全 20 件のコメント

[–]schlichtm 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

This is crazy.

[–]BLUEMEANIE4 1ポイント2ポイント  (13子コメント)

its funny how you reposted this so that the information I added about Ian Demartino doesn show up. I'll resummarize.


[–]frankenmint[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Deleted my last comment after I saw on medium it said its also posted on zapchain. Interesting info, thank you for sharing.

[–]BLUEMEANIE4 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

the fact that Ian doesnt mention NXT, whom he collaborated with on their scam- should speak loud and clear to his impartiality.

He was at Cointelegraph FOR YEARS, and he's innnocent?

[–]BLUEMEANIE4 1ポイント2ポイント  (9子コメント)

IT WAS NO MYSTERY THAT COINTELEGRAPH WAS CORRUPT AS HELL. We've known for a long time that CT had a crypto-CEO and it's corporate status was unclear.

Ian is now trying to pose as the good guy here? give me a break.

I had this discussion with him on twitter about the ex-writer on CT who was a fugitive child molestor, Ian claims he only knew him from public chat a few private messages(things he cannot wipe from the record)


When are people going to accept that Crypto is nothing but a tool for criminals?

How many times have we heard this shit from the same bozos pulling scams and then claiming to 'come clean' and do it again? (Bryce Weiner comes to mind). He wants us to read his new blog now?

ya, I still have yet to receive any formal accusation. Meanwhile my accusers remain completely anonymous. 'harrassment spree'? sorry but I was the one being targeted- it's only natural to call someone's employer who is posting your families home address to a forum during business hours.

Ian worked for Cointelegraph for YEARS. Suddenly he decides he's going to ride in on a white horse and save us from the bad guys?

you people are complete losers. I hope they ban crypto completely.

I have not stolen anything. I have never created an investment product and I have never sold an investment product. I have also never received a single formal accusation. The entire incident amounted to a smear campaign in which Cointelegraph participated in.

Jl777 continues to issue these bogus ponzi schemes though, and I'm the criminal. Gaurantee you he will end up in court in the future.

can show you many instances where Ian openly allied himself with the NXT community.

this is the "community" aka a bunch of shady anonymous scamsters who Ian worked with for a period, where quite literally close to 1 MILLION DOLLARS US went missing in 'robbery incidents'. Ian backed up every single one of their bullshit stories including the highly dubious BTER.COM hack.

Ian had nothing to say about all this, or the obvious charlatanism of Jl777- whom Cointelegraph also collaborated with closely(with Ian's help). Nope he just concentrated on Bytecoin- which for whatever reason Ian is enemies with. Did Ian have anything to say about the fugitive CHILD MOLESTOR working for Cointelegraph? no. impartial he is not.

This guy is a loser clown. He wants us to read his new lame Crypto blog? why? there are dozens of other losers writing crap about cryptocurrency.





I assume at this point he wasn't sure if he would be appearing in court or not, so claimed he didn't work at Cointelegraph.

This is your 'whistle blower'

another fact Ian omitted.

"CoinTelegraph.com is shutting down, cutting all non-writer salary to zero...."


so Ian only decided to be a whistle blower, AFTER Cointelegraph started to go under. In other words, he just couldn't make money there any more.

all you have to do is look at the articles Ian wrote for Cointelegraph- then tell me if you think Ian wasn't in on the pump and dumps. What are we saying here, all this immoral stuff was going on while little Ian watched in dismay at the horrible graft and corruption happening before his eyes. And he worked there for years. What a liar.


[–]frankenmint[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (5子コメント)

/u/changetip soda

investigative journalism ftw!

[–]changetip 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

/u/BLUEMEANIE4, frankenmint wants to send you a Bitcoin tip for 1 soda (3,255 bits/$0.75). Follow me to collect it.

what is ChangeTip?

[–]BLUEMEANIE4 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

thanks. Ginger Ale is my fav.

I mostly know about this stuff because I was attacked by these assholes. Ian was involved in an extortion campaign against me that involved death threats to me and my extended family. He is NOT A GOOD GUY. He is a loser. He doesnt strike me as psychopathic as the core NXT people, just a chronic loser who finds opportunity in the wrong places and overlooks the moral implications.

here is Ian's article on the BTER hack: http://cointelegraph.com/news/112278/breaking-bter-hacked-50m-nxt-stolen

in this article he covers for the NXT story, this was some sort of hacking incident(a story NXT used several times to cover up the fact that they were swindling the money- this was at the point in NXT history when it was actually worth something).

His story contradicted other reporting http://www.coindesk.com/bter-bitcoin-stolen-cold-wallet-hack/

He had a solid history of collaborating with NXT. Did Ian even mention this in his poorly written soliloquy? NOPE.

[–]Tsilent_Tsunami 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

Good job digging all that up. However, I would be very surprised if this wasn't pervasive in most of the "industry". Have been watching bitcoin (from a distance) for years, and am still amazed/entertained/perturbed at how blatant it is at separating the naive from their funds.

[–]BLUEMEANIE4 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's not only pervasive, its the underlying thing that constitutes and fuels this entire space. Ian just wants to look like one of the good guys because his crediblity is totally spent, so he starts to lie out the other side of his mouth.

These Cryptocurrency projects are combination of Ponzi Scheme and Social Media Manipulation. Ian himself used to work for a social media magazine before he got into crypto. You'll find that's a very common combination of skills, and having no real credentials or scruples is also common.

[–]BLUEMEANIE4 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I actually looked into taking Cointelegraph to court BUT COULDNT FIND ANY CORPORATE RECORDS. There is apparently a corporate ID but that's not how CT operates. It is all under the table, it's all cryptocoins. Their basic model is they accept crypto coins, help to pump the price, and then dump the. Ian DeMartino KNOWINGLY PARTICIPATED IN THIS ACTIVITY.

AMOF I raised questions as to the identity of Cointelegraph management to IAN MORE THAN ONE YEAR AGO. At this point Ian was rolling in money and couldn't care less. Then the money runs out and Ian tries to play this game, it's hilarious.

[–]IanGameWoof 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

So a few things. BlueMeanie is a well-known troll in crypto. If you look at his twitter profile it is just him either making fun of bitcoin or attacking people in crypto for no good reason.

I am hesitant to even respond to him, because that is how he gets his kicks. He follows people around the internet with his pants around his ankles and his dick in his hand, and when they turn around to respond to his stupid ass, he starts jerking it.

But, there is some pretty harsh accusations here, so I'll address them real quick, but then I have to go do some actual work.

(1) On Carlos, I didn't mention it in my medium piece because its already public knowledge and Carlos was on the run for years. He fooled a lot of people. For everything bad CoinTelegraph did, they didn't hire him knowing his past, he was using a fake name. None of us knew he was wanted until the day he got arrested.

So what does any of that have to do with CoinTelegraph's ownership or funding? It doesn't. The dude is in jail, likely for the rest of his life. He doesn't write for CoinTelegraph any longer. I don't see how that is important to the question of "who owns CoinTelegraph?"

(2) I never participated in any harassment of Bluemeanie, I talked ot him once on Skype to ask him for evidence about his accusations against NXT, but after realizing he was just a troll, I left him alone and moved on. I have never written about him, I didn't edit the one article that CoinTelegraph did write on him, and I have no idea why he thinks I am part of some grand conspiracy against him.

(3) I never participated in any kind of scam with NXT. I don't own any significant amount of any cryptocurrency besides Bitcoin. My NXT holdings topped out at around 20 bucks. I generally don't buy the altcoins I write about for two reasons: One, they are too risky, you need to depend on Bitcoin to succeed and then on top of that you also need the alt to succeed. And Two, I don't want any conflicts of interest. I normally only purchase a small amount ot test the system. Usually that is five or ten bucks. In the case of NXT it was a little higher because I wanted to test their asset exchange and so I wanted more to spread around, but it never was above 20 bucks.

Besides, people shouldn't take investment advice from my articles and I never presented them as such. My background is in Tech writing and I talk about them in a way that (hopefully) bridges the understanding from expert to layman.

Every time I wrote about NXT, I did it because I had a legitimate interest in their technology. CoinTelegraph never encouraged me to write about NXT. That isn't to say that they haven't collaborated together, I know there was a public contest they were a part of, but by that time they had stopped trusting me.

But, plenty of other crypto sites and journalists have ALSO written about NXT because their technology is interesting. Bluemeanie must have once felt this way because he was once an active member of their forum. That's where he became infamous, he has been a member of their forum since May 2014 and has over 600 posts there. His public NXT account 11274042109288826540 has had more that a million NXT pass through it. Yet I'm the one who participated in a ponzi scheme when I've never owned more than USD $20 in NXT.

On the BTER.com hack, I talked to NXT and I talked to BTER. The only person left to talk to was the hacker, and he wasn't going to speak to me. So I published that article with the best information I could find at the time.

I am no friend of BTER and heavily attacked them for the BitBay scandal, which I covered.

In any case, you'll notice he never posted a single shred of evidence to back up his ridiculous claims.

I was never rolling in money from cointelegraph. I doubt I ever made more than 8/hr working there. Writing is not a lucrative venture, especially when you start refusing to write copy as I did.

I don't know if he ever raised the question to me a year ago or not, but the fact of the matter is, I am poor as shit, and I wasn't in a position where I could throw away my only job. I'm sure Bluemeanie can just quit his job whenever he wants, what with 1million NXT stashed somewhere, but I can't. And besides, I don't normally respond to trolls who go around throwing false accusations.

As for me quitting now that it is going down. Well, I have chatlogs that can prove I was planning this for a while. In fact, the art you see on the medium post was originally going to be used on Cointelegraph's website itself, and I had it made up long before that post came out, but I decided that'd would have been too mean.

From what I have been told, pay has been coming on time ever since my madbitcoins interview. I don't buy the narrative that they are broke, they have just sucked money out of it and kept it for themselves. But now that they know what can happen when you treat your writers badly, I think (hope) they are wising up.

In any case, if you bothered to even look at my posting history, you'll notice that I hardly wrote for them anymore anyway. So their financial situation didn't really affect mine.

But, I do have a book deal, and the better thing for my career would have been to simply suck it up and promote it once it came out.

I didn't work at CoinTelegraph for years. I've worked there for 1.5 years.

Bluemeanie just wants attention. He had not talked to me in probably a year, maybe a little less, but he had hardly been hounding me with questions about CT. He just noticed that I was getting some attention, and decided he could maybe bring the spotlight on himself once again.

So, while Bluemeanie is talkign about me so much, lets talk a bit about him.

Here is his most recent tweet, where he says he wants bitcoin to die.


and here he is, at the UROSE Conference (Urocoin) promoting Polychains SPOW, a non existent technology he was pushing at said conference.

Urocoin, if you are unaware, was a known scam that claimed to be a new revolutionary way to buy and sell Urea, a fertilizer. It was promoted as something to help third world farmers. Uro coin was supposed to be pegged to Urea.

It never came out and never had a chance of ever working, but they took a ton of investments from people and made a ton of money. Its creator Bohan Huang is now missing, its site is down and its foundation hasn't made a peep in months. People lost thousands of dollars in Uro.

Here is Bluemeanie talking at the Urocoin conference. He is credited as the creator of the non-existent technology that helped scam untold thousands of dollars out of investors who thought they were investing in something that would help poor third world farmers.


What is your connection with Urocoin, Josh?

As for if I "knew i was working for cointelegraph or not" That was the most confusing and bizarre conversation I have ever had (if you can call interacting with bluemeanie a conversation). He accused me of taking money from NXT, I said I don't take payment for articles, meaning i don't take the kind of payments he was talking about, and then he took that tweet out of context and said that I claimed not to be paid at all for my articles.

It was a pretty pathetic attempt to defame me and to this day I'm still not sure what he was accusing me of when he said I wasn't sure if I worked for CoinTelegraph or not.

I don't think I have ever written about Jl777 in an article, and quite honestly, I wouldn't buy his securities either. But you know who did back in the day? Bluemeanie.


My only connection to NXT is occasionally asking their unofficial press dude questions, as journalists tend to do, and a few posts on their forums asking questions of their community.

So, I guess, just take it as you will.

[–]TweetsInCommentsBot 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)


2015-08-18 02:54 UTC

for the love of God just kill #bitcoin already.


2014-10-29 21:12 UTC


#UROSE in pictures

Joshua Zeidner, Creator of Polychains and SPoW

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[–]BLUEMEANIE4 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Ian, once again trying to look like he's some kind of hero.

"Well known troll in Crypto!" "Known Scammer!", etc.

Just for a quick overview on me, I'm a CS background software developer. I had a brief stint in crypto as I was interested in the field. I unfortunately spent roughly three weeks with NXT as I already mentioned. I'll fill in some details if anyone wants them. I had so many bad experiences running into people like Ian and JL777 I just walked away from the field for good. Everyone is a crook.

re. URO, I did attend the conference. I have never promoted this coin nor have I owned this coin. The called me up told me they wanted me to come, sent me a ticket and a hotel room in Hong Kong for a week. After meeting these losers, and dealing with another idiot from Cointelegraph, Diana Ngo, I went cold turkey on crypto and never got involved with another project again. I never made any money in this field. I thank myself for that decision. I do tweet still about it because I know what's going on inside the field.

I did suggest reporting URO people to the SEC.

btw- virtually every one of my claims has turned out true despite virutally non-stop propaganda to the contrary.

[–]BLUEMEANIE4 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

btw- BYTECOIN has no idea who Ian DeMartino even is.

Ian blames all of Cointelegraph's issues on Bytecoin for some reason.


[–]Tsilent_Tsunami -1ポイント0ポイント  (1子コメント)

CoinTelegraph has made a lot of money. More than $433,000 worth of bitcoin has moved through their account. That has not been passed on to their writers in any meaningful way.

Between this, and his ire at his article being taken down, his reasons for posting this (poorly written) exposé are a more than a bit suspect.

[–]BLUEMEANIE4 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

make sure to read my comments above.

it's pretty obvious, Ian worked there for years and demostrably participated in the pump and dumps. Now he wants everyone to think he's the good guy.