best tumblr 10/10

men always say ‘but where is the thing for MEN!?!?’ about anything women have done for women: whether that Nigerian woman training women mechanics, or a shelter, or anything at all

and i used to think it was almost funny in a way because well, look at them, acting like it came from the sky or something - if you want it for men, go and make it for them yourself! women won’t stop you

but it’s worse than that, it’s worse than 'well women have one so why don’t men?!?!’. they’re totally aware that women have done this for women, and that’s WHY they are saying 'do it for men’, because they think women exist to do things for men, and if a woman is able to do it for women, she has no excuse not to do it for them. they see it as aggression on her part, because she has something to give and won’t give it to them, and men see women withholding things from men as aggression. and that is why they get aggressive about it. they truly feel that she, by doing something for women, has done something violent to men, so they can retaliate. it’s also why they would rather put their energy into destroying things women have done for women than into doing things themselves for men, because it’s not about what men lack, it’s about what women have and are doing for one another

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