More of “the face of ‘non-violence’”
That’s a good way to get yourself shot
I can pull my gun faster than you can pull your pepper spray
149 notes
Posted on Wednesday September 2nd
dragoblah likes this
rhettbutlerstuff reblogged this from kitty-batass and added:
That is if I dont put 15 40 cal hollow points in your ignorant ass first
teatimeposts reblogged this from dear-tumb1r and added:
I was going to make a joke about prison rape, but my obligation to be a decent person stopped me.
tabbitcha reblogged this from ranting-rose and added:
“Violence is wrong! But pepper spraying and robbing someone for simply carrying a firearm is okay! :)”
princess-gunpowder reblogged this from priceofliberty
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priceofliberty reblogged this from cerebralzero and added:
1) Battery2) Theft3) False Imprisonment4) Filing a false reportThose are at least 4 charges this person could face if...
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ivegot1911reasons reblogged this from southern-sheepdog and added:
“How to get shot 101”
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ifrost101 reblogged this from cerebralzero and added:
K cool, youll go to jail for assault, and when I shoot you, its self defense :)
bitchbetterhavemyhunny reblogged this from cerebralzero
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dear-tumb1r reblogged this from teatimeposts and added:
that’s 100% illegal. Have fun in jail. cumbag. edit: SCUMbag. not cumbag.
goodmorningdaysorryimnotthere reblogged this from madmints
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jackdogstar reblogged this from armedsweetheart and added:
Also in my state theft of a firearm comes with an enhanced sentence.Jennifer is a little too high strung, I’d say.
southern-sheepdog reblogged this from coldenough-tobuildfires
sir-metro reblogged this from m4-shermayne and added:
Example of another IDIOT who doesn’t plan on living long
dokeyjoke reblogged this from cerebralzero
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