Bitcoin 内の metallicchrysalis2 によるリンク Are any core devs opposed to XT who AREN'T on the Blockstream payroll?
Bitcoin 内の OnwaytoNZ によるリンク if bitcoin does fork, do we loose our existing balance? what do we have to do to ensure that our hodlings are secure ?
Bitcoin 内の OnwaytoNZ によるリンク if bitcoin does fork, do we loose our existing balance? what do we have to do to ensure that our hodlings are secure ?
Bitcoin 内の OnwaytoNZ によるリンク if bitcoin does fork, do we loose our existing balance? what do we have to do to ensure that our hodlings are secure ?
Bitcoin 内の OnwaytoNZ によるリンク if bitcoin does fork, do we loose our existing balance? what do we have to do to ensure that our hodlings are secure ?
Bitcoin 内の justpaulplease によるリンク Where is the best place for a US based company to buy under a $1000 worth of Bitcoin?
Bitcoin 内の giancarlo13 によるリンク Hypothetically, if Bitcoin XT wins, what does it mean for bitcoin holders?
Bitcoin 内の Nooku によるリンク ELI5: If Bitcoin forks, what are the implications to the Bitcoins in my old cold wallet. And what about those stored on the Bitcoin exchanges that only decide to operate on 1 fork and not the other?
Bitcoin 内の Yodan によるリンク Not technically literate with bitcoin, how does the fork affect users who only hold/sell through coinbase/circle/etc?
Bitcoin 内の btc_observer によるリンク Why must ALL nodes download the entire blockchain? How about a partial download of the last say 10,000 blocks?
Bitcoin 内の によるリンク How do I pay taxes on a significantly large amount of bitcoins that have been moved around throughout the years?
Bitcoin 内の sexystick によるリンク If fear of future centralization is (potentially) "enabled" by PoW, are there provisions in place to switch to PoS as a counter-balance?
Bitcoin 内の OnwaytoNZ によるリンク if bitcoin does fork, do we loose our existing balance? what do we have to do to ensure that our hodlings are secure ?
[–]theymos -1ポイント0ポイント1ポイント (0子コメント)