This all started almost a month ago, when one mod of /r/pantyselling and /r/fetishitems banned a user for supposedly repeatedly breaking the rules. However, this mod acted unilaterally, with no communication to the other mods leaving them all very confused.
TL;DR: AmberFellows has issues with a seller she feels is breaking the rules, so she messages her to tell her to fix her posts. However, the seller already had her blocked so she keeps resubmitting her posts when AmberFellows' messages explaining the rules are never received. AmberFellows bans the seller, doesn't tell any mods, then throws a tantrum when the mods say she is acting unreasonably. She gets into a fight with a couple of the mods and in her tantrum, she deletes all the CSS, Wikia pages and anything else she's worked on and tells them to figure it out themselves.
The mods address the selling community in a different subreddit, warning them of Amberfellows' vindictiveness. LadyFappington returns from her sabbattical and removes AmberFellows as a mod,* promising to fix the damage caused by this petty drama.
The community takes this as a sign to ready their pitchforks. The call for a total leadership change, including the head of LadyFappington herself:
LadyFappington's respone?
That ain't happening.
A user responds to her defense by accusing LadyFappington of setting up alt accounts then spamming her own subreddit with ads for competing subreddits, reporting that spam to the admins and getting the competing subreddits shut down after LadyFappington put in a request for a banned subreddit two minutes after it was banned.
Today, LadyFappington had enough. All of these imgur albums are taken from her own self post, her manifesto de ragequittio, where she explains that she is shutting down her subs. New subs are being created to accommodate former sellers and users, though word on the street is that some users still have access to the subs. As for now, much of the drama is taking place behind closed doors but I will update as it leaks out or becomes available.
*LadyFappington shared the comments where she reveals that she removed AmberFellows as a mod in the imgur album about Fellows' vindictiveness, but they have been deleted. They originally came from this post.