And female feminists…well…I am not sure if they are the enemy so much as that they are just stupid, and like most women nowadays, they just don’t get it.
Feminism is like all the rest of Identity Politics – Gay Identity Politics, antiracism, the trans movement, the Pro-ethnicity movements and all the other various idiocies in that almost every single thing they say is not even true. Apparently feminists live in a fantasy world just like antiracists where all of the things we intuitively know via common sense and a lifetime of simple observational learning are actually somehow not even true.
The motto of the PC crowd should be, “Everything you know is wrong!” So feminists, like the antiracists and the rest of the boneheads, simply believe an endless series of lies, and almost everything they say is wrong. I am not sure whether I should hate people like that or just feel sorry for them like you feel sorry for actual retards.
It’s a known fact that modern women are completely nuts on the subject of men and teenage girls. You can’t even say they’re nice to look at. You can’t even say how you can see some guy wanting to fuck one of them. You can’t say how you think it’s normal to jerk off and fantasize about them. All of this, incredibly enough, is “pedophilia” despite that face that 100% of behavioral scientists say that being turned on by teenage girls or even fucking them isn’t “pedophilia,” and in fact it’s not any sort of mental illness and indeed, beyond that, it’s not even abnormal.
Men screwing teenage girls is normal. Humans have been doing this for as long as there are humans. It is completely normal in many societies such as African tribes to this very day. In cultures where this is normal, not a single teenage girl in the history of man has been psychologically damaged by having sex with a man any more than any grown woman has been damaged by having sex with a man.
There’s absolutely no evidence whatsoever that it harms the girl other than everyone screaming about how damaged she got and running her around to idiot feminist therapist who endlessly drum it into her little head about how damaged she is. Yes, you freak out and tell a human that what just happened to them is awful and damaging and a lot of humans will react by deciding that they event was traumatizing.
The problem with screwing teenage girls is that society has decided that it simply does not approve of such things. Because society has decided it doesn’t like it due to a feminist-led mass hysteria equating normative teenage sexuality with pedophilia, the penalties for messing around with teenage girls have gone berserk.
You would think an 18 year old boy could fuck a 15 year old girl easily, but oh no, feminist shitheads have decided that is “pedophilia.” The laws are so lunatic and evil now that I would advise any grown man over 18 to exercise extreme caution in this area. And once you get to 25 or so, don’t even think about it. 25-30 year old men are going down on “child molestation” charges for fucking girls aged 17 years and 10 months. That’s right. Two months shy of legal, and it’s “pedophilia.”
Your grandma was right after all.
I get the distinct impression from talking to my parents that their generation thought, “Well, yes, men will fuck teenage girls if you give them the opportunity.” I am not sure if they thought it was the greatest thing since Kleenex, but they seemed to think it was simply part of normal human behavior. And I believe my mother pointed out that a lot of teenage girls want to screw men and will even try to seduce them.
Identity Politics says everything you learned from your parents and grandparents, the obvious wisdom of ages which was then born out in life by you via common sense and simple observation, is wrong. Everything you grandma told you is wrong. Bull-shit.
Subliminal Star writes:
Robert? What I found so disturbing about that show
To Catch A Predator
is that quite a few of the men who were lured into these sting operations came out and admitted that they were still virgins. They could have been lying, but, then again, they were likely telling the truth. When they get to prison, I imagine that word gets around the inmate population that these men have never been touched.
Then these men end up having their first sexual experience in the form of a violent gang rape against them by a bunch of sodomite goons. I would never wish something like that on even my worst enemy. I am glad that
To Catch A Predator
was taken off the air. Unfortunately, there are other fanatics out there in the world like Chris Hansen and
Perverted Justice
who take their obsessions
even further to the point that innocent people get hurt…
…Yeah, but if that “offender” wishes to support the younger person for the rest of her life as I’ve seen in so many cases in which a 22-year-old man marries his pregnant 14-year-old girlfriend, locking him up and branding him a sex offender after he gets out of prison isn’t going to improve his chances of finding employment to make such support possible, to say the least.
Good point. 14 and 15 year old girls are not children. You can only groom and molest children. You can’t groom and molest people who aren’t children, although that is probably coming soon. I assume this is where the radfem nutcases are going next – soon they will accuse men of grooming and molesting full-grown women,
which is in line with Feminist Theory which essentially states that females never grow up and remain children until their dying day.
Since it is not possible to groom and molest someone who is not a child, it is not possible to groom and molest a 14 or 15 year old girl. Yes, you can fuck them and do all sorts of sexual things with them, as you can any woman, but it’s called fucking, not molesting. But you can’t molest them anymore than you can molest a 30 year old woman.
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