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[–]woodaba2 [スコア非表示]  (73子コメント)

People in Subreddit: "Wow that girl's laugh in this podcast recording is fucking annoying"

Totalbiscuit: "Stop being an asshole, people in subreddit"


Genna: "Man, this subreddit is fucking awful."


Seriously, I don't think TB or Genna's reactions were the best, but fucking hell if this sub didn't go absolutely insane. As soon as Senpai calls you people out on your shit, you freak the fuck out and declare that TB is ruined forever and your unsubbing and the end times are upon us repent repent

[–]Regal_Elkstone [スコア非表示]  (63子コメント)

I would be able to take this post seriously if it weren't for you did the text equivalent of reading what the people in the subreddit wrote, but in a silly voice

[–]woodaba2 [スコア非表示]  (62子コメント)

There are people, in this very thread, who are calling TB and Genna "the thought police". There were people on the other thread who were threatening unsubscribing everywhere and adblocking all their channels, because they said that mocking a little girl was a dick move.

I'm taking them exactly as seriously as comments like that deserve to be taken. If you want me to take you seriously, then act like an adult, instead of a child having a temper tantrum because mummy and daddy told you off.

[–]AtlareFanboi #1[M] [スコア非表示]  (16子コメント)

Sidenote to all of this: The most interesting thing I've learnt about communities after running this subreddit is that people act like customers instead of users. Threats of unsubscribes and ad-blocking don't actually affect us in any meaningful way because:

1) We don't receive ad revenue, ad-blocking /r/cynicalbrit hurts nobody but Reddit's ad revenue.

2) Big sub numbers just means a more active community which we want, but if users don't want to be here it also doesn't bother us. We don't have stretch goals for subs or any compensation at all. The difference between 25,35,45 and 55k subscribers has felt pretty minimal aside from an "Oh awesome!" reaction when it happens.

So yeah, people can continue calling me whatever slur they feel like but I can't help but be puzzled by the "Customer is always right" attitude I'm seeing from some (not many) users.

[–]woodaba2 [スコア非表示]  (15子コメント)

...are you sure you replied to the correct comment? I was talking about people threatening unsubscribing from TB's youtube and Twitch channels, not this sub. And I didn't call you any slurs. And what is this "customer is always right" stuff you're talking about? It feels like you're trying to respond to a totally different comment.

[–]AtlareFanboi #1[M] [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Sidenote to all of this

It was more of a general comment about my views on people threatening to unsub. I'm not arguing against you here, sorry if I wrote the above poorly.

[–]woodaba2 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Oh, alright, fair enough. Might be a good idea to stick this onto a more relevant/popular comment thread, because this one is going to get buried pretty soon, I think.

[–]Flakarmor [スコア非表示]  (12子コメント)

If I may be the so bold, then I might suggest it is a subtle "If you don't like it here, then you're free to leave. This place does not actively support TB, so you're no less a fan by leaving this place."

Dunno about the customer thing, but it sounds reasonable, so I guess you got that for free.

[–]woodaba2 [スコア非表示]  (11子コメント)

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but this sounds like now we're saying

"TB and Genna are so awful for being the thought police and telling us off for having opinions, and if you don't agree with this majority opinion, you can leave".

[–]Flakarmor [スコア非表示]  (10子コメント)

It might, though I can't see it, regardless it wasn't my intention. It is wholly serious without bad intent.

It is true that you can leave. I am not saying whether you should. That's obviously up to you. Honestly, I would prefer if people stayed, you included, as long as you don't make the rest of us out to be all-caps-locking shills.

It's just that you shouldn't feel you have to stay to be a real TB fan. This subreddit is not so much TB's as it is a collection of people for whom he's a general subject. You know this, surely, but I sought to remind you.

Edits: words and phrasing in end of 2nd paragraph

[–]woodaba2 [スコア非表示]  (9子コメント)

I'll be honest, I didn't really participate too much in this sub for the past year, for two reasons: ironically, because I felt it was a bit too positive towards TB, and secondly, there are a substantial number of GG members here, and I want to stay the hell away from that debate. I'm only participating today because I'm flabbergasted at the sheer flaming hypocrisy and mental gymnastics present in the subreddit today. I mean, shit, TB has done questionable stuff in the past, and the majority of people here have stood behind him, but when he tells the sub off one time, everybody loses their minds.

I'm not a "fan of TB. I don't like fandom as a concept, and I certainly don't want to be considered part of one. I watch TB's videos because I enjoy his content, but I certainly don't consider myself a cynical brit fanatic, or that TB is my friend.

I think that there is the real reason for this. Despite TB frequently saying, quite rightly, in the past that fanboys are bad and para-social relationships are not good for you, I think that's what happened here. People in this sub considered TB their friend, consciously or otherwise, and when he made it clear that he didn't approve of their actions, they freaked out in a way that very much resembles a child having a temper tantrum after a parent tells them off.

[–]Flakarmor [スコア非表示]  (8子コメント)

I strongly disagree with most if not all of what you said, but your honesty is much appreciated.

flaming hypocrisy and mental gymnastics present in the subreddit today

I cannot help but point out that you did not help with your strawman representation of the issue.

I'm not a "fan of TB. (cont)

I meant it in a more neutral fashion. I am not up to date on all the new slang. Fan was intended as a rather broad definition as someone who is invested in TB's content, but not excluding those invested in TB as a person, regardless of their actual familiarity with him.

I'm a fan, but I do not see him as a personal friend. I know of no prominent "fandom" where this is not the norm for fans. Nor does being a fan or merely a content viewer disallow me from criticizing him or holding a position contrary to him.

I can only speak for myself, but what I've seen is a lot of admiration for TB across a variety of subjects and I share in this. When there is drama, I personally look to TB to make sense of what happens, so I understand that this is alarming for many on this subreddit.

Personally, I am worried for TB. He's got it rough, and episodes like this doesn't help, but I cannot cuddle him, and I don't expect him to want to be cuddled.

I think that there is the real reason for this. (cont)

I'd say that's pure speculation and wrong.

they freaked out in a way that very much resembles a child having a temper tantrum after a parent tells them off.

That's a demeaning description. We are people here too. I feel I'm being very mature about this. As have many others, but you can't expect perfect and rational behaviour from people feeling slighted.

[–]soldiercrabs[🍰] [スコア非表示]  (44子コメント)

This post is extremely ignorant on the actual problem, and is (deliberately?) misrepresenting the big problem people have actually been having, which is TB and Genna generating outrage and blaming innocent fans for something a few people did, then brigading people from Twitter onto reddit. Trying to paint it as anything else borders between misleading and idiotic.

*e: typo

[–]MastaCrouton [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I wonder how many of the perpetually offended people here complain about outrage culture...

[–]The-red-Dane [スコア非表示]  (7子コメント)

Self-awareness is close to zero here it seems.

you've managed to do the exact same thing, generalizing the subreddit just as Gen and TB did. I never behaved like that in this whole kerfuffle, yet now you've lobbed me in with those who did.

[–]woodaba2 [スコア非表示]  (6子コメント)

Please, tell me, where did I do that? No, seriously where? Did I say that everyone in the sub acted this way? No, I didn't. Did I say that you acted this way? No, no I did not. I simply said "People in the Subreddit". All that means is that people in the sub did this, not that the entire sub did it, not that you did it. Frankly, the fact that you THINK I was talking about you, says a lot more about you than it does about me.

[–]bills6693 [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

To play devil's advocate, TB also said 'people' and not 'all people' and got the same response.

Personally I don't understand why when the few people who were awful, found out that it was a kid, they couldn't just say "sorry, I didn't mean it that way". Or just "Sorry".

[–]woodaba2 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

To play devil's advocate, TB also said 'people' and not 'all people' and got the same response.

Which is exactly my point. What I think this comes down to is the result of a breakdown in the para-social relationship many people in this subreddit have developed towards TB.

Personally I don't understand why when the few people who were awful, found out that it was a kid, they couldn't just say "sorry, I didn't mean it that way". Or just "Sorry".

A combination of "the internet makes people act more dickish than usual" and "a lot of people on the internet dislike children"

[–]The-red-Dane [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

Apology accepted.

[–]woodaba2 [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Thanks for showing to everyone your true colours. I just hope you realize that every time you come out with stuff like this, you only serve to prove TB's and Gemma's point.

"This is bullshit! How dare they accuse us of being assholes! Let's respond by acting like total assholes!"

[–]The-red-Dane [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

And yet, you as well, is acting like a "total asshole"

[–]woodaba2 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

How? How, exactly, am I acting like a total asshole?