Mark B. Tauger
Associate Professor
202E Woodburn Hall
P.O. Box 6303
Morgantown, WV 26506-6303
Phone: 304.293.9410
Fax: 304.293.3616
Teaching Fields
- Russian/Soviet History
- Agrarian History
- World History
- Ph.D., History, UCLA
- MA, Historical Musicology, UCLA
- MA, History, UCLA
- BA, Music, UCLA
Research Interests
Agrarian history: modernization of agriculture in capitalist and other economic systems, interactions between agriculture and the natural environment, mutual dependence between industry and agriculture.
Russian and Soviet history: famines, agriculture, and government policies toward both, environmental history of Eurasia and its significant for other aspects of the region’s history, post-Soviet history of the region.
World History (besides agrarian history): history of religious doubt and atheism, history of globalization and resistance to it.
Grad Students Advised
- Nilinjana Paul (co-chair)
- Jason Roberts (co-chair)
Courses Offered
- HIST 179: World History to 1500
- HIST 180: World History 1500- Present
- HIST 217: Russia to 1917
- HIST 218: Twentieth Century Russia
- HIST 225 Modern South Asia
- HIST 281: Agrarian Transformation
- HIST 419: Revolutionary Russia 1905-1953
- HIST 420: The USSR and After, 1953-Present
- HIST 700: Historiography
- HIST 787: Readings in World History
Agriculture in World History, Routledge Press series Themes in World History, 2010.
Golod, Golodomor, Genotsid?, Dovira Press, Kiev, 2008
Soviet Agriculture and Famines
Indian Agriculture and Famines
Using music in Western and World Civilization courses