全 9 件のコメント

[–]zeuph 5ポイント6ポイント  (4子コメント)

TL;DR Check the summary on the bottom.

The Fermi Paradox assumes we and other aliens species have a interest in making contact with other species. Why is it that everyone makes assumptions like this and claim theories like this is valid? I get the whole mathematical deal with it. However, Fermi Paradox assumes we're traveling with nuclear driven spacecraft(granted we get that far). Fermi Paradox also assumes that if a species get that far, we would knew it by now. Why? Why would we know it by now? Do you really think a highly advanced species would just walk along doing their business ignoring another species with space travel and space exploration? If we're going to assume 'they' have any type of primitive instincts left then wouldn't it be obvious 'they' would want to observe us? A snapshot of our history isn't really the best representation of a species you would want to sing kumbaya with. Any theory involving assumptions of their agenda is flawed. Period.

On top of that, our radio signals are probably extremely primitive. They're not even that old to us, imagine how primitive they seem to a advanced race.

Fermi Paradox also assumes that if a species get that far, we would knew it by now.

We have no other means to make contact other by radio signals and exploration. We have seen just as much of the universe as a glass of water compared to the whole ocean on earth. Do you know how much water that is?. We have traveled with probes and manned ships the distance of one sand corn compared to the ocean. If I were to look out my window, I can probably see just as much as a glass of water compared to the ocean and I can't see shit. Not a single human. Even though humans are of an abundance here on earth. Why is it that people jump to the conclusion that we're alone just because we can't see anything. We're not even expected to see shit in outer space, we're extremely primitive. Not a little bit, our technology is literally a few generations old at max. If we were to evolve another 100 years, we would double the time that our technology has existed. DOUBLE. That's 100 years. 100 Years is a fraction of a fraction of any comparable point of time you can imagine. Tell me again how they can "probably read our radio signals". We have a better chance making huge texts with rocks on the face of earth and it'll be seen.

Lets face the fact that we're the problem. We are the danger in making contact. People seem to think that they would just jump of joy landing their spaceship here. We had nuclear weapons pointed at each other 30 years ago for mere disagreements. We have and are slaughtering people living in the most harsh conditions on this planet. We bombard first and ask questions later. We're a horribly egocentric war mongering race. It's not either as if you could make an agreement because our moral is completely all over. Some people have extremely high, some have close to none. We're just the perfect mix of fucked up society. We're a perfect machine to destroy everything in our path, granted that the elite on this planet is fueled by a big population watching their TVs, playing their iPads and getting fat doing nothing. Imagine you moved in to a house and you got a notice saying that a sociopath moved in down the block and he's psychologically deranged and has the means to blow your house to pieces. Hint We're the psychologically deranged neighbor.

Summary; In my beliefs and opinions, Fermi Paradox is flawed because it uses assumptions of both our race and other races that doesn't necessarily represent a well thought theory. We are extremely young. Our technology are extremely primitive, how much you love your new touchscreen on your phone, it is still primitive. I am more convinced 'they' would rather observe than to make contact instantaneously(As the Fermi Paradox assumes they would) because of our nature of war mongering, slaughtering of our own race and general power struggle with the elite.

I'm sorry for the long rant and long text but thanks for reading. If you have any points or want to point out other things I might not have thought of, please don't hesitate to reply.

[–]Dibblerius 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

First off don't apologies for taking the time to form a passionate thorough reply! If people don't want to read it they won't.

I too am not entirely thrilled about the paradox. I found some of your arguments interesting and I agree/"am under the impression" (not knowledgable enough to really agree or disagree) that it makes a lot of assumptions. I think however you might have misunderstood the assumptions it makes about alien civilisations? Suggestion: It does assume/"ask the question" that life should not be a miracle kind of unlikely rare occurrence. That's all! It does not say anything of what something far more advanced than us should be like but by sheer numbers of chance enough of them should be recognisable and out of them some (not all or even most) should want to come here or communicate with us. Even if most don't and if only a tiny fraction of them would have the right combination there should be so many out there that at least a few would have been detected. It appears you assume every advanced species out there would be a certain way so that it should not be seen. If 1% should fail to fall under that assumption that would still be many, maybe thousands of candidates.

[–]zeuph 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Absolutely. I agree with you too and my previous post was not very well thought through. Another poster commented on a similar thing and I answered with a pretty hefty answer. You can read it here. I believe that with a combination of corruption, information being held from us and what I mentioned in my other comment - that there's some sort of federation(s), rules and laws surrounding parts of the universe just to make a specie evolve properly is what is holding off with making contact to the general public. To help us reach a point of maturity where we would be let out to wander among the stars. Obviously, our will to make contact is there and our race seems to be fairly close to some breakthrough regarding space travel but we're still very corrupt. We're corrupt almost down to the general public. I would like to see it more of a quarantine to remove bad spots. If they were to let us out now, we might spread this corruption further and to minimize these type of faults we have to remove the big schemes of corruption on this earth. If they were to intervene then there might be major casualties. They might be seen as hostile because our general public is mesmerized by what our elites tell them. We're so filled with propaganda that I believe most people wouldn't hesitate to go to war "for their country" like they did numerous times throughout history - and still are.

There are many accounts of contactees and abductees, it's just not known or acknowledged by the general public. I believe these are the minor contacts that 'slip through' the bubble we have surrounding our planet. When we reach the breaking point for the corruptions to fall over slightly, I believe it's really easy to make that as a example and grow to a much healthier society on earth.

I have a terrible headache now and are having major trouble forming sentences so if something is wrong and confusing, I apologize and if you comment on it I can elaborate :)

Thanks for reading

[–]squidder3 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

I feel like you make assumptions as well honestly. Like how they would view us since we are crazy. What if they are just as crazy or worse? Also, it's like everyone thinks every alien is the same. Why? Is every human the same? Of course not, so why aliens? Because of this, it isn't crazy to assume some aliens would want to visit. In fact, it's crazy to assume otherwise. Aliens are going to be vastly different from the next one, just like we are. Some humans want to explore space and some don't. Some like country music, some like rock, etc etc. You mean to tell me that not a single alien would want to visit? That's crazy in my opinion.

[–]zeuph 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Absolutely. I totally agree with you and I might have gone too far with what I wrote. What you say is what I always try to argue with - that they have just as rich, if not more rich, culture than we do. Therefore they probably have different personalities within their species. When I wrote my piece I sort of leaned towards the whole "federation" type of empire surrounding our planet. Without implications, I had in mind that there's rules and standards just like on earth in the universe. I have a very hard time grasping how that would work but I believe it would. With that said, I strongly believe these rules are very forcibly applied to species not yet been visited and it is known by their general public. Meaning that I believe there's very strong federations defending us just like we have peacekeepers here on earth defending animals and humans that doesn't know their own right in this world. I believe it wouldn't have come to this if we weren't that hostile to begin with. Which is where my other post come into play because I could see how it could look contradictory. If you're like me who loves crazy theories or just want to explore this possibility which I described then look into Corey Goode. Not only does that theory co-exists with other contactee stories that involves the whole "hippie"-type aliens who wants us to reach a time of peace but he is also very consistent with his story. There's no proof from his side so don't get your hopes up, but if you're in for a long and crazy story he claims to be 100% true then look it up.

Now, I know someone will comment on this being much more assumptions than the Fermi Paradox. However, the Fermi Paradox is used as a theory to disprove the existence of aliens. I have seen this being used on news shows, in reports and other type of data to disprove things like potential alien or UFO reports which is appalling to me. My theory is not a theory to disprove the Fermi Paradox or to prove the existence of aliens. The gov do that pretty good themselves

As to them being hostile like us I say that just me personally don't subscribe to that idea too well. I would agree that there's a possibility. However, I believe the possibility of them being friendly is much much greater. That's one of few cultural standards we force on our society for survival. The idea of a hostile race almost implies that the whole race acts like one and wouldn't create drama within their own circles, it would damage them too much for survival. If we at the same time assume there's "good" and "bad" beings within a specie then obviously this applies to a hostile race. Maybe it's just me/us that's biased on this because of popular belief that bad = stupid or "The baddies always loose".

[–]xenopsych 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

The Fermi paradox has already been invalidated but not recognized as invalid. The basic statement within the theory- "why haven't they visited"; implies a 100% error rate among UFO cases being of ET origin. Its just not possible for 100% of people to be wrong. Yet the UFO phenomenon is not "real" unless a handful of individuals say so. So imagine walking up to thousands of people and saying "No, you did not experience this unless I say you did." "No, you did not see that unless I also saw it." There are everyday normal people who come forward all the time with no reason to lie about what they experience yet their experience is denied.
Also, Just to add. I think the desire to understand the fermi paradox is better asked within the question "Why hasn't disclosure happened?" Which is the real giant elephant in the room....

[–]FORKinmyDICK 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

In my personal opinion. I think there is too much theory involved to fully believe in it. I understand it's a logical approach to a big question, but if they make so many assumptions and ignore theory that would suggest we have found aliens.

But again I understand the facts and research behind it. We can't assume we know 100% anything that vast and mysterious like alien life.

[–]ShivasIrons983E 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

To even consider this full of crap theory,one has to completely disregard incidents and sightings of great interest that are already known to exist.

edit - It's also loosely based on the Drake Equation, which isn't even an accurate "equation" on it's own,as some of that theory is scientifically fudged because there is no way to accurately assign some of the numbers used. It's based on scientific "guesswork".

There are also great mysteries we still have yet to figure out,meaning the monolithic structures that are quite real.

The problem isn't a lack of evidence.....it's a lack of doing real legitimate scientific study and then disclosure of the true facts that result from the real legitimate science.

We,the general public, are not privy to all the facts. We are not privy to the levels of scientific investigation is going on. Essentially...."WE KNOW NOTHING"

But,there are some people trying hard to find factual answers to all.

[–]zeuph 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's almost as if these theories are just planted to make us think "welp, nothing there". I wonder

I agree, Drake Equation is a joke. It doesn't even consider panspermia or colonization of space.