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[–]cnj2907Gujjews are the best Jews! -15ポイント-14ポイント  (55子コメント)

Rather than do this kind of Randi rona, please go and file a case in court. You will lose as this matter has already been looked into and Supreme Court of India has passed a judgement favoring closing down of slaughter houses for 9 days.

It's just 4 days in Mumbai though.

Edit: Haan bhenchod. Talk sense and get downvoted. Do Randi Rona like a chutiya and get upvoted. Classic Randia.

[–]rahulthewallKadhi Chawal Bhakt 10ポイント11ポイント  (52子コメント)

Edit: Haan bhenchod. Talk sense and get downvoted. Do Randi Rona like a chutiya and get upvoted. Classic Randia.

The same logic could be used to justify criminalisation of homosexual relationships. A judgement can be protested against.