全 15 件のコメント

[–]CatFortuneにゃんぱす! 1ポイント2ポイント  (6子コメント)

  1. Sub question: If you were the God Mod of /r/BadEconomics, and you were a master of CSS, what totally tasteful things would you do with our beloved home? Extra points for function over form.

  2. Discussion question: If you could prove what you truly suspect but do not know about the economy, and people listened to you, what would change?

  3. It turns out my idea to only rap was a disaster. I always say this every time I have an idea, but maybe I should stop having ideas. I got banned from /r/PoliticalDiscussion and everything. I had this sick verse dedicated to /r/badeconomics and its members that I was gonna share today, but tbh if you didn’t like that other stuff then you’d hate that one.

[–]JPelter 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

I. I would replace all instances of Arabic Numerals with good, white, hardworking Roman Numerals. And I mean all.

II. I suspect that if we returned to our heritage of Roman Numerals across the entire economy that GDP would double, if not triple.

[–]besttrousers"Then again, I have pegged you for a Neoclassical/Austrian." 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

/u/JPelter for President!

[–]say_wot_againConfirmed for Google bigwig 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

If you were the God Mod of /r/BadEconomics, and you were a master of CSS, what totally tasteful things would you do with our beloved home? Extra points for function over form.

The term is benevolent social planner. Or statist central planner, if you're wumbo.

Honestly, as much as I like the RBER style on /r/economics and the activity on /r/praxacceptance, /r/thefederalreserve, etc, I like this sub simple and unassuming. Maybe enforce RIII through CSS if possible, though I don't think it is. Maybe we need a RomanNumerals bot?

If you could prove what you truly suspect but do not know about the economy, and people listened to you, what would change?

Probably nothing. We've basically proven that free trade and skilled immigration are good, but we still have the second leading Democratic candidate rallying against free trade and the current GOP frontrunner rallying against both free trade AND immigration.

It turns out my idea to only rap was a disaster.

Wait, YOU were /u/OnlyRaps? I was wondering who it was; most of our alts are explicitly economics themed, but I didn't think a random redditer would know what praxeology was. Sad to see you hang it up if you do; you were really clever.

[–]besttrousers"Then again, I have pegged you for a Neoclassical/Austrian." 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

I had this sick verse dedicated to /r/badeconomics and its members that I was gonna share today, but tbh if you didn’t like that other stuff then you’d hate that one.

I want to see it!

[–]OnlyRaps 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

You got it homes

Wumbo’ comin all over the place

Whip out his dickmeister, spray it all on ya face

Like mace, but it ain’t about the man who’s winnin the race

Let’s look at some other homies just for a taste

Mm yeah uh oh come on

/u/commentsrus likes to post lots of memes

Like broken windows and shit, and P-Krugg’s tiny peen

/u/say_wot_again studied engineerin’

But he’s versed in economics so it’s him you should fearin

/u/Integralds is cool, told me bout Symphogear

Weeaboo anime shit, yo that’s my kind of queer

My main man CatFortune is kinda impert’nent

But when he lays those sick rhymes he gets my Sanders all Bernin


Sounds like an economist to me

But irondeepbicycle rode in on his pink tricycle

To spread some sick info all about the business cycle

besttrousers, best mod, I heard he killed God

He goes to /r/economics to spoil the child spare the rod

This one goes out to my banned homie, xorchids

Started some drama, but she’s human, that’s what’s important

Honestly I don’t have associations for the rest of you

I think being quiet now would be the best thing to do.

Two Thousand Fifteen.

[–]say_wot_againConfirmed for Google bigwig 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

You rock

[–]Oediumpareto efficiency is possible if we just kill the right people 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Any micro/behavioral guys have experience with neuroeconomics? I heard there were some interesting relationships with neuronal patterns and micro principles.

[–]besttrousers"Then again, I have pegged you for a Neoclassical/Austrian." 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah, I worked in a neuroeconomics laboratory after college. Sounds like you are thinking of Paul Gmcher's work?


In this provocative book, Paul Glimcher argues that economic theory may provide an alternative to the classical Cartesian model of the brain and behavior. Glimcher argues that Cartesian dualism operates from the false premise that the reflex is able to describe behavior in the real world that animals inhabit. A mathematically rich cognitive theory, he claims, could solve the most difficult problems that any environment could present, eliminating the need for dualism by eliminating the need for a reflex theory. Such a mathematically rigorous description of the neural processes that connect sensation and action, he explains, will have its roots in microeconomic theory. Economic theory allows physiologists to define both the optimal course of action that an animal might select and a mathematical route by which that optimal solution can be derived. Glimcher outlines what an economics-based cognitive model might look like and how one would begin to test it empirically. Along the way, he presents a fascinating history of neuroscience. He also discusses related questions about determinism, free will, and the stochastic nature of complex behavior.

[–]The_Doc29 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I would like to thank this subreddit for teaching me that humans are not horses and immigration is good overall.

Here is a news article that has a great economics in it /s

[–]lionmoosebaddemography 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Would the sub be interested in posts about things that are econ like but not necessarily economics? There is a lot of nonsense out there - but I'm not an economist and while my field is of some interest to economists (Becker), I wouldn't give a good account from an econ theory perspective.

[–]say_wot_againConfirmed for Google bigwig 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Economic imperialism? Huzzah!

[–]Surlethe 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Is "market monetarism" bad econ?

[–]say_wot_againConfirmed for Google bigwig 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Maybe, maybe not? I think a lot of people on this sub are sympathetic, at a minimum, to the idea that market expectations should inform policy and show the current stance of policy (which is really the core of market monetarism proper), and I'd imagine that plenty like myself think that NGDPLT would make a better monetary policy rule than the current vague dual mandate or focusing only on inflation.

But Sumner is often methodologically kind of sloppy and attributes absurd godlike powers to the Fed's ability to influence expectations instantly (to the point that painless disinflation or even Neo-Fisherism should be possible under a central bank as omnipotent as the one he assumes). So it's a mixed bag, and still kinda early to tell.

[–]Thad_Cast1eLast night they got the elephant 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

What's your opinion on econstories? example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCPct3CSLa8 Good economics or oversimplifications?