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[–]DefendedCobra29 -9ポイント-8ポイント  (15子コメント)

That sub could be even better if they had better moderators. Of all of the 'Ask a Professional'-type subs, r/legaladvice has the worst moderators, resulting in a sub with a markedly unprofessional tone. There's still lots of interesting information, but it's mixed in with a lot of judgmental bullshit and personal invective.

Reading through the comments, I came across this bit by u/zapopa, which might explain the unprofessionalism of r/legaladvice:

there are two people called to the law: first the deeply contentious well meaning good people who want to help others. The rest, and the overwhelming majority are completely narcissistic aggressive mega fucking assholes who make every conversation into a dick measuring contest. (And that applies to the women too). For whatever reason, the law draws these fuckheads to it like flies on shit.

[–]Zapopa 12ポイント13ポイント  (14子コメント)

Oh blow me you boring pompous asshole windbag. The problem with uptight assholes like you is you live in a fantasy world of delusion. Ever wonder why the eyes of people in a party dart around furtively in a panic when you walk into a room? Try loosening up that tight ass. We have a variety of folks that post here. Ordinary folks with normal questions, folks who have made mistakes and understand it, narcissistic pieces of shit who fuck things up for the rest of us and trolls, who get off on posting bullshit. We also have a wide variety of folks who comment on posts. These folks vary wildly from very smart practicing lawyers who understand the law and the issue to fucking idiots who should keep their goddamn mouths shut because they have no clue what the fuck they are saying and end up cluttering the issue with worthless shit being up voted by the moron brigade who believe this is what the answer SHOULD be.

The point of this sub is to be informative and have fun. Contrary to the name, it is not legal advice. But you know in real life what good legal advice includes? A good lawyer provides sound counseling for folks who fuck up. Both to deal with the immediate situation and to try and prevent future reoccurrences. There are a lot of idiots like you who come here and cry and moan about how "judgmental" people are. Judgment has become a bad word to narcissists, millennials, or worse, millennial narcissists. But when all judgment is excised from society we have nothing left but craven self interested assholes trying to function within anarchy. For the asshole who can't ride an airplane unless their emotional support fox flys with them, fuck them, they can get therapy and deal with their issues. Why? Because it affects the rest of us. For the assholes that get "confused" by a woman saying no and then fucking them anyway, well fuck them. Rape and inability to control yourself is bad in a society. For the piece of shit who fucks women and doesn't want to pay child support because the woman is a "whore" well fuck them. Some people need judging because they are unable to conform their behavior in a way that makes society better. And a good lawyer will mention that. Perhaps you and your society of non judging narcissists can go live somewhere, perhaps Montana or Wyoming and leave the rest of us to live in a society where folks are not crippled by anxiety, help others and always follow the golden rule. We can meet up in ten years and see which group fares better.

When I get out of line the mods delete my posts. When I push too far they will ban me and that will be that. At that point whiny little turds like you will have prevailed. And I will go have a makers and see how long I can last on Quara. Good day!