AVFM's Paul Elam threatens to spread dirt on Anti-MRA journalists, their colleagues, and their families in a deleted post. "We have tolerated this abuse for far too long. We are done playing nice with miserable, lying hacks." (wehuntedthemammoth.com)
Responds_to_WooshMangina of the Year: All Years が 投稿
[xpost /r/badhistory] so this is what it's come to for femradebates: kia-style venn diagrams (np.reddit.com)
Aerikis not a lady; actually is tumor が 投稿
so turds have noticed "mtv news" has become legitimately progressive. salty words ensue. (np.reddit.com)
Aerikis not a lady; actually is tumor が 投稿
[TW for rape] MRA declare rape accusation false based on his feelings as to how rape victims should act and the accusers own confused words. Apparently this is incontrovertible evidence. (reddit.com)
Grapeban"demonstrably a sniveler, a liar, a quote miner et-cetera" - JTO が 投稿
"Discuss , women claim to want equality ,bit don't wand a partner who earns the same or less than them ,why? Women claim to want equality but reject men who earn the same or less money than them, has this been discussed ,what's going on in women's brains with regard to this ?" (np.reddit.com)
diehtc0keI am Ellen Pao が 投稿
Mister thinks a documentary about Revenge Porn is shaming Healthy Male Sexuality™ (np.reddit.com)
Responds_to_WooshMangina of the Year: All Years が 投稿
"Feminists have a rational fear of men getting together without women. This is because they are ultimately aware that men are not stupid, that we are powerful, and that if we stick together they can no longer easily turn society into a man-bashing club where men are shit-on second class citizens." (reddit.com)
wolololololo2 が 投稿
Rising anxiety among men about their bodies? Misters respond with resounding FatPeopleHate! (reddit.com)
Grapeban"demonstrably a sniveler, a liar, a quote miner et-cetera" - JTO が 投稿
Pandering skills: maxed out - "Dear Straight Men. I want to apologize. Not all gay men are batshit insane, have damp tissue paper for skin and not all of us are blithering fucking idiots. But all the same, I apologize for how shitty and hateful gay people can be." (np.reddit.com)
Responds_to_WooshMangina of the Year: All Years が 投稿
"What's truly insulting to men is your statement that if you are a 14 year old vessel for hormones you're stupid for being horny in class" - Misters hatejerk over that "Teach boys that girls aren't sexual objects" image for the 500th time (np.reddit.com)
Responds_to_WooshMangina of the Year: All Years が 投稿