is expressly his. @GlitchTokyo/RotProtocol and @ChihiroDev are the ones which were supposedly his wife.
91ed5f No.43863
I just don't see the angle here in any of this. What do you gain out of pulling a hoax? Why try how many times?
What was @Rotprotocall? Another hoax?
91ed5f No.43864
Also, just stumbling upon /ggrevolt/…. No one just stumbles to this board as their first stop on 8chan.
384161 No.43866
Yeah, I don't get it either. The hoaxes aren't even particularly dramatic, just a fake person saying reasonable things. This feels like a person with actual identity issues or something. I just don't get it otherwise. All these weird little false starts.
5667bd No.43868
It was the exact same story as @ChihiroDev. Japanese female game dev since 1998, dropping "truth bombs," posting photos of PSP review copies and promising to wear a specific t-shirt to TGS as "proof." She never got much attention though, never wrote any articles, and when Erik Kain offered to verify her, she promptly disappeared.
9c3e77 No.43869
and GlitchTokyo I never even heard of until people started digging into this guy.
>This feels like a person with actual identity issues or something.
he's wearing a collar. I don't care what decade you're from, never has a guy wearing a shiny collar ever looked good.
a34842 No.43871
then why did he verify with the lvl0 account instead of the chihirodev account?
does he have a reason to advertise that account?
5667bd No.43872
Every stage of this has basically been him working on his female voice piece by piece. I'm expecting his next attempt to involve hormone replacement therapy.
9c3e77 No.43873
he's claiming the @ChihiroDev account belongs to his wife…..
I'm thinking if he's outed as the hoaxer, that could potentially ruin his career, but if he just blames it all on his wife, no one would care.
a34842 No.43874
then why did he verify with the lvl0 account instead of the chihirodev account?
does he have a reason to advertise that account?
31ad76 No.43876
he doesn't have access to it. it's his wife's account
a34842 No.43877
after all the shit "his wife" has done, it's pretty unlikely he can't get the password for that account, it doesn't prove that his wife did it, it just makes im look like a bigger liar.
i guess i might just be being overly autistic over details, but the justification makes zero sense to me
5667bd No.43878
Because his story is that @ChihiroDev was actually his wife (the waitress).
5667bd No.43880
A fun exercise for those who still doubt: go back through chihiro's articles and see how many of "her" criticisms of game journalism are the sort of thing the owner of a small, failed games blog (like lvlzero.com) would be especially bitter about.
9c3e77 No.43883
>but… but… she just heard me bitching about work and picked up on that.
>she knows every aspect of my job.
6ca423 No.43908
Because you specifically fucking said "go find more on ggrevolt" supbits.
Don't take a fuckin genious to Google something.
And like I said. If it makes you feel better I will say "yeah it was me" so what now?
> b b but guys its Jim not her
Yeah it was me, happy now
> b b but guys, she listed her work as a resteruant!
And? I dont list any jobs on my fb does that then mean I'm unemployed?
I suppose you think wikipedia is gospel truth too, fuckin numptie
6ca423 No.43911
Fuck knows, marriage does that too you, as does 14 years
91ed5f No.43912
Just giving you shit, man. I mean, this is the third hoax associated with you or your wife. If it is your wife doing all that, need to put her on a leash or something when she goes online.
6ca423 No.43913
So? We both go every year, umad bro?
6ca423 No.43916
Woah woah woah, third? Technically all that glitch and rotprotofol bullshit was the same drama wasn't it or is there somethin I'm missing?
6ca423 No.43917
Believe it or not people who are married actually talk about stuff with each other, insane concept I know.
6ca423 No.43925
Dude to me it just sounds like you're being pissy that I didn't take the account and post with it because doing so would make it easier for you to score fake internet points.
But here's the thing, so explain it to me if you will, I don't give two shits, I'll say it was me all along if it makes you happy, I've no reason to hide shit, so why, if I did have access to it, would I not just post on it? Dont give me the bullshit answer of "so you can blame it on her" I've said "yeah I'll say it was me" so how does it make any difference at all?
Here, make it easier for you
Was it you?
> yep it was me
> them luls
Now what?
> imma git dressed and go do shit
Happy bruh?
6ca423 No.43939
It's was a prop from battle royale actually, but hey.
9c3e77 No.43941
I thought glitch.tokyo and @Rotprofol were two seperate things. idk.
>fake internet points.
you saw the KiA thread, right? everything downvoted. They went through his reddit profile and downvoted shit that wasn't even listed.
>> them luls
>Now what?
sounds like lul
the laughs.
6ca423 No.43943
Well that's just lame
9c3e77 No.43946
oh, and this board is pretty dead around 10pm CST. Like all these people have jobs or some shit.
I'm over in the /v/ general shitting it up.
6ca423 No.43950
Clicked and saw length of thread
Yeah, fuck that.
As for srhbutts, its my understanding that thier defense is "but people post cp on 8ch too"? Not really seeing how that changes anything about srh being a pedo but ok
a77008 No.43961
This is why I like GGR. You never know what you're gonna find.
a5044e No.43970
cameralady here, you're the fellow i was talking to on reddit before?
Dan's scrubbed all his links, the linkedin, the facebooks, the etc. I have documentation of some of it, do you have the rest?
PM me on reddit
a5044e No.43973
CameraLady here.
Assuming everything she told me was true, I know about her depression.
I still have a hard time believing that Yukino was actually involved, and it wasn't just all you, Dan. Yukino's facebook stated "Waitress since 2010" as her profession, and her english on FB was NOT the quality of english she wrote with or talked to me with (most notably, when she'd talk to your mom).
Moreover, Chihiro's story of how you two met doesn't seem to jive with your facebook comments over the past five years.
The most likely story is that you have a cute waitress wife and decided to create an identity around her image for you to talk about shit that would otherwise get you in trouble professionally.
a77008 No.43977
>The most likely story is that you have a cute waitress wife and decided to create an identity around her image for you to talk about shit that would otherwise get you in trouble professionally.
That doesn't explain the choker.
9c3e77 No.43978
he could've created a false person that was a man as well. don't know why he would choose his wife.
>That doesn't explain the choker.
I think that's the only mystery that will remain unsolved.
5667bd No.43983
So that he could have photos of an Asian woman that weren't publicly available, to use as "proof" - and, worse, so he could dress her up and parade her around TGS with a Vivian mask on. Or a shirt that said "misa," as @RotProtocol promised before disappearing.
5667bd No.43988
Didn't bother. ChihiroDev is dead, good enough for me. The weekend's over, I've got other shit to do.
5667bd No.43990
The explanation, apparently, is that the guy wears a Battle Royale prop in the photo he uses to represent himself professionally.
5667bd No.43992
One question for you, CameraLady - did Yukino ever reply to you through Facebook? I get the feeling that she didn't quite understand what was going on.
6ca423 No.43996
Said it before and I'll say it again, I don't really care.
>it was me
>for them luls
>no real reason
That's what people are speculating so I may as well say it's true. Not like it changes anything at all.
I swear people are hooked on drama as if it were coke
6ca423 No.43999
This caused me to lol somewhat
9c3e77 No.44000
I really don't care anymore. I stopped digging before you even presented yourself here.
6ca423 No.44002
Trips checked
Yeah, just the people looking to get them patreon bux
a5044e No.44004
Camera again.
I know you don't care, Dan. But here's the thing - I do. Because Yukino expressed a desire to talk to me again after all of this stuff blew over, mainly about the causes of her depression.
She told me, and obviously you know. And it's stuff I'm willing to help her through, having experienced (some of) it myself.
That is, of course, assuming that wasn't you just spinning a yarn.
So yeah. I know you both scrubbed all of your accounts. Get her to quietly contact me somewhere, and verify with a photo that it's her. Because I'd still like to talk, and last I heard, "she" still did too.
5667bd No.44005
6ca423 No.44006
You have a strange way of going about it.
6ca423 No.44008
It was a WordPress theme I was redesigning, the menu entry never linked to anything in the multiple months the page was up.
a5044e No.44010
This is the only way I can go about it, yo.
Yukino's scrubbed everything else. reddit account's gone. FB account's not accepting messages. Twitter's gone.
Only way to chat with her is to get you to approach me.
6ca423 No.44012
Too much drama not enough luls.
5667bd No.44013
This has gotten depressing. Imagine finding out that your husband has been using photos of you to prop up his yellowface sockpuppet for internet cred.
31ad76 No.44014
they put an unverified tag on your thread
277e71 No.44016
You know there are some mental lifeless faggots that are going to try to get to your wife now.
It was really dumb to use her in any capacity.
5667bd No.44018
That's how little he cares about her, apparently. He was linked by name to glitch.tokyo the day he posted it, and yet here he is months later. At least now she knows what he's been up to.
6ca423 No.44019
Yeah I know. Cameralady already tried.
Problem is my wife replied to her, but I don't see her mention that little gem since it doesn't fit the picture she's tryna paint.
9c3e77 No.44020
5667bd No.44022
tentatively unverified
6ca423 No.44024
>omg everyone he doesn't care bout his wife
>they scrubbed dox tho, send me them if you got em!
5f6d9d No.44025
a5044e No.44026
Camera here, for one last time…
Really, Dan?
So, Dan, when your wife has a miscarriage, can't function during her job at Sony to the point that she needs to quit for the forseeable future, goes into a depressive spiral, and then her cat is sitting in an isolation chamber slowly dying, all the while talking to me about how she was raped back in her 20s and how that basically made her only date women for a while, oh and don't forget that one time when she talked about all asian dicks being about two inches long and how yours was big enough that she had to hold onto it with two hands and it still made her gag, and I guess since we're on a roll she also seemed to have an astounding amount of ignorance about tampons for a woman 32 years of age… and she says that she wants to talk to me again despite how much of a shitshow this is, because she felt it was a great way to work through her depression based on my own experiences - you're just going to completely deny her that opportunity because, in your opinion, there's not enough luls in the prospect of your wife getting help?
Actually, it's because you pretended to be her the entire time. Her command of english on facebook was basic, and it took 'chihiro' about 15 minutes to send me this verification. How hard did you have to convince her to get her to hold this up, Dan?
I'm going to tell you something I didn't tell Chihiro/Dan/Yukino/whoever. I know a number of other people in the japanese scene. I asked two of them to look into you.
Chihiro 'claimed' you hit on her in a bar with a dinosaur impression, and you were inseparable ever since. Yukino's facebook has a comment from you, to her, saying something along the lines of 'I'll have to visit your restaurant when I'm back in japan again' in 2011. The people I asked in the scene have heard of you. They also knew next to nothing about your wife, except that she's NOT in gaming.
Your wife never replied to me. It was always you. Chihiro's english is like yours - Your wife's english on facebook is broken (or do you think 'mamaaa pilkington' is the way a native speaker would refer to your mother?)
You met a waitress you liked and you married her, Dan. That's all Yukino is. And you used her identity because you didn't want to jeopardize yourself when you leaked your shit.
6ca423 No.44029
> it was me all along
Have been saying that all day, do keep up.
5f6d9d No.44031
>can't function during her job at Sony
>They also knew next to nothing about your wife, except that she's NOT in gaming.
I'm getting confused here
31ad76 No.44032
>I'm getting confused here
i think we all are, anon
9c3e77 No.44033
cameralady is saying that everything she knows about the wife was a lie from Dan. Dan was speaking to her the whole time.
277e71 No.44034
Why are you dumping pics of his wife?
e5e12e No.44035
Why would someone make up all that shit? I'm even more confused but also entertained.
a5044e No.44037
>Have been saying that all day
>Problem is my wife replied to her
>"it was me" That's what people are speculating so I may as well say it's true. Not like it changes anything at all.
> I'll say it was me all along if it makes you happy, I've no reason to hide shit
>whether you believe it was my wife or me that actually posted if, because at the end of the day it doesn't really change fuck all
>hell if it makes people feel better I'll just say it was me and have done with it.
>She knows industry shit
> wife caused more drama,
You haven't been saying it all day. You've been stomping your feet like a child because you've been caught. "it doesn't matter who did it guys so I GUESS i'll say I did it."
Jesus christ, bro. You have a complete lack of respect for your wife. You can't grow a set when caught. You make the same major mistake, two times in a row (once with glitchtokyo and now). And you spin ridiculous story after ridiculous story to try and patchwork the lies over.
Do you really like impersonating that waitress girl this much?
a5044e No.44040
Because Dan is so wrapped up in himself and his alt-life, and because he was playing damage control with me as 'yukino' once i began asking 'her' serious questions.
He's quite literally Peter Coffin, just one step up. Replace 'fake blowup doll wife' with 'asian waitress that i post pics of online and pretend she's actually somebody else because I find my real wife to be inadequate'.
6ca423 No.44041
Yeah sorry, it was me all along.
e5e12e No.44042
Jesus Christ I hope this is an elaborate troll. That or this guy gives zero shits about his wife.
277e71 No.44043
If I had to guess I would say that he wanted to throw shit at the games bloggers, because they've been attacking an industry that he cares about, and he wanted to create an identity with enough prestige (and one unassailable by idpol) to lend weight to what he knew, and possibly encourage developers to come out and defend their industry.
Then when that fell to shit he tried to back out in a way that would have Sperglady to leave him alone.
2ddad0 No.44044
IA here, holy shit!
a5044e No.44045
I will say one thing for you.
She has a cute smile and you're a lucky fuck. But damn man. Have more respect for the woman you married.
a5044e No.44046
Yeah this is exactly what happened. He wanted to post his stuff and he wanted to do it as an asian woman.
Dan. You coulda just posted it yourself. We would've listened. You didn't have to blast yourself into oblivion.
5667bd No.44047
Not for long he isn't, hopefully. Jesus fucking christ, just when I thought it couldn't get any more depressing.
6ca423 No.44048
On a level, I do, however you are wrong on one thing, she knows about using her pictures.
I'll reactivate lvlzero again and add you, let's end this bullshit once and for all
31ad76 No.44049
wait a second, those aren't the same people.
5f6d9d No.44050
It seems so odd he went and done it like that
Hell he coulda still remained anonymous, there are a lot of devs who have in the past
I just dont get why he did it like this
so fucking dumb
a5044e No.44051
Add about 7 years. They are.
a5044e No.44053
2ddad0 No.44054
Hahahahahaah I just pictured that one panel from the ending of Naruto with DARKNESSfag just going
>yeah, sorry
As a reply to all the shit he did
5f6d9d No.44055
31ad76 No.44056
wait, before you leave. what's your opinion of ggrevolt?
4b1bdd No.44057
How did he manage to get those articles published on VGChartz?
e5e12e No.44059
10/10 like KiA with guns.
2ddad0 No.44060
Well considering she's a sperg like you, she probably likes the board :^)
a5044e No.44061
I like you guys as much as /gamergatehq/. no loyalty. I'm not interested in your divide.
i am pretty much the definition of an ethics cuck. It's why I'm owning up to my massive fuck-up in verifying chihiro too. NO GODS NO KINGS ONLY ETHICS
Probably the same proof we were given.
9ff9fc No.44062
Yes he's dumb, look at this >>43390
5f6d9d No.44063
Camera Lady is there still fucking people digging shit? I feel so many of the people who were digging up information have all bailed or just not releasing anything
4b1bdd No.44064
Could you make a detailed post on KiA that explain everything?
4b1bdd No.44065
a5044e No.44066
maybe i should do a video :^)
9c3e77 No.44067
do come back and update please. thx
ac5b33 No.44068
:^) You won't find us saying no.
7d5c9e No.44069
>I'm not interested in your divide.
Shine on, you autistic diamond.
9c3e77 No.44070
no, you got the ethics cuck definition wrong.
an ethicscuck wants it to only be about ethics in games journalism and want me to focus only on ethics in games journalism or GTFO
If you want to focus on ethics, that's A-OK with me, just don't tell me what to do.
5f6d9d No.44071
2ddad0 No.44072
9fe4fd No.44076
Someone redpill me. I have no idea what the fuck is going on.
31ad76 No.44077
9c3e77 No.44086
the guy in this thread who we reddit tier doxxxxxxed.
>found his twitter
>found his linkedin
This guy >>43390
search archive.is for this >>43389 because he already deleted it.
6ca423 No.44088
Fuck it will post an explanation on kia tomorrow , sorry but I doubt it will be as interesting as some of you might have hoped, either way got other shit to do so laters.
31ad76 No.44089
why not post it here?
9c3e77 No.44090
aw, don't dip out. I'm interested.
a5044e No.44092
hey uh i know we talked everything out on twitter
but when, as dan, you said that you didn't care if your wife gave me a topless pic a few days ago when i was talking to 'both of you' at the same time
is that still on the table
6f9f4a No.44093
That reminds me. We didn't verify you.
Tits or GTFO
6ca423 No.44094
Never change, lewdposter.
a5044e No.44096
277e71 No.44097
I'll send you a topless pic, dev
9c3e77 No.44098
whoa whoa whoa….. that's ok to post here, I'm pretty sure.
6ca423 No.44100
Tldr version, I have legit ties to industry hence why I was 99% verified, only doubt was because of WHO was verifying (fake person obv), made up ChihiroDev because I figured it'd have more impact coming from a woman.
Will explain in more detail tomorrow but that's essentially it.
e5e12e No.44101
Because revolt is for fucking nerds :^)
277e71 No.44102
tell someone in the industry to make a gamepad with microswitches instead of rubber domes before i do it myself
6ca423 No.44104
To be fair that is a pretty fucking awesome idea
9c3e77 No.44105
can we see your wife's tits now?
6ca423 No.44106
Negative, you'll need to get in line behind cameralady.
9c3e77 No.44107
well, here's one of my wife
5f6d9d No.44108
>socks on
a5044e No.44110
you know? not bad
>tfw no gf since march
9c3e77 No.44111
>mfw divorced since july
5f6d9d No.44112
>tfw single and enjoying masturbation and no human contact
277e71 No.44113
did she take your wiiu?
9c3e77 No.44114
Still got that thing.
67cc96 No.44115
since we're baring all
6ca423 No.44121
91ed5f No.44124
Repost here
6ca423 No.44129
Too long go post, figure the KIA post hasn't been accepted yet, here's a paste
000000 No.44140
7 years of surgery?
a38e4a No.44145
It was removed. Try voat instead.
5f6d9d No.44146
>It was removed.
5f6d9d No.44148
6ca423 No.44149
No, I've no fucking clue who that is
4602bb No.44150
Let me try to understand what's going on here..
so basically this chihirodev faggot is an attentionwhoring fag who used his wife in rl while pretending to be her on the internet?
c84944 No.44151
Thanks for being a shitcunt
4602bb No.44152
No wait let me try again
>says shit on twitter
>then claims it was his wife on twitter
>then pretends to be his wife
>then comes onto GGR to first say that he was never involved
>but it was him this entire time being an unbearable faggot
I'm so fucking confused, someone give me a tl;dr because this is a level of autism I can't handle.
6ca423 No.44153
6ca423 No.44154
Pretty much nailed it with the greentext.
000000 No.44155
There is no dox in there I can see so it is to protect the PR narrative of KiA.
Someone trying to social engineer devs coming out: Sooo not part of GamerGate.
4602bb No.44156
You want to know why it's not on KiA?
because we're figuring this shit out and it's a massive clusterfuck.
yes I'm a mod
06c6da No.44157
> cam makes 3d on kia
> mods delete it
> she posts it on twatter, people get pissed at mods
> the great kia divide starts
5f6d9d No.44158
its from the fucking person behind it
I dont even come to revolt other than this but curious people should at least be able to see that shit
4602bb No.44159
Oh I agree. I want to put out a fucking sticky soon as possible explaining that this entire thing was one massive clusterfuck and what really happened, but we need to understand what the fuck is going on first before we can do that.
6ca423 No.44161
Hit me up on twitter if you need anything clarifying, I'm fucking done with the bullshit.
4602bb No.44163
I've laid it out for the other mods, if they feel the need to they can, but far as I can see there's nothing left to do really.
There's a moral lesson to be learned here but hell if I know.
6ca423 No.44165
Fair enough,
Sorry for the bullshit this past few days.
291820 No.44167
Just in case no one said it already.
How the fuck did you think being dishonest would help GG? Even at the slightest risk of it coming out, you should have known how much damage it will cause. As a developer I can tell you that I'd be afraid to come forward after all these people came so close in revealing your identity. I wouldn't want people to dig through my past and find stuff I don't want everyone to know. All you did was to (probably, we can't tell yet) destroy the wave of devs and others coming out in support.
I just hope this whole thing will blow over and non of the devs sitting on the fence will ever learn the details about this whole mess. Fuck our PR in the media, but you damaged our reputation for devs that might follow this mess on KiA and twitter.
6ca423 No.44169
I let anger lead my actions, and made some royally stupid choices.
I've no excuses.
ca61ac No.44170
5667bd No.44178
5f6d9d No.44180
has anyone archived everything in this thread?
5667bd No.44183
We didn't "come close." We revealed it.
To be clear, as the guy who did it: if he'd been honest and posted this info as an anonymous games blogger, I wouldn't have cared to dig into it.
But he didn't. He made up Anna (https://archive.is/MZYOY), and then Misa (@RotProtocol), and now Chihiro. Convenient imaginary Asian woman game dev here to give credence to every GG talking point.
I just wanted to expose the hand inside the sockpuppet. With CameraLady's help, we ended up finding something a lot darker.
5667bd No.44185
lol, I just looked at the vgchartz article again and there's the photo of Tim Shafer with the sockpuppet. I think Chihiro owes him an apology.
1005a2 No.44198
Massive faggotry detected. You're not supposed to keep KIA in the dark, period. They don't need you to "figure it out" beforehand. Let them do it and flair it with "Dunno what's up - I suck cocks". Their fragile minds will deal with it without your leadership and input, negro.
This time I believe you. Good intentions but wrong approach. No harm done IMO.
384161 No.44200
Seriously. Goddamn, dude. You're a fine writer and you say things that make sense. Why the fuck have you constantly been making up personas? Pretending to be a woman for points, jesus fuck dude.