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submitted by lifestyledFun King Spineless
Earlier tonight, I talked about the three new AAA game devs that GG is proud to have supporting them. One of these stuck out to me. Here was a young dev, who hadn't been in the industry for even two years, and yet was ready to jump on the GG bandwagon with a brand new twitter account almost a year after its creation.
A little digging, a constant stream of The Thick Of It playing in the background, and the power of Bing (yeah suckers get used to it) unveiled a potential conspiracy that reaches all the way to a little over there.
This is a formal warning that what you're about to read is rivaled in unimportance only by data on how often my dog shits facing to the south. Choosing to read beyond this point has been linked with a mild reprieve from boredom but research has shown this effect to be very temporary and often accompanied by existential crises. The author can not be held liable for any resulting irritability.
Also, while I have archives of everything I'll be talking about and posting here, these archives will not be posted here. It is our duty as Sardonic Jesters of Woe to mitigate and reduce the potential for harassment as much as possible. While I should hope that you, the reader, in all your beauty and glory, would trust that I would never lie to you, skepticism is absolutely warranted. As such, consider this another episode of:

Lifestyled's Believe It...Or Don't

Who is this mysterious person that I'm so interested in? Well, they're known to GG as @AlexarothUK, currently featured on KiA's front page as one of the AAA devs who recently supported GG.
Notice how Alexa says they work for Rockstar in their bio? Well, games have sometimes hundreds of people working on them, meaning the companies making them can employ thousands, meaning anyone could claim to work for someone and it's pretty much impossible to verify it on your own. I figured I'd give it a go for shits and giggles to see if we've got another fake profile supporting GG.
And who coulda guessed I'd actually get a result!
So hey, we've got someone with a site whose twitter handle and bio match information found on the site. And that site has a CV! And that CV matches up with claims of their game dev experience! And which contains a picture that confirms these two people are the same!
See how that military outfit matches up with the guy from twitter? Yeah, I think we can safely say they're the same.

But that's not much of anything. In fact, that just means I've proven to GG that their new dev is actually a AAA dev!
Of course, it's interesting how similar this guy sounds to Xbro, right? Remember Xbro? Claimed that he was part of a Microsoft studio, how 95% of his studio supported GG and he knew for a fact that most of the industry supported them?
Well, this guy is pretty similar, and his website has a picture of the same ceremonial controller Xbro used for proof in one of his interviews with NicheGamer. So that means that they worked for Microsoft on the Xbone side at the same time, right?
Well, a look into info on Xbro led me to a GameFAQs thread with only a few comments. One of those comments linked to a twitter supporting Xbro.
That doesn't mean much, right? Plenty of people believed Xbro.
Except this one seemed to know Xbro personally, and is in fact one that has been seen on ghazi and KiA before.
Remember that event? Something about Lionhead, censorship, and boobs? That same account apparently has colleagues all across the industry, including XBro.
That's where this Bane account states all the interviews with XBro, including the early interviews before he took the moniker of "XBro", are interviews with his former colleague.
What's really interesting is how this Bane account had disappeared from twitter in 2011, and then the first tweet they make in three years is to link to the first Xbro interview.
A little suspicious, right? This account that hasn't been used in three years other than retweeting four tweets about Euromaidan, shows up to say they worked with XBro?

Ok, but how does this Bane account named Alexander relate to the Alexaroth account named Alexaroth?
Well, looking through the site where the CV and other info about Alexaroth was located, I clicked to the user profile of the person who owned that blog.
Then shit got weird.
See that profile pic? Exact same pic as the Bane account. Bane account has UK in the name and this profile says location is UK.
Even more weird are how the CV on that site and the bio on the Bane account match up. Both say they've worked for Microsoft, EA, and an ISP. It's not often you see two people have the exact same career path.

So what we can figure out here is that the Bane account claims to know XBro, that the Bane account and the Alexaroth accounts are both tied to a single website, and that Bane's career path matches the one listed in the CV on the site tied to the Alexaroth account.
But wait a minute...Bane has some interesting discrepancies. First, it claims to have been in the gaming industry for 10 years.
Now that doesn't match up to the CV and career path we talked about earlier, because the CV shows this person has only worked in the gaming industry for half a year as a QA tester, a year as an intern at Microsoft, and then one month at Rockstar North. All of that work combined is less than 2 years, and it's not even spread out across a decade.
The other discrepancy is regarding the ISP they worked for. Bane's seems to only exist in Dallas, TX even though Bane is from Europe according to his twitter bio. Alexaroth's is from romania. The company names are almost identical, but only one of them has an actual website.

So, it's very possible these two people are completely separate and different. They just both happened to work for two of the same employers after working at an ISP, both are from Europe, both have profile pictures found on the same site, and both have Alex in the name.
How about their twitter accounts? Well, Bane is no longer active. He hasn't tweeted since June 26th, 2015.
Disappeared in 2011, reappeared when XBro started getting interviewed, then disappears on June 26th. I'm not aware of anything major happening June 26th.
But I do know one thing that happened on June 27th.

In Summation

One of GG's brand new AAA dev supporters shares a whole lot of information and similarities with one of GG's previous AAA dev supporters. Both of their twitter accounts have profile pictures that can be found on the same blog. And that blogger shares the same name as both of these accounts.
At most, we can surmise that this is just a reoccurrence of GG's fav'd tactic where they pad their own support numbers.
At least, this was a waste of time and it turns out two dudes named Alex both worked at EA and Microsoft, and both like to have the same picture of a lion as a profile picture.

Fun Facts

The admins deleted my other post, stating it contains too much Personal Information because full names were visible. I apologize for this, I didn't take proper precautions.
The admins have deleted the KiA thread that accused my thread of doxxing, as that thread has an archive of my thread that the admins deleted.
I probably went too far by stating how I found the blog that one of those people owned. So I apologize for accidental doxxing.
The admin who deleted my other thread went ahead and proofed this thread for me, so gaters who didn't read this far are wasting their time.
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