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AMAAMA: Encounters in Avalanche Country: A History of Survival in the Mountain West, 1820-1920 (self.AskHistorians)
dldistefanoVerified が 投稿 - stickied post
The partition of India was (largely) based on dividing up Hindu and Muslim regions. Knowing this, in the present day, why are there so many Muslims in India (both in raw numbers and percentage of overall population), but comparatively few Hindus in Pakistan? (self.AskHistorians)
entropydecreaser が 投稿
FeatureAskHistorians Podcast 044 Discussion Post - Bioarchaeology and Paleodemographics (self.AskHistorians)
400-RabbitsModerator | Pre-Columbian Mexico | Aztecs が 投稿
How were battles fought during the Flowery Wars involving the Aztecs, in terms of tactics, weaponry, etc.? (self.AskHistorians)
tayaravakninModern Israel | Modern Law of War が 投稿
How difficult was it to acquire sheet music of popular European pieces in the 18th and early 19th centuries? Were there official copies or transcriptions of varying qualities? If one had a pocket of coins, could they find a Bach concerto in a medium sized town or city with ease? (self.AskHistorians)
YawarpomaConquest and Colonisation of Latin America が 投稿
Can anyone translate this Japanese postcard sent to China aroubd 1726-36? (self.AskHistorians)
vertexoflifeModerator | Pornography & Obscenity | History of Privacy が 投稿
In his WW1 history "A World Undone", G.J. Meyer states that Canadian troops "... Never once failed to capture an objective, never were driven out of a position they had the opportunity to consolidate, and never once lost a gun". Is this viewed as correct? It seems astonishing if true. (self.AskHistorians)
lolseal が 投稿