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[–]fyrtio_slak 108ポイント109ポイント  (23子コメント)

Women police officers are useless. There I said it.

[–]OceanRacoon 53ポイント54ポイント  (15子コメント)

People see it as a women versus men issue but it's not, weak and uncoordinated men should also not be police officers. I have seen so many videos of women being absolutely terrible at their job and putting many people's lives in danger and there are also videos of male cops being too weak for the job. And at the same time there are many male officers on the force in America who straight up murder people or cover up other cop's transgressions.

This is by far the worst example of female policework. The perp is mounted on the male cop, completely ignoring the female cop and she does absolutely nothing of effect to him and actually manages, by her own doing, to fall underneath him.

He didn't push her there. He didn't even look at her, she had free reign to do everything she was capable of to his turned back, unprotected face and neck, yet inexplicably she manages to end up underneath him. She tugs at him uselessly like a child, it's like she didn't even want to be in charge of the situation and fell down on purpose so she wouldn't be held responsible, it's almost a more plausible explanation than her actually being that bad a cop

Neither of those two should be police officers but she is so ineffective it's actually unbelievable.

[–]Legend9119 8ポイント9ポイント  (1子コメント)

Lol, that guy managed to restrain two cops at the same time!

[–]OceanRacoon 10ポイント11ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah, it's hilarious and embarrassing

[–]Blabberm0uth 4ポイント5ポイント  (1子コメント)

That was properly amazing footage. Horrendously ineffective police work.

But I don't think we should measure our police officers on their ability to respond to violence. Part of what makes the British police so good (that's where it looks like your video comes from) is their attitude. They're often friendly, and helpful, and funny, and through that they are excellent at de-escalating situations. I think women officers would be particularly good at this, partly because they would be less prone to instigate violence, and partly because people won't want to instigate it against them (yes I'm a raving sexist in that I believe women to be less violent than men).

Plus, if you're policing women, you need female officers. To take statements and generally be female around them, particularly around difficult female issues.

Perhaps they just need slightly better trained ones.

[–]OceanRacoon 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Most female and weak male police officers put lives at risks and that should be the end of the matter, in my opinion at least. If a woman is needed to take another woman's statement, have them in the station on call.

They're often friendly, and helpful, and funny, and through that they are excellent at de-escalating situations.

These sort of traits shouldn't come at the price of being useless if things do get serious. That man in the video could have strangled both of them to death if he had been so inclined, and it would have been largely the female officers fault. As well as the male officer's relative uselessness as well, but she should have been able to help him

[–]suninabox 1ポイント2ポイント  (10子コメント)

In case people think it doesn't happen here's bodycam footage of a competent female police officer

[–]OceanRacoon 6ポイント7ポイント  (5子コメント)

Is that some sort of joke? Instead of grabbing his gun hand while the male cop has him from the back, she backs away, pulls her taser by accident and does absolutely nothing of use to the situation apart from freak out.

The male cop responds to the situation in a professional manner and draws his pistol quickly and fires, and after she figures out where her gun is she shoots a man who is probably already dead while he's on the ground.

If that's your example of a good officer, I shudder to think what your bad example might be

[–]suninabox 3ポイント4ポイント  (3子コメント)

pulls her taser by accident

She pulls her taser because her partner is standing directly behind the perp and grappling with him when she spots the gun. There's only a second between her partner shoving the guy away and her having her taser up, and it takes more than a second to draw. Pulling out a gun at this moment would have been incompetent because she had no way of knowing how quickly her partner could shove the guy off him or whether the guy would grab hold of her partner. Taser was the only weapon she could have safely used at that distance with her partner in the firing line.

Instead of grabbing his gun hand

You've watched one too many movies. Absolutely no force in the country teaches "grab for the gun hand". That's a great way of getting shot.

What you're supposed to do is push them away and go for your own weapon as quickly as possible. Even the officer who was behind the guy and had hold of his gun arm does this because its incredibly dangerous to try and wrestle the gun out of someones hand, even if you have the upper hand. The person can move their wrist and trigger finger a lot faster than you can pry a gun out of their hand, and they can be popping off shots all the while, and you still don't have a weapon in your hand. You can pull your own weapon out and hit someone far quicker than you can wrestle a gun out of someones hand.

[–]OceanRacoon -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

She pulls her taser because her partner is standing directly behind the perp and grappling with him when she spots the gun.

That's absolute horseshit and you know it.

I admit it's usually always unwise to go for the gun hand but the guy takes the gun out and has more than enough time to raise it and point it at her without any reaction from her at all, if it was a real gun he could have shot her several times.

[–]ILikeMyDogNotYours 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

lol first time I had actually paid attention to the video. Yea, this would have played out the exact same with or without her. Dude was down on the ground before she started shooting.

[–]iLLeT 0ポイント1ポイント  (3子コメント)

The police guy is the one who gets more than 10 shots on him before the female fires two. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE9Lif0U06c

[–]suninabox -3ポイント-2ポイント  (2子コメント)

She was the first to see the gun, first warn "gun", pushes the perp into the other cop so he can grab him, and had her taser out first. She switches to a gun after the other cop starts firing off shots.

If the other cop hadn't shot first she would have taken down the guy without killing him. Although I gather Americans don't place any value on taking a perp down without killing them so thats probably a negative in their books.

[–]iLLeT 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

taser vs gun. Don't know if that guy was sober, but I wouldn't chance it after yelling gun. I've probably seen to many videos where the guy on something doesn't go down. But I don't know the proper procedure. maybe she wanted to chance her partners life.

[–]suninabox 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

You're forgetting at the time the cop makes the decision to go for the taser, her partner is standing directly behind the perp. If her partner hadn't shoved the guy away or the guy was still grappling with him pulling a gun would be useless and endanger her partners life. If she had pulled a gun and either A) done nothing because her partner is still in the way or B) shot her partner while he was grappling, people would be calling for her head.

Tasers are more effective at putting people down than 9mms assuming they penetrate. Someone can take a couple of 9mms and keep going (as long as they don't hit anything vital), but no one can take 50,000 volts and keep going. Tasers work by fucking up electrical signals in muscles, people who seem "resistant" didn't get hit properly and aren't getting a proper jolt.

Tasers are about 70% effective, but that's because its near 100% effective point blank against someone in a tshirt and about 0% effective at 15 feet against someone in a thick jacket.

[–]Whirlybear 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

In a fight.

That's only a fraction if the job but it's kind of an important one not to fuck up.

[–]Purp 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

luckily no out-of-shape male cops or exist, or the idea of determining a police officers' value based soley on gender would be completely stupid!

[–]The_Bigg_D 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

perhaps they are just misallocated.

fucking mind ninjas though. interrogation work it is

[–]hobdodgeries 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

what a fucking stupid as shit thing to say. Police officers have a lot more going on than stand up brawls and physical shit

[–]TotesMessenger 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

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