全 4 件のコメント

[–]NowThatsAwkward 1ポイント2ポイント  (3子コメント)

There's a BP glossary, but it's not comprehensive

For your questions: HB= Hot Bitch [1-10 rating]. Some people say it's 'hot babe' but I would swear I remember it specifically starting as Hot Bitch.

Hamstering refers to rationalization. The idea is that women's brains go around and around trying to rationalize things like a hamster in a wheel. Because saying 'rationalization' is too humanizing.

A shit test is... effectively or in TRP's heads? How it is used, a shit test is anything a woman does that a TRPer doesn't like. It's presumably always done specifically to either knock down or assess his 'Alpha Frame' (which is pretending to be what their idea of a manly he-man is) The idea is that women will continually throw behavioural tests at men to see how they react.

Of course they then see every behavior a woman exhibits as part of a power struggle, because that's what the TRPers themselves see. When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. When all you have are manipulative and/or abusive tactics because you believe total dominance is the only way, everything looks passive aggressive and a power struggle.

[–]caffeinewarmconstantly shit testing[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Thank you!!! Also, those are disgusting terms. Ew. Why are these guys such assholes.

[–]NowThatsAwkward 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

They pride themselves on it. Seriously, they brag about having 'Dark Triad' traits; narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy. (It's sometimes called the Dork Triad by detractors)

Many of them started off as Nice Guys™ who thought that, like a sitcom, they would get a woman dropped into their lap for pretending to be a basically decent human being and having a stable job.

When that turns out to not be the case, they start ranting about how "the media lied to me about women!" Not only because one didn't drop into their lap out of the sky, but also because women aren't what they expected (many of them have little to no platonic interaction with women outside of family)

A lot of Nice Guys™ also huge into gender roles, so they also honestly believe that a woman will fix their entire emotional life, and their self-esteem. They think that you can't be lonely in a relationship. That a gf will be their own personal therapist for them, since it's looked down on for a guy to open himself up to other men.

When she can't be everything to one person, they feel cheated and lied to and honestly feel like it's an intolerable cruelty- I mean, no one can bottle their emotions forever. Everyone needs to work shit out, and to vent. But instead of taking a look at the rigid roles that put them there in the first place, they blame the women for not being able to be his panacea.

So, bitter about "the true nature of women" and full of a very sincere and deep feeling of entitlement to one, they continue on their love of stereotypes and decide that "women don't like nice guys" is true. And that "women only like assholes."

Every so bravely, they decide that they will be that asshole. Not the asshole women deserve, but the asshole women need.

They don't want to feel culpable for deliberately being an asshole and hurting people, so they place the blame on women for making them this way. And make up ad-hoc bullshit evopsych reasons for why it must be right because of evolution and Alpha Wolves and a very deep misunderstanding of cultural anthropology. And of actual academic evolutionary psychology. And of the scientific method. And of most everything, really.