마우스오버시 4단 전체메뉴 질문입니다..ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 진행중
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IE 9이하에서도 작동되게 하는 방법이 있을까요 ㅠ ㅠ?
빨간소금쟁이님의 원본글은 링크로 걸어놓겠습니다..
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*** jquery.iframe-auto-height ***
/*jslint white: true, indent: 2, onevar: false, browser: true, undef: true, nomen: false, eqeqeq: true, plusplus: false, bitwise: true, regexp: true, strict: false, newcap: true, immed: true */
/*global window, console, jQuery, setTimeout */
Plugin: iframe autoheight jQuery Plugin
Version: 1.9.3
Author and Contributors
NATHAN SMITH (http://sonspring.com/)
Jesse House (https://github.com/house9)
aaron manela (https://github.com/aaronmanela)
Hideki Abe (https://github.com/hideki-a)
Patrick Clark (https://github.com/hellopat)
ChristineP2 (https://github.com/ChristineP2)
Mmjavellana (https://github.com/Mmjavellana)
yiqing-95 (https://github.com/yiqing-95)
jcaspian (https://github.com/jcaspian)
adamjgray (https://github.com/adamjgray)
Jens Bissinger (https://github.com/dpree)
File: jquery.iframe-auto-height.plugin.js
Remarks: original code from http://sonspring.com/journal/jquery-iframe-sizing
Description: when the page loads set the height of an iframe based on the height of its contents
see README: http://github.com/house9/jquery-iframe-auto-height
(function ($) {
$.fn.iframeAutoHeight = function (spec) {
var undef;
if ($.browser === undef) {
var message = [];
message.push("WARNING: you appear to be using a newer version of jquery which does not support the $.browser variable.");
message.push("The jQuery iframe auto height plugin relies heavly on the $.browser features.");
message.push("Install jquery-browser: https://raw.github.com/house9/jquery-iframe-auto-height/master/release/jquery.browser.js");
return $;
// set default option values
var options = $.extend({
heightOffset: 0,
minHeight: 0,
callback: function (newHeight) {},
animate: false,
debug: false,
diagnostics: false, // used for development only
resetToMinHeight: false,
triggerFunctions: [],
heightCalculationOverrides: []
}, spec);
// logging
function debug(message) {
if (options.debug && options.debug === true && window.console) {
// not used by production code
function showDiagnostics(iframe, calledFrom) {
debug("Diagnostics from '" + calledFrom + "'");
try {
debug(" " + $(iframe, window.top.document).contents().find('body')[0].scrollHeight + " for ...find('body')[0].scrollHeight");
debug(" " + $(iframe.contentWindow.document).height() + " for ...contentWindow.document).height()");
debug(" " + $(iframe.contentWindow.document.body).height() + " for ...contentWindow.document.body).height()");
} catch (ex) {
// ie fails when called during for each, ok later on
// probably not an issue if called in a document ready block
debug(" unable to check in this state");
debug("End diagnostics -> results vary by browser and when diagnostics are requested");
// show all option values
// ******************************************************
// iterate over the matched elements passed to the plugin ; return will make it chainable
return this.each(function () {
// ******************************************************
// http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.browser/
var strategyKeys = ['webkit', 'mozilla', 'msie', 'opera'];
var strategies = [];
strategies['default'] = function (iframe, $iframeBody, options, browser) {
// NOTE: this is how the plugin determines the iframe height, override if you need custom
return $iframeBody[0].scrollHeight + options.heightOffset;
jQuery.each(strategyKeys, function (index, value) {
// use the default strategy for all browsers, can be overridden if desired
strategies[value] = strategies['default'];
// override strategies if registered in options
jQuery.each(options.heightCalculationOverrides, function (index, value) {
strategies[value.browser] = value.calculation;
function findStrategy(browser) {
var strategy = null;
jQuery.each(strategyKeys, function (index, value) {
if (browser[value]) {
strategy = strategies[value];
return false;
if (strategy === null) {
strategy = strategies['default'];
return strategy;
// ******************************************************
// for use by webkit only
var loadCounter = 0;
// resizeHeight
function resizeHeight(iframe) {
if (options.diagnostics) {
showDiagnostics(iframe, "resizeHeight");
// set the iframe size to minHeight so it'll get smaller on resizes in FF and IE
if (options.resetToMinHeight && options.resetToMinHeight === true) {
iframe.style.height = options.minHeight + 'px';
// get the iframe body height and set inline style to that plus a little
var $body = $(iframe, window.top.document).contents().find('body');
var strategy = findStrategy($.browser);
var newHeight = strategy(iframe, $body, options, $.browser);
if (newHeight < options.minHeight) {
debug("new height is less than minHeight");
newHeight = options.minHeight + options.heightOffset;
debug("New Height: " + newHeight);
if (options.animate) {
$(iframe).animate({height: newHeight + 'px'}, {duration: 500});
} else {
iframe.style.height = newHeight + 'px';
options.callback.apply($(iframe), [{newFrameHeight: newHeight}]);
} // END resizeHeight
// debug me
if (options.diagnostics) {
showDiagnostics(this, "each iframe");
// if trigger functions are registered, invoke them
if (options.triggerFunctions.length > 0) {
debug(options.triggerFunctions.length + " trigger Functions");
for (var i = 0; i < options.triggerFunctions.length; i++) {
options.triggerFunctions[i](resizeHeight, this);
// Check if browser is Webkit (Safari/Chrome) or Opera
if ($.browser.webkit || $.browser.opera) {
debug("browser is webkit or opera");
// Start timer when loaded.
$(this).load(function () {
var delay = 0;
var iframe = this;
var delayedResize = function () {
if (loadCounter === 0) {
// delay the first one
delay = 500;
} else {
// Reset iframe height to 0 to force new frame size to fit window properly
// this is only an issue when going from large to small iframe, not executed on page load
iframe.style.height = options.minHeight + 'px';
debug("load delay: " + delay);
setTimeout(delayedResize, delay);
// Safari and Opera need a kick-start.
var source = $(this).attr('src');
$(this).attr('src', '');
$(this).attr('src', source);
} else {
// For other browsers.
$(this).load(function () {
} // if browser
}); // $(this).each(function () {
}; // $.fn.iframeAutoHeight = function (options) {
}(jQuery)); // (function ($) {