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[–]Reptarisgreen 5ポイント6ポイント  (18子コメント)

NoobFromUA gets money for other people's content, but HEY AT LEAST THE STREAMERS GET FREE PUBLICITY I MEAN THEY SURE NEED THAT? I mean its not like NoobFromUA is doing this because he is some Saint. He is doing this because he saw an opportunity to make money. It just happens that he is making money off content he doesn't own, but you know most of you do not understand because you just want the ease of getting something for free and fast.

[–]70617373776f7264697 19ポイント20ポイント  (7子コメント)

I'm glad to hear of your boycott of all twitch streams that play non-public domain music due to it being unethical. Thank you for your display of integrity in not providing ad-revenue to those that shamelessly steal content that is not their own, even when the owners have expressed no desire and made no move to monetize that content ever.

Personally I find it inspiring that you're able to still enjoy twitch and other digital content on sites such as reddit by viewing only streams and links that have pledged to use intellectual property that has been explicitly released under a free license.

[–]Penguinho 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Sorry, the word you were looking for is 'transformative'. It's a bit important here.

[–]I'm a fangay and proudFatalFirecrotch [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

People keep playing the music card as some hypocrisy, but it totally isn't the same at all. No one tunes into a pro player's stream to listen to what music they are playing, they tune in to see them playing the game and for their personality. People go to Noob's channel specifically for the pro player's playing and personality. That is a big difference.

[–]phantomash [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

People go to Noob's channel specifically for the pro player's playing and personality

Not exactly, its also for the high quality editing and on point highlight, and most of the time the video is uploaded while being on demand. If he's sharing an unedited 8 hours stream I wouldn't bother.

[–]70617373776f7264697 [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

So what? All that matters is that infringement is happening, apparently.

Whether I'm primarily there for particular content or not is irrelevant in the same way as noobfromua's motivations for putting up videos is irrelevant.

Infringement is happening, that is where the argument starts and ends for these RIAA drones. There's no ethical difference between profiting off someone else's work in a video game and someone else's work in a recording studio.

[–]I'm a fangay and proudFatalFirecrotch [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Here is the thing RIAA drones work like they do because it would be impossible to figure out who had permission and who didn't.

Also, if the music companies actually wanted these players to stop using their music all they would have to do is give them a cease and desist letter. There is a reason none of these music companies have given any of the streamers a cease and desist letter.

[–]Rkthawik 7ポイント8ポイント  (9子コメント)

He has been doing it since forever since he had 5k subscribers, but now that he makes good money everyone wants a piece of that money.

[–]Reptarisgreen -1ポイント0ポイント  (8子コメント)

How is this any different from anything else that happens in the REAL WORLD? He is using someone else intellectual property for monetary gain. Why do you think DMCA exist? It doesn't matter how long he has been doing it. He is taking stream highlights and putting them on his channel only asking if he can use it after the fact. Twitch mutes VODS for a reason.

[–]luftwaffle0 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

He is adding value though by editing it down to a specific part.

That is what the streamers aren't doing. If you aren't there when the highlight actually happened then it's unlikely you'd ever see it. Watching a twitch VOD doesn't pay anything to the streamer as far as I know.

Legally the streamers probably have an argument to stop him from doing it, but unless they're going to upload the highlights themselves, then his gain isn't their loss, because like I said, he's adding value, and it's that value which people want and which he is capturing as profit.

If I was a streamer and I wasn't uploading my own highlights, I'd absolutely want him to be uploading them. If I ever decided to upload my own highlights then I'd ask him to stop, or arrange some kind of profit-sharing agreement.

What I'm saying is that it's not really exactly "stealing", there are benefits for the streamer, and there's lots of room for negotiation. It's just not as black and white as "it's illegal".

[–]noobstalling -2ポイント-1ポイント  (3子コメント)

yeah let's go ahead and shut down all the smaller channels while we're at it too, they should track down every small one because it makes no difference, oh wait people like rtz and zai just want the money without giving a shit about the actual channel or legal bullshit, money money money, let's also ignore the streamers that listen copyrighted music on their streams anyway like RTZ but HEY GUYS it's okay because they get muted after the fact

[–]Reptarisgreen -2ポイント-1ポイント  (2子コメント)

You realize this happens all the time in the REAL WORLD right? Stealing is stealing regardless who is doing it. Hey I know what we can do. We can ASK the CREATOR of the CONTENT if I can use the CONTENT.

[–]noobstalling [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

yes, go ask the hundreds or thousands of small channels like I said to ask the content creator to make videos, go shut down everyone who doesn't, show me the people with that much power and willingness to do it, people care because noobfromua and some other big channels are doing it because there's money involved, but what about the smaller channels that do it but still monetize? can you track them all? what about those same content creators stealing content from other content creators, should we report them too? it's not morally right correct? it's what happens in the REAL WORLD, so go ahead and do it, report them if they don't comply and shut them down, every last one of them, this doesn't happen because in the REAL WORLD people don't actually give a shit unless it's about money like I said, if it was about legal or moral stuff then they wouldn't be hypocrites that download and use copyrighted music, videos etc

i don't even know why i bother so much honestly, i don't even care what happens to these people, you're just a fucking idiot and i have way too much free time

[–]Reptarisgreen [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Are you actually a retard? Nothing of what you said changes the fact that stolen content is stolen content. You are just a mad fanboy who can't look at this objectively. Stealing is stealing get over it. Grow up. BTW the world isn't a kind place. You will learn this sooner or later. Business is business when you put money in a situation then it is bound to change.

[–]secrets.afluffytail -2ポイント-1ポイント  (2子コメント)

comparing stream vods to intellectual property

Do you happen to drool on yourself?

[–]Reptarisgreen 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

You realize that entertainers make up "personas" and that a stream in itself is a creation made by the entertainer themselves? Do you even know what an IP is?


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[–]SovietRus -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)