Jesus was a wimp. Hail Thor! (
selfhatingyankFull Ethiopian master race が 投稿
The entirety of Jewish ethics can be found in the Ten Commandments. (
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The Buddha was a social reformer,and Bhakti movements reabsorbed Buddhism (
shannondoahHuehuebophile master race realist. が 投稿
Hezbollah will win! The Qur'an guarantees it. (
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The band Bad Religion on Hinduism : "Dharma and the bomb" (
shannondoahHuehuebophile master race realist. が 投稿
Ancient EgyptianHari Krist and Harpocrates, or: Seeing a Peacock Feather in a Sidelock (self.bad_religion)
SihathorSidelock=Peacock Feather が 投稿
General ReligionAll dogs (and murder victims) go to heaven (
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Christianity HinduismDAE Vedas prophesize Jeebus? (
shannondoahHuehuebophile master race realist. が 投稿
IslamAttacked by Sunnis? Let's nuke some Shiites and Christians! (
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Hinduism BuddhismHinduism is just Buddhism with applied deity cults, and devas in traditional views can be viewed as aspects of your mind (self.bad_religion)
shannondoahHuehuebophile master race realist. が 投稿
Traditional Near Eastern Religion(s)Chinese villagers demand the return of their god...a mummified monk. (
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