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[–]Qwertyllama 1165 points1166 points  (33 children)

Sort comments by......controversial.

[–]patternredspeckle 589 points590 points  (22 children)

Or should I say, cunt reversal???

[–]misterwallaby 34 points35 points  (10 children)

Yeah you should say that, even if it doesn't make much sense!

Edit: typo

[–]omnigetsu 25 points26 points  (3 children)

It makes as much sense as I need it to to laugh at it

[–]christianpowell416 299 points300 points  (27 children)

I thought it'd be a joke about suppressors

[–]BloodMoney126 148 points149 points  (18 children)

No because suppressors are part of the rape culture that is patriarchy. The surpressor rapes the gun. Plus the gun is being oppressed.

[–]JediNinja92 75 points76 points  (10 children)

Brings a new meaning to gun rights.

[–]MyFeetAreSore 71 points72 points  (9 children)


[–]EllenLeeDeGeneres 18 points19 points  (4 children)


[–]MelancholyMeloncolie 19 points20 points  (0 children)



[–]VisioningHail 12 points13 points  (1 child)


[–]Full-Frontal-Assault 2 points3 points  (0 children)


[–]MLRyker 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Well that blows the people kill people argument out of the water.

[–]OtherSpiderOnTheWall 25 points26 points  (2 children)

Stop suppressing my triggers!

[–]barto5 8 points9 points  (1 child)

Stop triggering my suppressors!

[–]cosmonk_[S] 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Well it wasn't. Bet that silenced you!

[–]Obio1 8 points9 points  (1 child)

.. or a joke about Glock envy.

[–]Patchy248 1 point2 points  (0 children)



[–]Anderos787 46 points47 points  (7 children)

What's with all the

I'm sorry

Lately? It's a joke

[–]afriendlydebate 24 points25 points  (1 child)

Clearly Canada is leaking.

[–]thekillerdev 5 points6 points  (2 children)

A way of avoiding them triggers.

[–]gmnitsua 2 points3 points  (1 child)

I thought it was a joke about them not being strong enough to pull the trigger tbh

[–]KRosen333 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I'm sorry.

[–]Solyndros 1155 points1156 points  (50 children)

Don't read these comments. They're full of idiots.

Including this one.

[–]somenamestaken 282 points283 points  (21 children)

Admitting is the first step to recovery.

[–]I_QUOTE_THE_GOAT 40 points41 points  (15 children)

some things just, don't change

It's better when they stay the same

[–]redfrags 54 points55 points  (8 children)

Like women in the kitchen.

[–]Eab213 46 points47 points  (7 children)

Except men cook better too.

[–]Walter-Black 51 points52 points  (5 children)

Maybe meth.

[–]JayCut 23 points24 points  (3 children)

I see great potential in your user name kid :)

[–]JoshuaGrahamCrackers 7 points8 points  (3 children)

War. War never changes.

[–]Paradoxa77 102 points103 points  (1 child)

I thought it was because they hate cocking it.

[–]gerrettheferett 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This is actually a much better joke

[–]jadawin71 141 points142 points  (6 children)

I see what you pulled there

[–]Stickyballs96 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Of course they don't need guns in self defense, just tell shooters not to shoot.

[–]Aurelleah 1406 points1407 points  (587 children)

I bet this will trigger a feminist.

[–]cosmonk_[S] 884 points885 points  (164 children)

You'll know if it does. We all will.

[–]Suckonmyfatvagina 929 points930 points  (15 children)


[–]SynHaloRBLX 777 points778 points  (10 children)

Username checks out

[–]liljakeyplzandthnx 178 points179 points  (8 children)



[–]JustJoshinInc 36 points37 points  (7 children)

Suckoffmyfatvagina FTFY

[–]Ndavidclaiborne 131 points132 points  (6 children)


Fat That For You

[–]ChiliManiac 10 points11 points  (1 child)

and that was the smoking gun...

[–]KidKanyeTheCreator 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Check your gun privilege, shitlord

[–][deleted]  (137 children)


    [–]cosmonk_[S] 286 points287 points  (16 children)

    I only go there when I need a sandwich


    [–]cluckay 13 points14 points  (3 children)

    inb4 /r/srs

    [–]bamberjean 6 points7 points  (0 children)

    Inb4 r/shitredditsays which is the actual sub. The one you linked is dead. r/shitredditsays is a huge sub that's very active.

    [–]silly_psycho 74 points75 points  (46 children)

    I say a ton of offensive shit, but what got me banned from that sub was saying I couldn't believe any men were against women being able to have their tits out in public.

    The world does not make sense to me.

    [–]Bullshit_To_Go 76 points77 points  (38 children)

    Have you actually observed real people in public? In practice, public nudity would be a fucking horrorshow.

    [–]silly_psycho 75 points76 points  (13 children)

    Busted tits don't bother me any more than a fat dude with no shirt on. Which doesn't bother me at all. Why would I care? People being judgemental douche bags when 90 percent of the time they're fat flabby and pale too annoys the shit out of me, though.

    [–]ohlookahipster 15 points16 points  (2 children)

    The people who take advantage of public nudity are generally the last people you want to see nude.

    Unless you are at a European just anywhere not're going to see a lot of old man balls.

    [–]giantbluegnat 7 points8 points  (1 child)

    From Oregon, see it every goddamn day.

    [–]fedorabro-69 11 points12 points  (1 child)

    I don't think this triggered any feminists, but it certainly seems to have triggered the crowd that enjoys preaching the evil of "le feminists."

    [–]bluntmasterflash 1 point2 points  (0 children)

    Nah, the post will just get deleted.

    [–]ElagabalusRex 75 points76 points  (23 children)

    Feminists aren't the ones who coined the term trigger, nor are they the first to advocate the concept, but I suppose that's none of my business.

    [–]Wet-Goat 41 points42 points  (12 children)

    It's got to a weird point for me, obviously it's just a joke but doesn't it trivialise a rather serious issue? Where I live trigger warnings are shown before movies (Sexual violence, violence, flashing lights etc.) for good reason, I know that from personal experience.

    Obviously there is a group out there which has provoked such a response and I guess the mocking is just towards them but it seems to me that the mocking will inadvertantly affect people with no interest of the politics which seems like a bad thing.

    [–]lamboaccount 14 points15 points  (2 children)

    That sort of thing is covered pretty well in America too. Usually they give a reason for why something is rated what it is. It's honestly really useful and helpful to people who could genuinely be hurt by some of the content. The joke isn't really founded in that principle, though. I don't think people really find it funny if an actual rape victim is genuinely reminded of their traumatic experience even if they think rape jokes can be funny. I think this joke is founded in the fact that a decent portion of the third-wave feminist movement is offended by trivial things and see sexism in non-sexist things and feel that the world should cater to their frankly extremist beliefs. Don't get me wrong, I consider myself a feminist, but many modern feminists have taken the movement from something that strives for equality to something that strives for something else entirely.

    [–][deleted]  (183 children)


      [–]Aurelleah 36 points37 points  (4 children)

      I've come across a few (albeit only a few). More crazy organic vegans telling cancer patients not to take chemo and go on a vegan diet, than crazy feminists

      [–]Rflkt 119 points120 points  (30 children)

      You sure as fuck run into the anti-feminists/MRAs all the time though. You'll find one in like every fucking thread regardless of what it's about.

      [–]wwoodi 17 points18 points  (3 children)

      Pretty ironic how i always see people like yourself calling out MRAs but i never see them too.

      [–]HulaguKan 0 points1 point  (0 children)

      You hang around in the wrong subreddits

      [–]whatthemeh 96 points97 points  (129 children)

      Feminists aren't all the 'trigger variety' if you will...

      It annoys me what the idea of a feminist is now on the internet. People are just determined to see the worst side of it because they are all to happy to let over-vocal idiots misrepresent the basic concepts behind feminism.

      In any case, what you're saying is nothing but mean-spirited, maybe people who are 'triggered' really do go through anguish, even if it's self-induced or in some way dumb. You wouldn't go up to a stranger with issues in the street and start yelling loudly in their face because 'they're shit'.

      [–]dogeatgod888 80 points81 points  (6 children)

      A "trigger" is a PTSD response. It's not specific to survivors of rape or sexual abuse (or "feminists," as this thread is calling them for whatever reason). War vets are easily triggered too.

      [–]GunShow124 52 points53 points  (51 children)

      You know, I think this is the #1 problem with the internet. Because all these various affiliations and groups don't have any sort of cohesion, a couple radical and over-vocal people can ruin the perception of that group very easily. When you start to look at the non-idiots, you begin to see the bigger picture - I myself almost consider myself a feminist, because I know what the reality behind it is.

      Another prime example: I am a religious guy. Born and raised Catholic, and Catholic by choice. What pisses me off more than anything is when people say "I hate religion because it is so intolerant and backwards" when 95% of the Church is tolerant and relatively progressive. It is the 5% of people who go out saying "God hates fags" or "You will go to hell if you aren't abstinent" that ruin our reputation.

      [–]skadooshie 31 points32 points  (5 children)

      This is the only sane comment in this thread. Thanks for making it.

      As a side note, I actually have PTSD and it is pretty insensitive to pretend that "triggering" isn't a real thing. Sure, people have overblown it when they don't have an actual issue, but now the idea of triggering someone with an actual mental problem is a joke. I almost died by drowning and lost my friend. To think that that's funny or trivial to these people is just plain wrong.

      The people in this thread make me sad, because they are as bad (worse?) than the people they dislike, who are simply vocal minorities in a wide open philosophy. Feminism isn't bad, nor are the people these people brand "feminazis" real feminists just as fundamentalists are not real christians.

      [–]shahshahan 27 points28 points  (0 children)

      Because they'd keep shooting themselves in the foot

      [–]Iwannaliveonthemoon 505 points506 points  (45 children)

      Why don't veterans carry handguns?

      Because every night they remember the horrors of war and fear that if they had a gun, they'd turn it on themselves.

      [–]cosmonk_[S] 298 points299 points  (12 children)

      [–]undershade 19 points20 points  (2 children)

      90% of the posts in there aren't real anti jokes, they are just way too forced. "I'll make punchline something really morbid! That's a good anti joke!"

      [–]trpftw 50 points51 points  (7 children)

      Oh they have a whole subreddit for jokes that aren't funny?

      [–]squeeshka 59 points60 points  (17 children)

      Most war veterans I know carry guns every day.

      [–]Jackthejew 28 points29 points  (0 children)

      Most chickens I know don't cross roads

      [–]Iwannaliveonthemoon 87 points88 points  (10 children)

      Yes amazingly I'm aware that many combat veterans carry, it's not like I posted it in a thread on /r/jokes or anything.

      [–]squeeshka 42 points43 points  (9 children)

      Your reaction to my post triggers me. I demand that you delete it immediately and post a public apology.

      [–]Patagonad 17 points18 points  (7 children)

      Yeah! Down with the triggers! We should like... hang all of the triggers in trees or something!

      [–]-Themis- 3 points4 points  (0 children)

      Most veterans I know that suffer from severe PTSD cannot handle loud noises, and certainly wouldn't carry weapons every day. Luckily the majority of veterans don't have severe PTSD.

      [–]Iwannaliveonthemoon 8 points9 points  (2 children)


      [–]reliant_Kryptonite 2 points3 points  (1 child)

      Kenny Login's is better

      [–]Nole_in_ATX 3 points4 points  (0 children)

      OP went to the danger zone.

      [–]TooSunny 6 points7 points  (0 children)

      Also, veterans have a hard enough time holding down a civilian job. They don't need one more thing that might get them fired.

      [–]askmeifimacop 18 points19 points  (3 children)

      I triggered a gun the other day. It went off on me

      [–]emersonic420 5 points6 points  (0 children)

      Jesus christ is my trigga

      [–]MrRobinGoodfellow 5 points6 points  (0 children)

      It appears any mention of feminism in any context on reddit starts a huge arguement.

      Captain Obvious will now leave the thread....

      [–]El_Raro 71 points72 points  (1 child)

      Triggered so hard gotta do some triggernomerty.

      [–]Albacorewing 3 points4 points  (0 children)

      Feminists hate to fondle guns.

      [–]Conservativeoxen 89 points90 points  (11 children)

      Don't apologize. It's a joke.

      [–]Dilsnoofus 46 points47 points  (8 children)

      This is reddit. It's obligatory to apologize any time you say something bad about le girls.

      [–]3nterShift 48 points49 points  (3 children)

      [trumpets heralding the arrival of the valiant White Knights]

      [–]crazypond 26 points27 points  (2 children)

      chivalry intensifies

      [–]futafan 2 points3 points  (1 child)

      fedora tipping intensifies

      [–]DerangedDesperado 1 point2 points  (0 children)

      I thought three apology was part of the joke lol

      [–][deleted]  (53 children)


        [–]Marianandthebouquets 44 points45 points  (2 children)

        I guess they will never lighten up hehehe

        [–]_jesus_jh 16 points17 points  (1 child)


        1 to change it and two to complain that the socket is getting violated

        [–]AwhCumBuckets 8 points9 points  (0 children)

        The first feminist stops screwing the lightbulb in halfway, then they all start screaming rape for the next hour.

        [–]Phukarma 26 points27 points  (10 children)

        Feminists aren't women.

        [–]account1248 237 points238 points  (33 children)

        I upvoted you for a good joke. I then took the upvote away for your unnecessary apology.

        [–]nivekpsycic 61 points62 points  (6 children)

        Apologies trigger me.

        [–]MrFurrberry 39 points40 points  (16 children)

        i don't normally upvote, but I did because of your comment.

        Because it was grate.

        [–]cosmonk_[S] 100 points101 points  (3 children)

        You're oppressing him

        [–]ardorseraphim 52 points53 points  (23 children)

        Wanna hear a joke? Feminism.

        [–]cantpissoffmods 2 points3 points  (0 children)

        Dont say your sorry. It ruins jokes.

        [–]Rhllorlightoflord 107 points108 points  (73 children)

        Haha I'm so sick of hearing about peoples triggers. Get over it and deal with it like a fucking adult.

        [–]Rosensae 128 points129 points  (30 children)

        Well legitimate triggers such as for ptsd and sexual assault are different and actually should be taken into account. But I agree useless ones like on tumblr should be stopped.

        [–]ZDTreefur 99 points100 points  (22 children)

        But it's ultimately up to the responsibility of the person with a legitimate trigger to avoid them. We can't as a society create a healthy environment where literally anything potentially or predicted to be "triggering" to somebody somewhere about something is censored. It sucks if they do have PTSD, and on an individual basis family and friends can help them out of situations that trigger, but society can't be responsible for that. There is too much variation and possibilities.

        Not to mention that people are tired of hearing all the crap about illegitimate triggers, where twitter triggered a person apparently.

        [–]_Fallout_ 33 points34 points  (9 children)

        No one wants to put a "trigger" warning on every single item, event, or conversation. It's impractical and defeats the entire purpose of a warning.

        Trigger warnings are used for things which have been widely shown to be a common denominator for triggering panic from PTSD or sexual assault. Sometimes if a scene will randomly have someone's head blown off, veterans with PTSD could be triggered into a state of panic, so it's useful to give a warning before a video or film saying it might trigger PTSD.

        This is totally reasonable and has been blown way out of proportion by a very small but vocal minority of arm chair psychologists and more commonly by circle jerking and complaining about those arm chair psychologists.

        In real life, trigger warnings are taken seriously and helpful, unlike on reddit and other parts of the Internet.

        [–]echaa 24 points25 points  (3 children)

        Aside from a generic "graphic content: viewer discretion advised" message on a tv show/documentary, I've never seen anything even remotely close to a "trigger warning" in real life.

        [–]Calistilaigh 4 points5 points  (0 children)

        I've seen epilepsy warnings on things. I guess that could count.

        [–]lowkeyoh 2 points3 points  (0 children)

        The MPAA and ESRB both have systems where they tell you how the content being reviewed got the rating it did.

        [–]star_gourd 9 points10 points  (0 children)

        Some people have serious psychiatric or medical conditions that can be triggered by certain stimuli. These people, especially if they're really sensitive such as with PTSD, some types of epilepsy, or severe allergic reactions, ought to be given courtesy and consideration in public places that might trigger symptoms. If it's just uncomfortable feelings though and not a serious episode of a real mental illness, then I agree, either suck it up or leave the place that's giving you the issue, don't make it everyone else's problem.

        [–]Marianandthebouquets 12 points13 points  (4 children)

        what if they're actually youngsters though

        [–]UnknownCivilian 9 points10 points  (2 children)

        It looks like we have a Canadian posting this.. apologizing and shit

        [–]J-Unleashed 96 points97 points  (53 children)

        They don't need to carry handguns, because they should be carrying bottles of Windex.

        [–]aspmaster 29 points30 points  (0 children)

        i guess if i can't break the glass ceiling i might as well make it a little more shiny

        [–]RedeemingVices 12 points13 points  (2 children)

        Very seriously: Don't apologize for this. It's a joke in a joke forum. Anyone offended by this is just an overly sensitive asshole hanging out in the wrong sub. Do not coddle the sissies.

        [–]Lethn 5 points6 points  (1 child)

        These people aren't sissies, they're manipulative assholes, genuinely sensitive people wouldn't hang around these parts of the internet to begin with.

        By the way you're insulting sissies and I find that offensive :P

        [–]SirDeniz 20 points21 points  (74 children)

        I don't understand?

        [–]theOpressor 42 points43 points  (6 children)

        "Trauma triggers" is a psychological term that has been bastardized recently. They're certain kind of stimuli that bring about serious and uncontrollable emotional reactions in individuals with a history of trauma, particularly those suffering from PTSD. To be subject to trigger warnings just is a sign of mental unhealth, which is why traditionally therapy has been to heal trauma victims by controlled exposure to triggers, and not mere avoidance. Trigger warnings are designed to help those especially vulnerable to certain stimuli avoid them in general while, ideally at the same time, learning to cope with them through controlled exposure in counseling. A rape survivor, for example, taking a college course in philosophy on Sexuality or Love and the like, might wish to excuse him or herself when a discussion of consent arises because s/he only feels comfortable discussing anything related to sexual violence or violation with his or her therapist while s/he works through his or her issues. A trigger warning might not be necessary though, as a glance through the syllabus would surely suffice. That being said, the trigger warning in this case is not the responsibility of the educator, however, but the victim, in so far as s/he is responsible for warning the educator about what triggers him or her. The bastardized use flips the responsibility: educators are responsible for warning all students---victim or not, known or unknown---about potentially triggering material.

        The problem with this usage is that it becomes flippant for two reasons: 1) when the desire for a trigger warning is not made for medical reasons, but for fear of emotional discomfort (perhaps of the sort people feel when watching an extremely uncomfortable scene in The Office, or a horror movie) and 2) when the demands of trigger warnings make unreasonable demands upon educators and content providers rather than the victim.

        The first problem is just a case of a slippery slope. If a non-rape victim takes the same course described above, but has particularly strong feelings about the topic of rape to the point that s/he considers reasoned disagreement about consent to be something so abhorrent and morally reprehensible that she feels physically upset by the discussion, then s/he might feel entitled to claim, on the grounds of emotional distress, that s/he has been "triggered." Is her claim to "emotional distress" as strong as the actual rape victim's? Some people say yes, some people say no. There are clear cases and there are unclear cases, and we have to decide as a society how uncomfortable we have to warn people they might become upon entering certain discussions and environments. When the slope has been gone down even further though, and cases of desiring "trigger warnings" are even more frivolous, lots of people end up feeling that it has been fully misused, bastardized, and trivialized. Hence, the joke above.

        The second problem concerns the demands that frivolous trigger warnings puts on others. You could do things one of two ways for that class: either a student who is a rape victim or is especially affected by language of sexual violence (putting aside the question of why s/he would be in the class in the first place) should warn the professor of his or her condition, and arrange some kind of alternate form of assessment, or whatever arrangement the two parties agree on. The second way of doing things is for the professor to elaborately warn all students about "potentially triggering" material with "trigger warnings," wholly unaware of who in the class would actually be affected by it. The first way, I think, is ideal, and shows maturity and judgment on the part of the student. The second is useful as well, at least for gratuitously disturbing material. A professor of mine, for example, showed a horror movie in class, and warned us all and very understandingly explained, "if you don't like or can't handle horror movies---which is totally fine---you don't have to come to these lessons and you can do this alternative assignment instead." To me, that's not really a "trigger warning"---since it's not in a psychological context---but it's certainly a disclaimer, and those are entirely appropriate in like circumstances.

        The flip-side is when people are wholly aware of the content and demand to then be warned about it. Recall the recent incident with Christina Hoff-Sommers speaking at Georgetown University. There, a popular feminist scholar with decidedly unpopular opinions among many feminists was demanded by students to issue "trigger warnings" for her talk, entitled "What's Right (and wrong) with Feminism." Again, everybody knows what this woman believes already, but some students insisted that she add a "trigger warning"---really a "disclaimer"---claiming that her lecture might potentially upset some students. This gratuitous use of trigger warnings exemplifies both problems I mentioned: the slippery slope and the unreasonable demands on others. On the one hand, exposure to opinions you don't find appealing is why you should be in college in the first place, especially a top liberal arts college. Merely finding some opinion "unsavory" shouldn't be grounds for avoidance. Much less, on the other hand, should it be grounds for having those who you disagree with---without having heard the actual arguments for the opposing position---warn you that you "might be disagreed with," which is the only purpose the trigger warning of Hoff-Sommer's talk would have served.

        tl;dr - it's complicated. there are reasonable uses and there are gratuitous uses. there are confusions about what emotions and opinions ought to be respected or discounted. there are confusions about what demands to put on individuals and institutions. My personal opinion: educational institutions would be better off if people didn't use it so much, and the responsibility shifted more to the students.

        [–]Lucky1291 3 points4 points  (1 child)

        That was a very well thought out comment and I enjoyed reading it.

        [–]theOpressor 2 points3 points  (0 children)


        [–]taishidaioh 2 points3 points  (0 children)

        I feel like this is a copypasta that needs to be used everytime someone misuses "trigger".

        [–]pm_me_ur_trump 119 points120 points  (45 children)

        Apparently triggered is something that feminists say, but to be honest the only time I've ever heard it is when people are circlejerking epic memes. Never seen it used in a serious context.

        [–]PatronisingBastard 74 points75 points  (12 children)

        Typically, the term "trigger" is used to identify something that would induce a panic attack or flashbacks upon someone who suffers from "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder"(PTSD).

        It's unfortunately a term overused, or unjustified, in some communities. On Reddit, the best known example of this would be some of the louder communities of Tumblr, who often use the term "trigger". Although, it is believed that many do not suffer from PTSD, but instead use it as an exaggeration of how strongly the subject would make them react.

        [–]eagleblast 7 points8 points  (0 children)

        It's also used in a lot of "niche" communities. In RP games for example, it can be used to define the topics or scenarios that different players feel uncomfortable with.

        [–]loljetfuel 17 points18 points  (0 children)

        It's a legitimate psychological term that has been corrupted by a handful of very angsty (mostly very, very young) "activists".

        A 'trigger' is a stimulus -- a loud noise, a topic of conversation, flashing lights, smells, whatever -- that causes an extreme and involuntary anxiety reaction. If you are being treated for anxiety disorders (especially PTSD), part of that is learning what your triggers are and how to anticipate and avoid them as much as possible. (And eventually, hopefully, deal with root causes so they stop being triggers!).

        So to 'be triggered' is to react to a trigger.

        A few people with good intentions explained this idea and put it in the context of "hey, violence against women is depressingly common; maybe if you're going to write about it, make videos about it, or whatever, you should warn people." The idea was much like the TV "this may contain disturbing scenes" warnings, but more specific (like: "this story contains graphic rape"). Many people felt doing this would be a form of self-censorship.

        Then a vicious circle started happening, and I'm not sure who "shot first" as it were: certain over-sensitive wanna-be activists started using "triggered" when they meant "bothered/upset", and people caricatured the concept in jokes and memes. These feed back into each other.

        And unfortunately, that's made any conversation about actual anxiety triggers nearly impossible to have.

        [–]GetMeOffReddit 8 points9 points  (4 children)

        Trigger Warnings, a book by Neil Gaiman. Award winning author. In the intro of this book he discusses his conflict with Trigger Warnings and states, clearly, that the book has many trigger warnings and lables them out for his readers.

        If this term has no clout, no backing, and is only used in jest and insult then why the hell is a world famous writer's book published with that title and intent? Did he read all the circle jerks and misunderstand? Somehow I doubt that he's a regular redditor.

        If that kind of term has hit book store shelves, which it has, from that kind of author with that much clout, then you can't really claim that it's something that doesn't get said.

        [–]-Themis- 1 point2 points  (2 children)

        Triggers (aka trauma triggers or trauma reminders) are a recognized psychological phenomenon. The thing that only appears to happen on reddit circle jerk mode is people being triggered by bullshit without actual trauma history.

        [–]sanchopancho13 33 points34 points  (16 children)

        I don't need much of an excuse to post the Social Justice Kittens. They're just so adorably angry!

        [–]I3lizzard 28 points29 points  (6 children)

        This has to be a joke, right?

        I mean what does it say about your movement when you are literally indistinguishable from the trolls?

        [–]sanchopancho13 27 points28 points  (0 children)

        Yes, it's a satire calendar from LiarTownUSA. The other content on that site is pretty funny, but the SJW kittens are my all time favorite.

        [–]ld987 4 points5 points  (0 children)

        It says nothing. Poe's law can be applied to any kind of extremism, and any belief set will have extremists.

        [–]alanwatttts 6 points7 points  (2 children)

        I think the problem was the "movement" was started by SA trolls in the first place and somewhere along the line women took it seriously

        [–]fiddyfiddy_throwaway 3 points4 points  (0 children)

        Yeah, LiarTownUSA is a brilliant Tumblr focused on satire. Check out their series on fake subtitles from Law and Order:

        (There are two other parts to the law and order series)

        [–]FearItseIf 1 point2 points  (0 children)

        Can you buy these? My friend would love it

        [–]Dwight--Schrute 64 points65 points  (23 children)

        What's the difference between a suicide bomber and a feminist?

        Answer: One's pulling the trigger and one's being triggered.

        Edit: Some of you don't get it. It's ok. At least I upset you with my shitty joke.

        [–]Brade_Runnah 37 points38 points  (1 child)

        I don't even care how edgy this is, it's just an awful joke

        [–]iamdrizzlybear 6 points7 points  (1 child)

        Best comment in the 'controversial' section IMO

        [–]Random_Link_Roulette 22 points23 points  (0 children)

        honestly, If I saw a rad fem with a gun I would not even get close to them... I mean... you as a male just have to walk past them on a public street to be found guilty in their minds of "raping them violently"

        [–]Bentlow 45 points46 points  (9 children)

        Don't give them ideas, next thing you know they will shoot people for having the audacity to ask for their number.

        [–]King_Big_Dick 111 points112 points  (5 children)


        [–]surprised-duncan 8 points9 points  (0 children)

        This is what I imagine they're like out in the wild

        [–]Skylinerr 2 points3 points  (0 children)

        implying you'd ever want a hambeast feminist's number

        [–]veyron3003 2 points3 points  (0 children)

        Impossible, as a magazine entering a pistol is "rape" in its self. THe magazine never asked for permission.

        [–]jb_in_jpn 22 points23 points  (3 children)

        Why would they be carrying a gun in the kitchen anyway?

        [–]hosieryadvocate 4 points5 points  (1 child)

        Their husbands might rape them.

        [–]jb_in_jpn 3 points4 points  (0 children)


        [–]Mij97 16 points17 points  (2 children)

        I find it reassuring to see modern feminism mocked on most posts on Reddit (as it deserves to be). I get worried that someone will take them seriously one day

        [–]Slenderauss 4 points5 points  (0 children)

        Comment graveyard, leave now.

        [–]togglebeast 7 points8 points  (2 children)

        Because they are professional victims who take no responsibility for their choices and circumstances, preferring to blame others (men) and whine about special laws and rules to their benefit, calling that equal rights, though it has NO bearing on equality, since their gripe is delusional at best (if not outright fraud). Same with the professional victims who blame white people for their stupid choices in their stupid lives having stupid outcomes and consequences. Straight outta Compton....Like white people forced the hellish environment those miscreants created for themselves on them. Sheesh. This is the way of the parasite. If anything feminists are the enabler/nurturers of the parasitic hordes so prevelant today. Why take responsibility for your lives when you can blame others and get some candy brained jury to award you "damages"?

        [–]NotTastic 130 points131 points  (25 children)

        Men have trigger fingers and women have sandwich makers its just how it is.

        [–]CavalierEternals 14 points15 points  (1 child)

        Offense is taken, not given.

        [–]I_smell_like_bacon 34 points35 points  (15 children)

        ITT: triggered feminists

        [–]Unterbaum 32 points33 points  (2 children)

        Except not at all...

        [–]wwoodi 1 point2 points  (1 child)

        We have a bunch of people trying to claim this was the work of MRA/Anti feminism people while getting angry at everyone.

        [–]mi4san 2 points3 points  (0 children)

        Shots fired.

        [–]Kashou_ 2 points3 points  (0 children)

        Literally a death threat. Call kotaku.

        [–]JRainers 1 point2 points  (2 children)

        I'm sorry but I've completely missed the whole "triggers" thing. Can someone enlighten me as to what triggers means in this context?

        [–]surfANDmusic 1 point2 points  (2 children)

        I might have aspergers. Can someone explain the joke to me?

        [–]Goldilocks420 1 point2 points  (0 children)

        *special snowflakes

        [–]EbilSmurfs 1 point2 points  (0 children)

        Is this where I point out the RAF and how Ulrike Meinhof was a feminist AND violent extremist so that OP's joke falls flat on facts?

        [–]Gravity_Check 1 point2 points  (0 children)

        I came expecting something dumb. I can't tell whether I'm disappointed or not.