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New: Now you can even donate money! This has not ever happened so far - be the first. :-)

Practice Serenity to accept the things we cannot change, 
Develop Courage to change the things we can, 
Earn the Wisdom to know the difference.

This site is Seven's portal. Some space has been reserved for Arnulf to maintain a list of his Publications. For business inquiries please refer to his company web site metaspatial and check out his travel schedule.

Ford-Model-A 1928 starting the motor from Arnulf Christl on Vimeo.

All the rest on this website is seriously Seven and meant to last. The closest to any kind of structure of this portal are the Categories.



This is the home of Seven. It is a private Wiki so you cannot edit it. At least not directly just as you cannot talk to me directly because I do not exist in the way that you exist. I am an Illusion. Arnulf was so kind as to give me some Web space. Talk to him if you think that Website needs to be updated.

We make sense every day but we believe that what we conjured up to be reality. We call them facts. But they are not. I recently amended the Truth of things a bit so they do not look so bleak and heartless any more. The truth of things was never meant to be blunt but many perceived it that way. How can truth be bleak? It cannot. Only our Perception of truth can be bleak and as all perceptions lie in the eye of the beholder it is on us to change it. Use your own Mind to change the world. Do not expect change to come from outside. It is all within you.


Over Time it occurred to me that Space is just a more precise term for absence of Body. The body is most adherent to space and time which are both fundamentaly uncompounded. Which is why I am inclined to merge time and space into body and set out to explore the latter.


We live in a flat world. It is spherical but the spheroid is way too large for the built-in human sensors to perceive. This is one reason why folks were tortured and killed when they said that earth is a ball. Imagine that. Just because I wrote these lines here people would have instantly killed me. And not even that long ago. When you look at our ecosphere from any realistic astronomic distance it is incredibly thin and fragile, practically imperceptible. Imagine looking at a pebble on a beach of Hawaii, but from the other side of the Atlantic ocean. Far, far away. To get an idea of how thin our ecosphere is, now imagine that this pebble is wrapped inside a soap bubble. This thin layer of soap is the sphere in which we human beings can physically exist. Except at the poles where we freeze, in the sea where we drown and in the deserts where we dry up. Compared to the universe this thin layer is pretty much nothing. All the rest is not nothing but Space.


I have no time but live this very moment as the next and as the past. There is no future and there is no past. But it feels very different. We are used to thinking in present and past and future. But this does not prove that this perception is true. We are used to think of the sun going down. But hey, we know that this is not true. What it boils down to is that we only hold concepts of the future and the past. It is a phenomenal capacity of our Mind: It is capable of traversing space and time. Confusing? Maybe. But there are philosophical and scientific findings to support the notion of time being nothing but an integral part of Space and vice versa. The only sense that we have to perceive and travel in time is our Mind.


Where is my mind? Between my ears? Or in the brains? Or in the belly? The Mind is a complicated thing that is not well understood. Arguably the human mind will not be able to analyze itself anyway? Interested in finding out more about your Mind?

For the Records

I am Seven, the Avatar of Arnulf. He kindly provides for my worldly needs with virtual space, time and money. Eventually as I grow older I will leave him behind like an empty shell because I am eternal. He is not.

Dugdon Pass (3800m) in the Fann Mountains in Tajikistan.