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[–]petrichorE6 609ポイント610ポイント  (111子コメント)

My child identifies as an attack helicopter, you insensitive prick.

[–]Meecht 247ポイント248ポイント  (39子コメント)

Lucky you. My child identifies as a tri-gender pyrofox.

[–]bed-stain 259ポイント260ポイント  (29子コメント)

So your child identifies as an eevee leaning more towards flareon?

[–]tr3v1n 65ポイント66ポイント  (23子コメント)

I know this is going to be rough, but eevee has more than three evolutions now. It is up to a whopping eight.

[–]MY_FACE_IS_A_CHAIR 33ポイント34ポイント  (2子コメント)

no.......... no no no no no. NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[–]SpottedPaws -3ポイント-2ポイント  (1子コメント)

They've killed it! They've killed our game!

[–]Sloppy1sts 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

That we haven't touched in 15 years...

[–]Tresmil 2ポイント3ポイント  (8子コメント)


[–]tr3v1n 2ポイント3ポイント  (7子コメント)

Second gen added psychic and dark evolutions. Fourth gen added ice and grass. Sixth gen added fairy.

[–]Tresmil 6ポイント7ポイント  (5子コメント)

Holy shit. Did that Mikey kid get more brothers to accommodate the extra options?

[–]Neospector 1ポイント2ポイント  (3子コメント)

I think the game does it through stones and traits now. Flareon uses a fire stone, Vaporeon uses a water stone, Jolteon uses a thunder stone. Glaceon (ice type) you go to a certain location and pressed "A" on an icey rock, and Leafeon (grass type) uses a mossy rock. Espeon and Umbreon (psychic and dark, respectively) work by raising your friendship to the max and gaining a level in the daytime or nighttime, respectively (although I could be wrong because Bulbapedia says it changed in gen IV). Sylveon (fairy type) evolves when leveled up with a Fairy-type move and at least two Affection hearts in Pokémon-Amie (as far as what this means, I don't know, haven't tried out X or Y yet myself).

[–]EndlersaurusRex 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Pokemon Amie is a little touch-screen based game where you can pet, feed, and play with your Pokemon. Getting 2 hearts on it is way quicker than getting max happiness.

[–]Tresmil 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Oh man. It's super involved now. I remember just using an element stone in first gen.

[–]Narutophanfan1 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Pokemon Amir also allows you give bonuses to your Pokemon. Such as boosted critical hit chance, boosted xp gain, low chance to auto heal status effects, and a low chance to surive an attack that would Ko them with one hp.

[–]OssiansFolly 3ポイント4ポイント  (2子コメント)

[–]iruleanaheim 4ポイント5ポイント  (1子コメント)

I don't know why this is getting downvoted. It's a meme that's completely related.

[–]OssiansFolly 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Because new people apparently don't know the Slowpoke meme. I hate new people to the meme game...they don't know the good old school memes!

[–]vindecima 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Science has definitely gone too far.

[–]duffmanhb 0ポイント1ポイント  (3子コメント)

Have the game mechanics changed much? I feel like I wouldn't have the patience for the game mechanics of 15 years ago. Please tell me they've improved.

[–]EndlersaurusRex 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

The game is still turn-based battling, but literally everything else has improved drastically.

[–]duffmanhb 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well I figured that. But what has changed in terms of gameplay? Does it have more depth? Higher skill curve, advanced play tactics? The old game was pretty straight forward and easy: different pokemon types, 4 skills, easy.

[–]tr3v1n 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Things have been refined with each generation. Same basic idea but there is also a lot of complexity. In the latest generation they switched the way experience share works and give it to you right away. It allows for faster leveling up. When turned on, pokemon in your party will gain half experience if they don't fight. It makes it so there is less of a grind, which really improves things. If you want more of a challenge you can turn it off.

I definitely think they are worth playing, but I've played all of them so I'm sure I have a bit of a bias. I think it is similar to something like CoD. On the outside, it looks like the same old thing with better graphics, but those playing each of them can tell they have been refining the formula the entire time.

[–]EeveeAssassin 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I know. I'm here to remove the nonbelievers.

[–]wiiya 75ポイント76ポイント  (0子コメント)

evolution fluidity. Sometimes it's more a Jolteon, sometimes it's more an Umbreon.

[–]the_fathead44 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

My child can be anything it wants to be, as long as it's exactly the same as something else!

[–]hardcider 25ポイント26ポイント  (5子コメント)

[–]Lawsoffire 10ポイント11ポイント  (0子コメント)

And that is the only reasonable guy in that entire universe

[–]TricksterPriestJace 5ポイント6ポイント  (3子コメント)

That is still my favorite C&H skit.

[–]Fgame 2ポイント3ポイント  (2子コメント)

It's definitely up there. I'm still partial to The Sign: Part 2

[–]chumpynut5 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yes, the classics. I also enjoy Rapunzle

[–]Thomas__Covenant 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

My child identifies with Frieza.

[–]That-nz-guy 35ポイント36ポイント  (51子コメント)

Is this a reference to something I have forgotten, or are you genuinely calling me an insensitive prick and that your child is an apache

[–]Whind_Soull 91ポイント92ポイント  (11子コメント)

[–]gamerspoon 41ポイント42ポイント  (8子コメント)

I don't really feel that last comment adds to the screen cap.

[–]ConfusedMandarin 39ポイント40ポイント  (3子コメント)

But without it how would we know the post is funny?

[–]Madux37 34ポイント35ポイント  (0子コメント)

It not just funny, its top lel

[–]BillNyeTheRussianGuy 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's simple really, just copy the funny part and stretch it really big. Do this again with the funny replies and reaction pics.

This 1 simple trick will change your /r/4chan shitposting forever!

[–]Brackner 15ポイント16ポイント  (0子コメント)

ha. haha

aaaahhhh.. top lel op top lel

[–]iamfromouterspace 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

What are you? A commentphobe?

[–]gamerspoon -2ポイント-1ポイント  (1子コメント)

I'm not a commentphobe, I just think those kinda comments don't belong in my reddit! /s

Edit: Downvotes on some sarcastic hypocrisy involving an imaginary bigotry?? The SJWs are out in force today... Didn't mean to trigger you.

[–]J1ffyLub3 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

that still is internet gold

[–]petrichorE6 16ポイント17ポイント  (1子コメント)

yea its a running flying joke

cause you know, apaches.. and also cause the joke flew over you..

[–]mathafrica 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Hahaha is this a triple entendre?

[–]FUCKBOY_JIHAD 3ポイント4ポイント  (6子コメント)

thinly-veiled transphobia

[–]bloodoflethe 8ポイント9ポイント  (1子コメント)

This is more likely a jab at other-kin.

[–]Andy_B_Goode -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

While also being insensitive to trans people.

[–]SolidJake110 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's not making fun of the transgendered community. It's making fun of "otherkin," people who identify as non-human things (animals, fictional characters, plants).

They're annoying, awful, possibly mentally ill, and they give actual trans folks a bad name because they get lumped together by the less understanding.

[–]AwesomeInTheory -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

actually, i identify as hobophobic, thank you very much. I have nothing against transients.

[–]Cappington -2ポイント-1ポイント  (6子コメント)

It's a meme/copypasta meant to demean/belittle trans people. it's mocking the very real issues that they face with their gender by pretending it's some silly game of pretend

[–]Marshfellow 6ポイント7ポイント  (1子コメント)

I thought it demeaned otherkin and furries?

[–]Cappington -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

it intentionally conflates trans people WITH otherkin and furries. look at who uses it ,and how it's used. It's mocking trans people.

[–]SpottedPaws -2ポイント-1ポイント  (2子コメント)

It's not mocking legit trans people. It's mocking tumblrinas who think gender is some accessory you can use to be cool and a speshul sneauxflaiyke.

[–]Cappington -2ポイント-1ポイント  (1子コメント)

'Legit trans people'

i'm sure the trans people of the world are grateful for your gatekeeping.

[–]SpottedPaws -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Glad to be of service ☺️

[–]kingofeggsandwiches -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

No it's just there to troll morons who interpret it such. Sorry if you got triggered bro.

[–]Knappsterbot 10ポイント11ポイント  (3子コメント)

Hahaha what a new and hilarious joke I've never heard before

[–]nosplet -1ポイント0ポイント  (1子コメント)

Hahaha lol guys you can only say jokes once and then theyre not funny ahaha

[–]Knappsterbot 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Once? More like every other thread. It wasn't even that funny to begin with.

[–]tanuki_chau 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I thought the current nomenclature was shitlord not prick. Followed by screaming hysterically that you being 'literally triggered' or some such

[–]RealTock 3ポイント4ポイント  (3子コメント)

Im triggered by triggers

[–]Dexaan 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm trigger happy, trigger happy every day - Weird Al

[–]dl064 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

The wonderful thing about triggers, is triggers are wonderful things - Disney Addiction Handbook.

[–]Fieldexpedient2 -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

I am triggered by you being triggered by triggers...

[–]dmorga 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Lol this is original and funny I hope this joke keeps being made into 2016!!! !!! upvote if you agree this joke should be repeated forever until le evil sjws learn their place!! !!!!

[–]AsperGirl2015 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

If you can't get into the Rangers, then let Rangers get into you.

[–]m00secab00se -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Good god, be original, you copypasting fuck.


[–]Slut_Nuggets -5ポイント-4ポイント  (1子コメント)

I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.