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[–]NowThatsAwkward 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

There's a BP glossary, but it's not comprehensive

For your questions: HB= Hot Bitch [1-10 rating]. Some people say it's 'hot babe' but I would swear I remember it specifically starting as Hot Bitch.

Hamstering refers to rationalization. The idea is that women's brains go around and around trying to rationalize things like a hamster in a wheel. Because saying 'rationalization' is too humanizing.

A shit test is... effectively or in TRP's heads? How it is used, a shit test is anything a woman does that a TRPer doesn't like. It's presumably always done specifically to either knock down or assess his 'Alpha Frame' (which is pretending to be what their idea of a manly he-man is) The idea is that women will continually throw behavioural tests at men to see how they react.

Of course they then see every behavior a woman exhibits as part of a power struggle, because that's what the TRPers themselves see. When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. When all you have are manipulative and/or abusive tactics because you believe total dominance is the only way, everything looks passive aggressive and a power struggle.