


We live in a really weird era of feminism in which we’re not allowed to criticise any oppressive constructs/industries (marriage, beauty/make up, porn, etc) just because some women enjoy them.

I’m really sick of of opinions and discussions being shut down with “it’s not oppressive if we like it! don’t you know that some women choose to do these things?”

well, heck. don’t you know that  men/the patriarchy have a lot to gain in keeping us content and complicit in our own oppression?

I think our generation of feminists have lost the idea of there being an oppressive structure (patriarchy) which moulds and controls the actions of individual women. So when we say “High heels are oppressive, they are a way of controlling women’s bodies, preventing us from being able to run and deforming our feet” a lot of women hear this as “Women who wear high heels are all stupid and not proper feminists. They are gullible stooges of patriarchy!” This is because Western women have been brought up in a culture that emphasizes individualism and personal choices and ignores the coercive social and cultural structures and hierarchies within which those choices are made.

The criticism is not of individual women and the question is not whether individual women do or don’t choose to wear high heels. The criticism is of the patriarchal system that coerces women into wearing high heels and that denies women a genuinely free choice as to whether or not to wear high heels.

Hey maybe some of you will take what I say seriously after hearing some other people saying it!
To be honest most people dont even wait around to hear that you’re criticising institutions before they start talking about themselves and how it’s empowering

posted 11:12 am on Friday, September 4, 2015 with 16,673 notes
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