全 10 件のコメント

[–]PM_YOUR_FIRST_BORN 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

The Blue Pill subreddit is a satire of The Red Pill subreddit. Their subreddit is very Cultish, so they probably have a rule against ranting about Blue Pill because it would only create more hilarious fodder for us.

But I recall a number of times they complained about us. But they usually delete their stuff. That's what the shillbot is for.

I can't find the Ellen Pao/FPH thread where they were whining about how they're going to be next, how TBP is a 'hate sub-reddit' and how they created a separate web-domain called Puerarchy (stupid name, I know, even they shit on it). It was super cringey because GayLubeOil said 'Then the gloves are really coming off! We're so scary!'

Occasionally you'll find the coming on here saying 'Why u hate uz?'

[–]IwillpixiecutyouAnd I assume you lift. 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

TRP doesn't exactly understand what TBP is.

When you live in an alternate universe that explains the cause and effect of everything based on irrational, illogical theories that resembles cult group think at best, you kind of don't understand when the world around you comments on you. Reality is not happening inside of their bubble.

It all gets lost in translation for them and they will sometimes try to mansplaining it, yes. There's been some incredibly dense posts here and there. It's kind of like someone in a full body cast explaining how all the doctors, friends, family, and casual observers are wrong and really, he's about to win an Olympic gold medal in the triathlon.

[–]gakwat 2ポイント3ポイント  (7子コメント)

Yes and they know and they don't care .

[–]PM_YOUR_FIRST_BORN 0ポイント1ポイント  (6子コメント)

Are you red pill?