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No 'seven dwarfs' for Snow White in De Montfort Hall's Christmas panto

By PA_Warzynski  |  Posted: September 08, 2015

  • The term dwarf has been dropped by De Montfort Hall

Comments (21)

De Montfort Hall has dropped the term dwarf from its Christmas panto Snow White.

Instead she will have "friends" because the production team say dwarf is not a term "people feel comfortable with."

But Star Wars and Harry Potter actor Warwick Davis said the decision was "patronising".

The Hollywood star, known for his big screen roles as a short actor, said the venue was wrong to write out Doc, Dopey, Bashful, Grumpy, Sneezy, Sleepy and Happy from the traditional fairytale.

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The dwarfs have gone by numerous names in various adaptations of the 19th century Grimm classic.

But they have almost always appeared as Snow White's faithful comrades.

Speaking to the Mercury yesterday, a spokeswoman for De Montfort Hall said the word dwarf is "generally not a word that people feel comfortable with" so the roles were dropped.

Instead, the fairytale will have "friends".

Warwick, 45, said that political correctness was a "smokescreen" and the decision was more likely to be financial.

He said: "Personally, I find it quite patronising when people are offended on our behalf.

"I'm sure there are those out there who don't like the term, but as a short actor I want to be given the choice about whether I appear in panto or not. I don't want someone making that decision for me.

"Saying that, I think it's all a smokescreen anyway.

"The profit margins for pantos are not very big and it's obviously much cheaper to involve schoolchildren than it is to pay lots of professional short actors."

Snow White and Seven Dwarfs has been recreated numerous times in Hollywood, on television and on the stage.

The popular story was written in 1812, by the Brothers Grimm with the most famous interpretation made into a feature length animation by Walt Disney in 1937.

"It loses something if you don't have Snow White's dwarfs," said Warwick. "I've been in a lot of pantos and I don't think it's offensive at all.

"The excuse of 'people' being uncomfortable is a poor one - I doubt they've questioned the audience about whether or not they think the word dwarf is offensive."

Snow White runs at De Montfort Hall from December 12, until January 4, 2016.

Stars of the show include Benidorm actress Sherrie Hewson (also of Loose Women), Britain's Got Talent finalist Jon Clegg and children's presenter and entertainer Justin Fletcher - also known as Mr Tumble, who appears as a projection of the Magic Mirror.

The title role of Snow White will be played by Sarah Accomando.

Tickets are on sale now from £15 for adults and £10 for Under-16s, with family tickets available on all performances from just £40.

For more information or to book tickets, call: 0116 233 3111 or visit www.demontforthall.co.uk

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  • MelCosby  |  September 08 2015, 2:53PM

    Now lets not turn this whole thing into a pantomime.

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  • Drudge  |  September 08 2015, 2:39PM

    @129Ashby - Sorry, but can't call it 'Snow' as somebody might infer it's a pantomime about recreational drugs and then be sorely disappointed when they find it's actually Schneewittchen und die sieben Zwerge beardy dudes.

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  • Billybob01  |  September 08 2015, 2:10PM

    Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, to Snow white we won't go without the dwarfs it's just plain wrong, Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho, heigh-ho Heigh-ho. Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho, To Nottingham we'll go now snow Whites dwarfs are signing on. Heigh-ho Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho, heigh-ho

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  • 129Ashby  |  September 08 2015, 1:53PM

    I'm also 'uncomfortable' with the new title: 'Snow White'. This term infers that an actor 'of colour' could possibly be excluded from the title role. Please shorten the title of the pantomime to 'Snow'.

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  • MelCosby  |  September 08 2015, 1:46PM

    The fairytale was actually called Sneewittchen. The first translation was called Little Snow White but may well have been incorrect. Stand corrected on the plural though.

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  • Rod52  |  September 08 2015, 1:21PM

    The headline should surely read, 'Winter Festival panto' so as not to 'offend' non-Christians. This is yet another symptom of, and exemplifies much of what ails our country today.

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  • Aethelwulf  |  September 08 2015, 1:13PM

    So the City Council are amending scientific definitions now. A dwarf is a term used to describe certain conditions it is not a term of abuse. I think socialist is a term of abuse but they won't ban that word of course.

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  • Banksider33  |  September 08 2015, 12:48PM

    Nice to see the diversity training at the city council is working well, but they've made themselves look extremely foolish by making such a ruling. Can I presume all council maintained gardens will be rid of dwarf conifers, dwarf perennials and dwarf shrubs? And that the Randy Newman song short people will never be played at a council venue in case it offends? Time people at the council emerged from their bubble into the real world.

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  • ClintEast  |  September 08 2015, 12:12PM

    The plural of dwarf is dwarfs and not dwarves. Dwarves were a race in Middle-earth also called Khazad, the Naugrim, meaning Stunted People, and Gonnhirrim, meaning Masters of Stone. The book is just called Snow White.

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  • Goofrey  |  September 08 2015, 11:28AM

    White could also offend ! So how about "Femal Caucasian with Severn vertically challenged friends" Worlds gone bonkers.

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